Wednesday Pairs Results 4 Nov 2009.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st=7  Jean Wissing & Lars Broman 240 off 27 boards55.55  
10  Richard Mullins & Tomas Wikman 240 off 27 boards55.55  
3rd 8  Bob Pelletier & Werner 239 off 27 boards55.32  
4th 4  Frode Austad & Robbie Georges 232 off 27 boards53.70  
5th=2  Ian Barnes & Sally Watson 222 off 27 boards51.38  
3  Paul Quodomine & Terry Quested 222 off 27 boards51.38  
7th 6  Jean-Charles & Michel Lefebre 207 off 27 boards47.91  
8th 5  Keith Waring & Knud Andreason 202 off 27 boards46.75  
9th 9  Johan Bratsberg & Tom Grovslein 190 off 27 boards43.98  
10th 1  Ian Wheeldon & Paul Scully 166 off 27 boards38.42  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 5  Janne Roos & Per Anderson 306 off 27 boards70.83  
2nd=6  Jan V Koss & Sigurd Zahl 228 off 27 boards52.77  
10  Hans Vikman & Royd Laidlow 228 off 27 boards52.77  
4th 4  Dave Hurst & Tony Chamberlain 213 off 27 boards49.30  
5th 1  George Grossman & Peter Gibson 207 off 27 boards47.91  
6th=2  John Bartlett & Kenneth Johansson 202 off 27 boards46.75  
9  Agne & Brigitta Strongvist 202 off 27 boards46.75  
8th 7  Guttorm Lonberg & Ivy Schlageter 199 off 27 boards46.06  
9th 3  Terje Loee & Val Bridges 189 off 27 boards43.75  
10th 8  Derek Tyms & Gerard Hardy 186 off 27 boards43.05  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
2   141614156106104130810961666104055401510
39411   1591413154676101466126264101147110
4910162011   8104167146213661313134101441560
53121486119010   62441416666784142415110
6136316416113161154   1926600131416810383
7314781189911341661311   141567138501631010
838381134210131012137014213   1321110161371516
9161611020141401210131612106016   2114101210
10132081169136141211611161466156161316   1243
2   202121463112630101431011098121611313813
31329   172121640920210101010121650861616
471258513   8612150512201010316321111121366
51381314165151215   1014126101610101661216111609156
6760161416716615124   15714010109386512910
7005810573101511215914   211014101260311016
81342851015303121210356710   31456212646
9314160120701231203168214310410   145121156
1031013851377151061239166210101603312   41213

Movement: 10 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.