Pairs Results Wednesday 25 Feb 2009.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 5  Bengt Malmgrem & Dave Cutler 198 off 28 boards58.92  
2nd 7  Alain Frere & Jean-Charles 193 off 28 boards57.44  
3rd 8  Knud Andreason & Phil Lovell 184 off 28 boards54.76  
4th 4  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 160 off 28 boards47.61  
5th 3  Malcolm Schofield & Richard Mullins 159 off 28 boards47.32  
6th 6  John Mac Intyre & Ursula Lehner 156 off 28 boards46.42  
7th 2  Svein Hildremyr & Tobjorn Solem 154 off 28 boards45.83  
8th 1  Don & Cheryl Mackenzie 140 off 28 boards41.66  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 4  Dave Hurst & Per Andersson 191 off 28 boards56.84  
2nd 7  Bob Pelletier & Nick Peck 190 off 28 boards56.54  
3rd 3  Paul Quodomine & Terry Quested 173 off 28 boards51.48  
4th 6  Janne Roos & Eddie Richart 172 off 28 boards51.19  
5th=1  Ivy Schlageter & Royd Laidlow 170 off 28 boards50.59  
2  Bob Short & Johan Bratsberg 170 off 28 boards50.59  
7th 8  Georges & Jacky 152 off 28 boards45.23  
8th 5  Margit & Ulla 126 off 28 boards37.50  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    2712374521011967041210122310526255
362210    7852431673790126012012868112
4010010911812    431043121105612060412818
5111012100320210012    10979105689491068511
62664121149211160346    406498566885
76210647831212524891019109    61291260110
81110406089106591011921292465610    08111
2    10509007108911603108276091010126471
310668    54710213108901127126383261077
46101028549    8911121131232764927106447
56102631402673    2353102010347664110
6122122612431021202930    8126801204612112
712812129101210111312986512811    603004114
8120239126101116213611323120612    124111

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.