Friday Pairs Results 13 Sep 2010.

Note: board 9 was misboarded at the penultimate table (pairs 4 vs 1) after play.
  Thus the pairs for the last round (6 vs 10) were awarded 70% - that is because pair 6 actually scored 70+% and I am sure that pair 10 would also have got a top score on the boad had they played the correct hands. Upon subsequent consultation with members of pairs 1 and 4 it transpired that what happened was that Sean moved the board from the centre of the table after the bidding and at the same time revolved it 90 degrees. Not only should E-W not touch the boards, but the rules require that the board remain on the table in the correct orientation throughout play. I would have thought that an 'international level' player like Sean would know better. Jeremy suggested that both pairs (because North should be in charge of the boards) should be penalized 1/4 of a top. I sort of agree, but since I know that Sally has poor eyesight and likes to move the board from the centre (but keeps them in the correct orientation) this was obviously Sean's fault. So I have penalozed him (pair1) but not penalized Sally/Thomas this time. So pair 1 (Jeremy/Sean) drop from 3rd to 4th.
  Be aware. We do not like mis-boardings. Culprits WILL be penalized.

1st 10  Gerard Hardy & Derek Tyms 136 off 24 boards56.66  
2nd 4  Tomas Wikman & Sally Watson 132.8 off 24 boards55.33  
4th 6   Bob Short & Terry Quested 132 off 24 boards 55.00  
3rd 1  Jeremy Watson & Sean Burgess 130.2 off 24 boards (-2) 54.25  
5th 13  Bengt Malmgren & Sigurd Zahl 130 off 24 boards54.16  
6th 12  Dino Schena & Kenneth Johansson 125.8 off 24 boards52.41  
7th 5  Charles Jones & Jan V Koss 124.4 off 24 boards51.83  
8th 14  Janne Roos & Paul Quodomine 122.6 off 24 boards51.08  
9th 11  Guttorm Lonberg & Paul Scully 117.2 off 24 boards48.83  
10th 8  Johan Bratsburg & Tobjorn Solem 115 off 24 boards47.91  
11th 7  Gus Morosi & Hans Vikman 112.6 off 24 boards46.91  
12th 9  Bob Pelletier & Robbie Georges 108 off 24 boards45.00  
13th 2  Barry Elphick & John Haddon 75.4 off 24 boards31.41  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
1  221010090.2106596760310810011710
202104351057.40010234  46051003
48100638799.80884681033  681610
54607  417.43109963476106424930
6108707103170%375  04788100106173
744  00292.677941020100404591037
9203310569  45602670201054667
1062103057570%722108841076465  93
110108830350.283114  3106461014910
12646075819.82002101067746  9943
134831038  5.0410101484010044094107
14100410721012.610  647632610226417

Movement: 7 Table Howell

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.