Club News Sheet – No. 244        8th July 2007

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Mon 2nd           1st  Frode & Kees                    59%           2nd Lewis & Terry                      57%

Wed 4th  N-S   1st Paul Wij.. & Harry             61%           2nd Sally & Kenneth                   59%

E-W  1st Terje & Lewis                    64%           2nd Sean Burgess & Paul K        60%

Fri  6th              1st  Eddie & Jan                       58%           2nd Sean Burgess & Paul K        56%  


Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           What, if anything, do you open with Hand A in 2nd seat?


A8432          K9

4                   KJ632          (a) What, if anything, do you open with Hand B in 1st seat?

KQ86           KJ643           (b) What, if anything, do you open with Hand B in 4th seat?

J96               6               


Hand C           Hand D           What, if anything, do you open with Hand C in 2nd seat?


KQ987         K10             

J                   AJ92            With Hand D RHO opens 1, what do you bid?

KJ1052         A109                                         

75                AK83


Hand E            Hand F            What, if anything, do you open with Hand E in 4th seat?


10                 A42

AQ1082       AJ9              With Hand F partner opens 1, what do you bid.

AQ87           976

864              K752


Hand G           Hand H           What, if anything, do you open with Hand G in 2nd seat?


A974            A                               

4                   KJ105          With Hand H RHO opens 1, what do you bid?

AJ7532         J52

J9                 AJ982



Bidding Sequences Quiz


J      1     pass   1NT                 How many ’s would you expect the 1NT bidder to have?

K     1      pass   2NT                How many points is 2NT?

L      1      dbl     pass   1NT       How many points is 1NT?

M    1      dbl     pass   2           How many points is 2?

The Club Championships       The current standings are: -

Gold Cup = Best 30                 Silver plate = Best 10      Bronze medal = Best 5


1816.8  Janne Roos                  666.8  Janne Roos                    350.4  Janne Roos

1784.8  Jan v Koss                  650.5  Jan v Koss                    340.2  Jan v Koss

1755.7  Dave Cutler                 634.5  Lars Gustaffson             336.2  Bengt Malmgren

                                                630.9  Paul Savelkral                332.9  Paul Savelkral

627.2  Dave Cutler                    325.6  Gunnar Barthel



This week’s silly double                                      Board 30 from Wednesday 4th 



Dealer:             A                                               

East                  KJ105                                        West          North(H)    East            South

Love all            J52                                              -                 -                 pass           pass

                        AJ982                                        1     (1)    dbl   (2)      redbl  (3)    pass (4)

pass   (5)    pass (6)

K1065               N             J743                    

Q74                W    E          9832                    

K10                    S              AQ97                  

K1065                               Q                        






(1)  A weakish third-in hand opener. It’s only 19 for the rule of 20 but anything goes in third seat and it does have three 10’s.

(2)  What did you bid with this North hand H in this week’s quiz? Here we clearly have a member of the “double to show an opening hand” brigade. A take-out double is short in the suit bid and playable in the other three suits (unless very strong). I hardly call a stiff A or J52 ‘playable’ suits. Pass is very clear.

(3)  9+ points and often short in partner’s suit. It’s often looking for a penalty but the quality of these majors makes the bid dubious. Still, it is 9+ points, so OK I guess. Pass or 1 are the alternatives.

(4)  With no 5 card suit South simply passes.

(5)  West must pass here – there’s no guarantee that partner has ’s.

(6)  And North is quite happy with the way thing have turned out, but…


what happened? West made(!) 1 redoubled for 230 and a clear top. 4-1 fits are generally difficult to play, especially with an adverse 5-3 split offside and a combined 20 count, but even with his limited capabilities as a declarer this West managed to struggle home.

The bottom lines: -

-         A take-out double should be short in the suit bid and playable in the other three suits, especially unbid major(s).

-         As it turned out, North got exactly what he deserved (a bottom). This double is very poor as North would have been totally fixed had East passed and South bid the obvious 1.


Worth an opening?part 1                                 Board 4 from Monday 2nd


N-S missed a decent 4 game on this deal – who would you blame?


