Pairs Result - Wednesday 3 Jan 2007.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 4  Douwe Bosma & Jacques V Alpen 188 off 28 boards55.95  
2nd 7  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 181 off 28 boards53.86  
3rd 1  Sally Watson & Hugh Spring 179 off 28 boards53.27  
4th 3  Bob Pelletier & Mike Guin 173 off 28 boards51.48  
5th 8  Kenneth Johansson & Per-Ake Roskvist 170 off 28 boards50.59  
6th 2  Harry Otten & Paul Wijnbergen 163 off 28 boards48.51  
7th 5  Phil Lovell & Tomas Wikman 160 off 28 boards47.61  
8th 6  Eileen & Margit 130 off 28 boards38.69  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st=2  Britta Borg & Terry Quested 195 off 28 boards58.03  
8  Ase Bjornstad & Ole 195 off 28 boards58.03  
3rd 3  Gunnar Barthel & Lars Gustafsson 180 off 28 boards53.57  
4th 5  Ursula Lehnert & Paul Scully 175 off 28 boards52.08  
5th 7  Gun & Lennart Karlsson 174 off 28 boards51.78  
6th 4  Lis & Finn 143 off 28 boards42.55  
7th=1  Ken Judson & Royd Laidlow 141 off 28 boards41.96  
6  Bjorn Liberson & Knud Andreasen 141 off 28 boards41.96  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    18090412031000110119710012012101252105
3801212    1174330115610821261081026401030
410810442102    1046923312212124881085839
543101210122412812    2123510438221045532
628626128622480222    013048310100109
76381084296010377412113110    122045121012
808181065287481278587357862    12535
2    11412361229912174597100086491277910
3104610    15890547109908114410102871027
44120048103    28631059328941202021223
569428102104584    10097521208492122912
624282671080405013    1211912210687020
712411402010121241210101011213    0101287493
8891112111270101084921212191120624    0797

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.