Pairs Results Friday 19 Dec 2008.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 8  Gun & Lennart Karlsson 179.8 off 28 boards53.52  
2nd 7  Hans Vikman & Sally Watson 179.2 off 28 boards53.32  
3rd 4  Lewis Berg & Paul Quodomine 179 off 28 boards53.27  
4th 3  Bob Short & Johan Bratsberg 177.8 off 28 boards52.92  
5th 5  Janne Roos & Lars Broman 170.3 off 28 boards50.69  
6th 2  Roge Alander & Terje Shiaran 156.7 off 27 boards48.35  
7th 6  Frode Austad & Ursula Lehner 151.5 off 27 boards46.75  
8th 1  Harry Woodward & Jean-Claude Barret 137.7 off 28 boards40.97  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 2  Alan Klist & Michael Sarriab 204.8 off 28 boards60.96  
2nd 7  Bengt Malmgrem & Jeremy Watson 200.2 off 28 boards59.57  
3rd 5  Otter & Ole K 182.5 off 27 boards56.32  
4th 3  Dave Cutler & Royd Laidlow 174.5 off 28 boards51.93  
5th 6  Michel Lefebre & Michel Plattier 158.8 off 28 boards47.27  
6th 8  Ivy Schlageter & Terry Quested 155 off 28 boards46.13  
7th 4  Ian Wheeldon & Gene Moats 144.3 off 28 boards42.95  
8th 1  Bob & Judy Gardham 111.8 off 27 boards34.51  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    0303.76255128486524 7721171221112120
39628    125122465121012811.8777810607055
43211122329.5    0121210681042.507711122120955
536281012811.8101055    65242.5712720863555
690637104 12101096122    2.5211227487555
7912237387.28212210109126170    22010119510
896110123123.74105966900122117.21217    32512
EW112244528 61077223002044.8011510100    
2    129128.3410010108671201019.5125568289777
331269    1110706631264282.5551210124610012
4361045944.8    12002611519.5505150105777
530109109102.58273    67108 55101058451277
6910100908.32277611127    9.510110426121372
7361122040.21161212611101067108    101012212377
89610484411.8022304846115120.2555    91070

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.