Dealer:             A974                                         

West                4                                                 West          North(G)    East            South

both vul            AJ7532                                       pass           pass (1)      pass           1

                        J9                                               pass           1    (2)      pass           2

pass           pass (3)      pass

2                        N             10863            

Q9832            W    E          AK76             (1)  Did you open with this North hand G in this

K10                    S              94                         week’s quiz? It conforms with the rule of 20

Q10654                             K82                     and is a sound opener.

                        KQJ5                                   (2)  Quite why North chose 1 instead of 1 is a

J105                                           mystery.

Q86                                      (3)  North should make an effort.


                        And what happened?

North’s terrible bidding was matched by his terrible declarer play, he got a near bottom for 2+1 when two other N-S’s were making game.



Worth an opening? – part 2                                 Board 23 from Monday 2nd


E-W missed an easy partscore on this deal – who would you blame?


Dealer:             J542                                          

South               9743                                           West(C)     North         East(E)       South

both vul            4                                                 -                 -                 -                 pass

                        KQJ9                                         pass   (1)    pass           pass   (2)


KQ987              N             10                   (1)  Did you open with this West hand C in this

J                     W    E          AQ1082               week’s quiz? It conforms with the rule of 20

KJ1052               S              AQ87                   and has the points in the long suits and

75                                      864                      excellent intermediates. To me it’s a clear opener.

                        A63                                      (2)  Did you open with this East hand E in this

K65                                            week’s quiz? In 4th seat Pearson’s rule of 15

963                                             applies and this is only 13, I had a good long

A1032                                        think but where are the ’s? I eventually passed!


The bottom lines: -

-         The rule of 20 applies in 1st and 2nd seat.

-         In 3rd seat, anything goes.

-         The rule of 15 applies in 4th seat.

-         In 2nd seat, open a marginal hand that contains decent ’s as partner may pass a good hand in 4th seat if he is short in ’s.

-     Note that some may not like to open the West hand C as there appears to be no decent rebid if partner responds 2♥. Actually a 2♠ rebid is fine (it does not guarantee a 6-card suit in that auction); but E-W play 2/1 and so 3 is correct and does not show extras when playing 2/1.

Worth an opening? – part 3                                 Board 5 from Friday 29th


This deal is from the date stated. i.e. 2 weeks ago. There was nowhere to put it in last week’s news sheets but it fits in nicely with the previous two articles this week


Dealer:             J976                                           Table A

North               K1086                                        West          North         East(A)      South(D)

N-S vul            75                                               -                 pass           1    (1)      dbl     (2)

                        1075                                          pass           1NT (3)      pass           2NT   (4)

all pass

Q5                     N             A8432                 

Q753              W    E          4                           Table B

J432                    S              KQ86                   West          North         East(A)      South(D)

Q42                                   J96                       -                 pass           1      (1)    dbl     (2)

                        K10                                            pass           2    (3)      pass           pass   (5)

AJ92                                          pass




Table A:     (1)  Did you open with this East hand A in this week’s quiz? It’s just 19 for the rule of 20 but I too would open 1. The points are in the long suits and it has nice shape. I would think about passing if it was 5242 shape; the singleton indicates action. The other reason why I would open this hand is that it is in 2nd seat and has the suit. If you pass and LHO passes then partner will be in 4th seat and may well pass a good hand because he does not have ’s and knows about the rule of 15 (as happened on the previous page).

(2)   What did you bid with this South hand D in this week’s quiz? Dbl, with the intention of bidding 2NT next go (if partner does not respond 2) is correct, showing a hand too good for an immediate 1NT overcall.

(3)   North went wrong here. She thought that a two level response would show more values than a one level 1NT bid. Actually the opposite is true; 2 would show about 0-8 but 1NT guarantees 6-9 points.

(4)   3NT is correct here if partner does indeed have the promised 6-9 points.

Table B:     (1)  This East (Gene) also chose to open, good bid.

(2)   And South again correctly doubled.

(3)   This North found the correct response.

