Monday Pairs Results 15 Feb 2010.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 6  Janne Roos & Paul Quodomine 195 off 28 boards58.03  
2nd 7  John Bourn & Royd Laidlow 194 off 28 boards57.73  
3rd 2  Bob Pelletier & Holger Renken 190 off 28 boards56.54  
4th 4  Bob Short & Sigurd Zahl 169 off 28 boards50.29  
5th 1  Derek Tyms & Gerard Hardy 167 off 28 boards49.70  
6th 8  Gun & Lennart Karlsson 155 off 28 boards46.13  
7th 3  Mike Guin & Terry Quested 150 off 28 boards44.64  
8th 5  Esko & Gun 124 off 28 boards36.90  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 6  Macha Duplessy & Christian Coutlet 222 off 28 boards66.07  
2nd 3  Bengt Malmgren & Lars Broman 190 off 28 boards56.54  
3rd 8  Hans Vikman & Linda Lyen 178 off 28 boards52.97  
4th 1  Borge Breivik & Terje Skjaeran 162 off 28 boards48.21  
5th 7  Dave Cutler & Paul Biscoe 160 off 28 boards47.61  
6th 2  Ian Wheeldon & Val Bridges 159 off 28 boards47.32  
7th 5  Goran & Margit 149 off 28 boards44.34  
8th 4  Johan Bratsburg & Tom Grovslein 124 off 28 boards36.90  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    1110842909012101210181264710128372256
312962    10379102458404381411648856
442627214    81069498986712611218692
50666748104033    4612401112418310010
6109091168100611912600    112141080111210910
761212921084103119481020920    68911412112
82462208061270422912149111174    84126
2    1248291321087011834650643512121112
323123    2953810103834391258114911101076
40361010248    426380481210804950232
5600351011860512    86086852241214476
681061010124128129981027    11011811116880110
71086105842239906121221140    643146310
8126661021121261312020123101294118    4806

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.