Pairs Results Monday 22 Dec 2008.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 6  Lars Broman & Lars Gustafsson 257 off 27 boards59.49  
2nd 9  Jeremy & Sally Watson 256 off 27 boards59.25  
3rd 8  Johan Bratsburg & Frode Austad 241 off 27 boards55.78  
4th 10  Janne Roos & Hans Vikman 237 off 27 boards54.86  
5th 1  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 213 off 27 boards49.30  
6th=3  Guttorm Lonberg & Tomas Wikman 203 off 27 boards46.99  
7  Ian Barnes & Per Anderson 203 off 27 boards46.99  
8th 4  Lewis Berg & Paul Quodomine 198 off 27 boards45.83  
9th 5  Kenneth Johansson & Ursula Lehner 193 off 27 boards44.67  
10th 2  Marlanne & Per Arvidsson 159 off 27 boards36.80  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 3  Tommy & Petter 282 off 27 boards65.27  
2nd 10  Dave Cutler & Robbie Georges 271 off 27 boards62.73  
3rd=2  Alan Purdy & Arnt Blix 219 off 27 boards50.69  
8  Derek Tyms & Gerard Hardy 219 off 27 boards50.69  
5th 5  Gun & Lennart Karlsson 213 off 27 boards49.30  
6th 6  Bob Short & Hans Kaechele 204 off 27 boards47.22  
7th=1  Agne & Brigitta Strongvist 195 off 27 boards45.13  
4  Lars Falch & Svein Hildremyr 195 off 27 boards45.13  
9th 7  Ivy Schlageter & Terry Quested 183 off 27 boards42.36  
10th 9  Harry Woodward & Linda Lyen 179 off 27 boards41.43  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
2   115850640810410721218216095414800
321211   1612127348122161786148913073109
416611404   47150114751271516113155102332
56911111321362   71420678412545101113714
6004813158104121512   151261515147131213421639
764111658136012737117   1288713113420154
862214131510139127626162516   71360141113129
912140058161614012016150118121012   13161681516
101416645125131612151512152111217201215   879
2   5118637491301169114914164111211690137
310125   15104164161615254159812911153121481616
41445231   129141141416101869341112216112
5101414121612002   9151214101120167312141367
601051611831014411   14101581493153169347
7421653141130414259   4882871625131314
81075121148612121469599144   931011614810
920108311514749136126141109810   300392
101616121231631016121681410014015151641531   897

Movement: 10 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.