(5)  South should invite with 3, but as it happens North would decline.


This hand was brought to my attention by North at Table A who claimed that East had psyched (opening with only 10 points) and reminded me that psyching is not allowed at this club. The latter is true, but East’s opening is not a psyche, merely an opening on the light side. Had East opened 1 then that would be a psyche and not allowed. North apparently mis-played the board as she placed East with more points, but the main problem was the poor 1NT bid, the hand plays much better in ’s even with the adverse 4-1 split. And what happened? 2NT went one down for a poor score. 2 made +1 for a good score. The bottom lines: -

-         Psyching is not allowed at this club, but reasonable light openings are.

-         A non-jump response to a take-out double promises zero points, even if it is at the 2 level.

-         A 1NT response to partner’s take-out double promises 6-9 points.

-         Responding to partner’s take-out double is clearly written up on the website

(Basic Bidding > #133 Responding to partner’s take out double)

Worth an opening?part 4                                 Board 16 from Wednesday 4th



Dealer:             J1042                                         Table A

West                84                                               West(B)     North         East            South

E-W vul           A872                                          1    (1)      pass           3NT   (2)    pass

                        A43                                            pass (3)      pass


K9                     N             AQ85                   Table B

KJ632            W    E          AQ7                     West(B)     North         East            South

KJ643                 S              Q5                        1             pass           1      (2)    pass

6                                        J952                     2              pass           3NT   (4)    all pass






Table A:     (1)  Did you open with this West hand B(a) in this week’s quiz? It’s 21 for the rule of 20 but has poor intermediates and no aces. But it does have an easy rebid and I would always open this hand in 1st, 2nd or 3rd seat.

(2)   Apparently this E-W pair were having a poor session and so East went for 3NT (for the extra 10 at pairs scoring) and hoped for a lead. The bid denies 4 ’s and denies decent 3 card support and shows good minors. The fact that his partner was a weaker player may possibly have influenced his decision.

(3)   The 3NT bid is fairly categorical that East wants to play in No Trumps and so West correctly did not bid his ’s.

Table B:     (2)  This East correctly bid 1- never deny a 4-card major.

(4)   But this East then also incorrectly went for 3NT. Partner has shown 9 or 10 red cards and the ’s are presumably very dangerous. With three excellent ’s 4 is clear but this East also “went for 3NT for the extra 10” at pairs scoring. I think that this is possibly even worse than the 3NT bid at Table A for two reasons: -

(a)    These are excellent ’s and with this holding it may well be possible to get and extra trick with a (high) ruff.

(b)   You are obviously going to get a lead and 3NT will only (possibly) score better than 4 if partner has something in ’s. I would always bid 4, but if you really want to try for 3NT then bid 3 to find out if partner has something there. But this West was also a poor player and East presumably did not want to risk him being declarer?


And what happened? At Table A South led a low which North won with the A but he did not continue ’s (he thought partner had 4 ’s on the bidding) and so 3NT made. But it scored badly as everybody else (except table B) were in 4 making or making +1.

At Table B the K was led and after E-W had wrapped up the first 5 tricks East exclaimed that he would never, never open that West hand. This is the most emphatic case of ‘doing a Chuck’ (immediately blaming partner for your own mistakes) that I have witnessed in over a year (since Chuck left). The bottom lines: -

-     Every West in the club opened 1, and so did every experienced player that I later asked.

-          Don’t let the greed for the ‘extra 10’ let you get into silly 3NT contracts when you have excellent 3 support for partner’s 5 card major (and a weak suit elsewhere).

-          Don’t “do a Chuck”. It is extremely discourteous and will always get written up.

The 2NT response                                               Board 14 from Monday 2nd


The 2NT response to 1/ is 10-12 in Standard American, but not everybody likes the bid. In SAYC it’s 13-15 (but nobody plays that). Most advanced Acol players play Baron 2NT which is a strong hand, around 15-19 points. E-W got in a tangle here when East (basically an Acol player) thought that West’s 2NT was strong.


