Friday Pairs 28 Jan 2007.

Well done Dave (and Jan's ex-partner, Royd!). It looks like we have a worthy winner of the Gold Cup.
With just one game to go it's virtually impossible for Jan in partnership with any professional to catch up.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 3  Gun & Lennart Karlsson 215 off 27 boards56.87  
2nd 7  Bob Pelletier & Jo Nonnemaker 210 off 27 boards55.55  
3rd 9  Magnus Lindkvist & Per-Ake Roskvist 196 off 27 boards51.85  
4th 6  Anila Bahal & Marietta Andree 194 off 27 boards51.32  
5th 1  Lis & Finn 186 off 27 boards49.20  
6th 8  Tom Grovslein & Lars Falch 179 off 27 boards47.35  
7th 5  Frode Austad & Robbie Georges 173 off 27 boards45.76  
8th 2  Irma & Irene 159 off 27 boards42.06  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 6  Dave Cutler & Royd Laidlow 213 off 24 boards63.39  
2nd 8  Paul Savelkral & Ursula Lehner 191 off 24 boards56.84  
3rd 7  Alan Purdy & Geo Tislevole 184 off 24 boards54.76  
4th 4  Jan V Koss & Kaare Kristiansen 170 off 24 boards50.59  
5th 3  Gene Moats & Knud Andreason 165 off 24 boards49.10  
6th 9  Rob & Walter Grisdale 154 off 24 boards45.83  
7th 1  Harvey Samuel & Paul Scully 152 off 24 boards45.23  
8th 2  Janne & Margit 149 off 24 boards44.34  
9th 5  Anna & Philip 134 off 24 boards39.88  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
EW118458812141028125132210   3893104
2120100022568791413   1197108210130
351481832609012   0101061371014012411
41281213214762   910710314673813346
5882188   28708772609010846132
651214   211891414957710146137100138411
7   81412711513219112132101121402614411
9144813831401313844141360207   0411

Movement: 9 Table Mitchell

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.