Wednesday pairs 26 Dec 2007.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 8  Magnus Lindkvist & Per-Ake Roskvist 203 off 28 boards60.41  
2nd 3  Gun & Lennart Karlsson 200 off 28 boards59.52  
3rd 7  Jan V Koss & Kaare Kristiansen 192 off 28 boards57.14  
4th 1  Bob Pelletier & Royd Laidlow 178 off 28 boards52.97  
5th 5  Eileen & Margit 164 off 28 boards48.80  
6th 2  Anila Bamal & Marietta Andree 163 off 28 boards48.51  
7th 6  Phil Lovell & Tomas Wikman 143 off 28 boards42.55  
8th 4  Anne Nilsson & Frode Austad 101 off 28 boards30.05  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 6  Gerard Hardy & Derek Tyms 194 off 28 boards57.73  
2nd 3  Mieke Hanegraaf & Harry Otten 187 off 28 boards55.65  
3rd 1  Agne & Brigitta Strongvist 182 off 28 boards54.16  
4th 7  Dave Cutler & Terry Quested 176 off 28 boards52.38  
5th 5  Kenneth Johansson & Ursula Lehner 163 off 28 boards48.51  
6th 8  Lars Gustafsson & Knud Andreason 155 off 28 boards46.13  
7th 2  Tomas Wikman & Lars 151 off 28 boards44.94  
8th 4  John Fishback & Linda Lyen 136 off 28 boards40.47  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    08811135290412122441265712812211210
34277    13126911125651091298012712012694
420726825    3114900020512200389100
51161113012916010    1157085101247036934
61112123451260943445    4019273394610
77107712201118512624965126    10788212310
87812288596109012710121154910915    2994
2    124411147031071783127010510446398
3101110    119060520121212108108385129101102
4810550101211    91836250472050403862
552556410762312    175128067105990638
610125104473116122125811    8121130501210092
75401091203601049887100108    25443111212
816111202761238312811670603412    10338

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.