Dealer:             7                                                

East                  K108432                                    West(F)     North         East            South

Love all            J853                                            -                 -                 1              pass

                        Q10                                           2NT   (1)    pass           4NT   (2)    pass

5      (3)    pass           5NT   (4)    pass

A42                   N             KQ53                   pass   (5)    pass

AJ9                W    E          5                          

976                     S              AKQ104             

K752                                 AJ9                     






(1)  What did you bid with this West hand F in this week’s quiz?        2NT is spot on playing Standard American.

(2)  But this East is primarily an Acol player, and most experienced Acol players play the Baron 2NT (15-19) and East assumed that West had such a hand. So he bid 4NT which I think he meant as ace-asking, I would play 4 as Gerber here and 4NT as quantitative.

(3)  West was unsure what 4NT meant and since he was near max he decided to show his two aces.

(4)  East meant this as a king ask

(5)  But West thought it best to pass as he was not sure what was going on.


And what happened? 5NT made +1 for a joint top to E-W anyway. 7, 7 or 7NT make as the cards lie but nobody bid slam.

The bottom lines: -

-         Without agreement to the contrary, most players in the club play Standard American and a 2NT bid over a 1/ opening is a balanced 10-12 with no 4-card major.

-         When partner’s last bid was a natural 2NT then 4 is Gerber and 4NT is invitational.

-         But some players play that 4 is only Gerber over a 1NT or 2NT opening; I guess that that leads to less mis-understandings but is not such an efficient treatment and is illogical.

-         I have written up a page explaining when 4 is Gerber and when 4NT is Blackwood, it's in the conventions folder and on the web (Conventions > Section 3 > Blackwood or Gerber?)

-         And, indeed, if you play 2NT as Baron then 15-19 is such a wide range that you certainly need a quantitative 4NT bid.

-         2NT over a 1/ opening is best played as Jacoby 2NT, I play it as 16+ points, balanced, with 4 card support for partner’s major.



Inverted minors                                                    Board 10 from Monday 2nd


E-W bid nicely to the best contract on this deal and made an overtrick. But this is Pattaya bridge club and silly results at other tables meant it was just an average.


Dealer:             AK3                                           Table A

East                  972                                             West          North         East            South

Both vul            Q53                                            -                 -                 pass           pass

                        K975                                         1             pass           2     (1)    pass

pass   (2)    pass

J982                  N             65                        

Q64                W    E          A108                    Table B

AK10                 S              976                       West          North         East            South

Q62                                   AJ1043                -                 -                 pass           pass

                        Q1074                                        1      (3)    2   (4)      pass   (5)    pass

KJ53                                          pass   (6)




Table A:     (1)  E-W play inverted minors, so 2 here showed a decent hand with good support. 3 would have been a weak pre-emptive bid.

(2)   With a miserable hand barely worth an opener, West was happy to pass since partner was a passed hand.

Table B:     (3)  This West decided to open 1, I would open 1.

(4)  A candidate for worst overcall of the year?

(5)  Presumably E-W play negative doubles …

(6)  … but West forgot to double?


And what happened? 2 at table A made +1 and should obviously be a good score. But there were strange results at other tables. The ridiculous 2 by North at Table b went for 400 (it would have been 1100 if doubled). At another table 3 by West was doubled and made for 670. So the modest 110 scored by this West at table A got an average (the other two tables scored 90).

The bottom lines: -

-         Inverted minors are great; they are generally forcing to 3 of the minor but not when by a passed hand.

-         To overcall a 1 opening with 2 with this North hand must be a candidate for worst bid of the year.

-         Understand the re-opening double when playing negative doubles. The automatic re-opening double still applies if partner is a passed hand.

-         Don’t overcall at the two level with 4 card suits.


Dave’s Column     Here is this week’s Dave input involving the best play for the contract.


West                East                        You are North, playing in 6 after South had made an opening

A962            K753                  bid of 3. South leads the K, how do you play the hand?

