Wednesday Pairs Results 6 Oct 2010.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 7  Jean Wissing & Tomas Wikman 205.5 off 28 boards61.16  
2nd 4  Arne Fjortoft & Svein Hildremyr 202.5 off 28 boards60.26  
3rd 1  Paul Quodomine & Terry Quested 190.5 off 28 boards56.69  
4th 2  Bob Pelletier & Robbie Georges 169 off 28 boards50.29  
5th 3  Kenneth Johansson & Phil Lovell 167.5 off 28 boards49.85  
6th 6  Keith Waring & Val Bridges 163.2 off 28 boards48.57  
7th 5  Dino Schena & Richard Mullins 140.5 off 28 boards41.81  
8th 8  Bob Handy & Don Schule 103.5 off 28 boards30.80  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 8  Bengt Malmgren & Sigurd Zahl 203.5 off 28 boards60.56  
2nd 6  Guttorm Lonberg & Tonni Kjaer 202.5 off 28 boards60.26  
3rd 3  Hans Vikman & Janne Roos 178.8 off 28 boards53.21  
4th 2  Bob Short & Royd Laidlow 173 off 28 boards51.48  
5th 4  Mike Guin & Kud Andreason 170.5 off 28 boards50.74  
6th 5  Johan Bratsburg & Paul Scully 145.5 off 28 boards43.30  
7th 7  Charles Jones & Gus Morosi 137.5 off 28 boards40.92  
8th 1  Johanes Santase & Aroni Huguitte 134.5 off 28 boards40.02  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    7128789252089102971111221540012115
39109.51    5925962651217866965436475
4309.5575127    912692106781106115108810115
5332.55784121295    12697813945033045
63635%8710101104955604    1602851012107010
7382.51071271299512101225640    1112108127712
81239.5105015095524080178632    3220
2    5045033736106412115411261178491287
39665%4    731077108121026541408712912017
4322.511511105    3063126054119311781225122
5949.52570571237    063511101047206857
69122.57127121111103712620    116121067890550
7092.51154801131007612821035    10244217
8999.57511652837101243768124663    9101012

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.