Pairs Result - Monday 2 Apr 2007.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 6  Jeremy Watson & Paul Savelkral 220.3 off 28 boards65.57  
2nd 7  Bob Pelletier & Mike Guin 186.8 off 28 boards55.60  
3rd 1  Ivy Schlagetter & Wolfgang Foitik 179.3 off 28 boards53.37  
4th 2   Phil Lovell & Tomas Wikman 174.3 off 28 boards 51.88  
5th 3   Hugh Spring & Sally Watson 152.8 off 28 boards 45.48  
6th 4   Chris De Groot & Sean O Hara 148.5 off 28 boards 44.19  
7th 5   Gene Moats & Paul Scully 106.8 off 28 boards 31.79  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 3  Kjell Nygren & Tyrone Milton 207 off 27 boards63.88  
2nd 7  Harry Otten & Paul Wijnbergen 196.5 off 27 boards60.64  
3rd 6  Barbara & Bev Estes 184.3 off 27 boards56.89  
4th 4  Jan V Koss & Richard Mullins 177.2 off 28 boards52.72  
5th 2  Dave Cutler & Kenneth Johansson 150.5 off 27 boards46.45  
6th 5  John Fishback & Linda Lyen 147.5 off 27 boards45.52  
7th 8  Mike & Angela Poustie 146.7 off 27 boards45.26  
8th 1  Cheryl & Don Mackenzie 92.3 off 27 boards28.49  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    9668.35101211.86079.54440.270310.710106463011.8
37800.2    5011.39742.5241111.812792.510062610122.5
47624.8910101.3    1700.26843.717910.7451270354.8
50362.51018.310751.3    0049.51736.0010006357.2
6100127.2112108.31012108.3127124.8    7790.241061061059.5
741199.554101.32784.89121011.88407.2    10261263100.2
8239 581 1035 422 11108 779     12105 
EW10180.211023.77200.23020.210810.2553 8705    
2    3663.710547.23589.5124 11531.387656974.8
321204.8    7121110.781010 6488.355126.0122121269120.2
4541211.878210.7    1151211.81018.311596.022686272.5
58132.532210.7297     121282.551291.382626209.5
656107.27411 25710.711554.8    55311.821261069211.8
71093 1112113.7129113.70507.288811.8    2106012977.2
812969.501083.72023.761252.548124.80539.5    027 

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.