Friday pairs results 29 Feb 2008.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 5  Bill Peters & Jean-Charles 207.5 off 28 boards61.75  
2nd 1  Bob Pelletier & Jo Nonnemaker 201.8 off 28 boards60.06  
3rd 4  Irene & Maud 179.2 off 28 boards53.32  
4th 2  Ivy Schlageter & Wolfgang Foitik 166.8 off 28 boards49.65  
5th 8  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 160.8 off 28 boards47.86  
6th 6  Olefur & Olefur 154.8 off 28 boards46.08  
7th 7  Claudia & Tony Chauvea 138 off 28 boards41.07  
8th 3  John Mac Intyre & Ursula Lehner 129 off 27 boards39.81  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 3  Dave Cutler & Margit 201.2 off 28 boards59.87  
2nd 1  Hans Vikman & Lars Gustafsson 195.2 off 28 boards58.08  
3rd 6  Kaiur & Unreadable Name 188.2 off 28 boards56.00  
4th 8  Holger Renken & Jan V Koss 170 off 27 boards52.46  
5th 5  Ken Judson & Richard Mullins 157.2 off 28 boards46.77  
6th 2  John Pugh & Linda Williams 153.8 off 28 boards45.78  
7th 7  Britta Borg & Terry Quested 149 off 28 boards44.34  
8th 4  Anne & Ken H 123.5 off 28 boards36.75  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    126224411410210732666274.86128846120
327410    042481010103268804 0100011105
410710486212    312512820312700.21112812688
512210081224411212    361211101279.511483111812
6704822889824126100    0724.8288892410
77124400884117030073860    618129622
8271044688120710045311102337114.8    6085
2    06101081512422212109051211.8664911140
351284    128108128794101299510.2184986012
410582121244    907010212052.5604431082
550884610001252    960161057.210444111127
6252886448110064109    125107.21221212361010
7105284010838140621291066    611400644
8010212420123410821025946124128     61247

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.