Pairs Results Friday 9 Jan 2009.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 2  Hans Vikman & Sally Watson 212 off 28 boards63.09  
2nd=3  Lennart Karlsson & Lars Gustafsson 171 off 28 boards50.89  
7  Janne Roos & Jean Wissing 171 off 28 boards50.89  
4th 5  Lewis Berg & Paul Quodomine 169 off 28 boards50.29  
5th 1  Alain Frere & Jean-Charles 167 off 28 boards49.70  
6th 4  Michel Lefebre & Olaf Ries 154 off 28 boards45.83  
7th 6  Gun Karlsson & Rolf Allander 152 off 28 boards45.23  
8th 8  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 148 off 28 boards44.04  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 7  Bob Short & Johan Bratsberg 205 off 28 boards61.01  
2nd 1  Terry Quested & Tom Grovslein 184 off 28 boards54.76  
3rd 2  Ivy Schlageter & Robbie Georges 180 off 28 boards53.57  
4th 5  Torbjorn Pedersen & Gunn Angelskar 170 off 28 boards50.59  
5th 4  Guttorm Lonberg & Jim Aitken 164 off 28 boards48.80  
6th 3  Dave Cutler & Royd Laidlow 154 off 28 boards45.83  
7th 8  Bob Pelletier & Paul Biscoe 153 off 28 boards45.53  
8th 6  Harry Woodward & Louise Bowley 134 off 28 boards39.88  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    121170620111012612012121038126115121011812
39445    8444492381481128108811106682
430712211128    1008106492580223581628
53805680311944    127112538512311112088
6981210002111191040420    101012823511602
7312208471126441041282792    2115541188
83210546764010449264109810320    8282
2    01512106888310982347412102912701244
33402    4888831066831011987091112140
438874851    2124221134794761701161210
59010121010481228    05110294010971166410
691250865613888829    220444128144
791027641291202112810121201110    10177116104
894127210591328206010531011042    410410

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.