Pairs Results Monday 5 Jan 2009.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 3  Bob Short & Lars Gustafsson 211.7 off 28 boards62.99  
2nd 7  Jeremy & Sally Watson 198.8 off 28 boards59.17  
3rd 1  Einar Groennevik & Kjell Gaarder 197.7 off 28 boards58.82  
4th 8  Arnawood Iskenderian & Robbie Georges 174.8 off 28 boards52.03  
5th 5  Dave Cutler & Paul Scully 159.2 off 28 boards47.37  
6th 6  Frode Austad & Johan Bratsberg 138.8 off 28 boards41.31  
7th 2  Louise Bvowley & Paul Biscoe 133 off 28 boards39.58  
8th 4  Kenneth Johansson & Ursula Lehner 124 off 27 boards38.27  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 3  Hans Vikman & Janne Roos 213.2 off 28 boards63.44  
2nd 7  Bob Pelletier & Olaf Ries 210.2 off 28 boards62.54  
3rd 5  Gunn Angelskar & Torbjorn Pedersen 185.2 off 28 boards55.10  
4th 1  Esko Nylen & Terry Quested 163.3 off 28 boards48.61  
5th 8  Ivy Schlageter & Royd Laidlow 158.8 off 28 boards47.27  
6th 4  Jim Aitken & Michel Lefebvre 145.3 off 28 boards43.25  
7th 6  Harry Woodward & Linda Lyen 135 off 27 boards41.66  
8th 2  Judy Gardham & Ursula Dunkley 127 off 28 boards37.79  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    534111216794340825885146353303
310121210.7    71112299410551012391210123120973
4098 11375    912342501231966623043
52930.209280862    101191881416100991211
64634.8531052121074134    8012610059923
770104.8119711761200691110295    10289123108
87234.853122710171213451112124851    69711
2    79815601210338710010911322033301
38697.2    5111100119810712111203311621299129
42001.31351    30987127444118869733109
551227.2195752115    2131144711111212712359
61234 790101246106301    4120620900924
751097.2123104586581198124107    2104391289
8103911.8701212100253898210370930    6351

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.