J52               AKQ1096

54                 AK            

A962            7

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 27 from Wednesday 4th



Dealer:             QJ108                                        West          North         East            South

South               83                                               -                 -                 -                 3

Love all            Q108762                                    pass           pass           dbl             pass

                        5                                                3    (1)      pass           4   (2)      pass

4    (3)      all pass

A962                 N             K753                   

J52                 W    E          AKQ1096      (1)  Not quite good enough for 4.

54                       S              AK                 (2)  Showing a huge hand and wanting to see if

A962                                  7                          West’s ’s were rebiddable. Good bidding.

                        4                                           (3)  West’s ’s were not rebiddable but West

74                                              really should do more holding two aces.

J93                                              I guess 5?



This is from Dave’s book and East is meant to be in 6. But, although all of the clubs top pairs sat E-W on Wednesday nobody was in 6. Anyway, onto how it should be played.


                        QJ                                              All will be well if the ’s are 3-2. If not, you

                        -                                                 will need to throw South in to give you a ruff

                        Q10                                            and discard. Win the lead and ruff a at

                        -                                                 trick two! Play the A and J and ruff

another . Cask the top ’s followed by the

96                      N             75                         K and A. When the ’s prove to be 4-1,

5                     W    E          KQ                       that leaves this position.

-                          S              -                            You should lead dummy’s last and throw

9                                        -                           a loser from the East hand.

                        -                                                 South will have to win and give you a ruff

                                                   and discard. You ruff in the West hand and

J-                                                throw East’s last ♠.



And what happened? One E-W pair were in 6NT and made it, I guess that North thought that he was squeezed and threw a at some stage. The other 5 pairs were in 4 (or 5) and all made just 11 tricks except just one player who did make 12.

The bottom lines: -

-         Looks like most of the club find Dave’s play problems a bit tricky.

-         And, as usual, nobody out of 6 pairs was in the pre-destined contract of 6.




Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    1. It’s only 19 for the rule of 20 but has the points in the suits and nice shape. If you play Muiderberg twos then 2 is a possibility, but I think it’s good enough for 1. I do not like to pass a marginal opener containing the suit when in 2nd seat as if it is passed to partner he may well not open with a very respectable hand because he’s worried about the ’s (Pearson’s rule of 15).

Hand B:    (a)  1. It’s 21 for the rule of 20 and has an easy rebid. I agree that it has no aces or touching honours but it’s still one above the rule of 20 and a clear opener.

(b)   Pass. In 4th seat it’s Pearson’s rule of 15 (points plus spades) and this hand is only 13 Pearson points.

Hand C:    1, it conforms with the rule of 20, has the points in the long suits and has good intermediates.

Hand D:    Double, with the intention of bidding 2NT next go or raising 2 to 3.

Hand E:    Pass. Where are the ’s? If you open then the opponents may well out-bid you in ’s. Pearson’s rule of 15 for 4th seat openers copes with this dilemma and this hand is only 13 Pearson points.

Hand F:     2NT, a balanced 10-12 with no 4 card major playing Standard American. This is a fairly routine bid but not everybody likes it. Playing SAYC 2NT is 13-15 and playing Acol most experienced players play it as 15-19 (the Baron 2NT). But this is a Standard American quiz and so the answer is 2NT.

Hand G:    1, it conforms with the rule of 20.

Hand H:    Pass. Double is a terrible bid with length and strength in the suit opened. The only remotely sensible alternative is 1 but 4-card overcalls are best left to the experts who are adept at playing in Moysian fits.



Bidding Sequence Answers      


J      1     pass   1NT                 Four, usually, but it may depend upon who bid it. Dave would always be exactly 3334 shape as he would always bid 1 with a 4 card suit. I bid slightly differently and would bid 1NT rather than 1 with a hand like AQ4 K103 7654 843.

K     1      pass   2NT                 In Standard American it’s 10-12. In strict SAYC it’s 13-15 but virtually nobody plays that. In the UK many play Baron 2NT and then it’s about 15-19.

L      1      dbl     pass   1NT       6-9. A 1NT response to partner’s double always shows points and a stop. With less points, bid a suit, which promises zero points…

M    1      dbl     pass   2         … 0-8.
