Friday pairs 18 Jan 2008.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 6  Hans Vikman & Lars Gustafsson 200 off 28 boards59.52  
2nd 5  H Renken & Lars Falch 193 off 28 boards57.44  
3rd 2  Britta Borg & Mike Guin 186 off 28 boards55.35  
4th 4  Johnny Petersson & Olaf Ries 183 off 28 boards54.46  
5th 1  Bengt Malmgren & Per-Ake Roskvist 167 off 28 boards49.70  
6th 7  Bob Pelletier & Jo Nonnemaker 154 off 28 boards45.83  
7th 3  Ole Skiavglan & Tom Grovslein 146 off 28 boards43.45  
8th 8  Varpu & Vipri 115 off 28 boards34.22  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 7  Gerard Hardy & Derek Tyms 215 off 28 boards63.98  
2nd 2  Paul Savelkral & Paul Scully 196 off 28 boards58.33  
3rd 6  Harry Otten & Mieke Hanegraaf 177 off 28 boards52.67  
4th 5  Bjorn Liberson & Knud Andreasen 165 off 28 boards49.10  
5th 1  Bob & Judy Gardham 162 off 28 boards48.21  
6th 3  Dave Cutler & Ivy Schlageter 158 off 28 boards47.02  
7th 4  Philip & Azhua 141 off 28 boards41.96  
8th 8  Goran & Margit 130 off 28 boards38.69  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    620346971210123026910126101173712467
39563    46010224780104410641120781013
44116341083    754101012604311122761282103
59012602661261212    276121271128129721210
695610116111041294105812    406751091061010
722612810118100472010747126    023140412
8080011230462021040127124310    88107
2    610129212851010850511108910710051001112
33762    86122102812206128511540350865
437694214    57826511305110159512622
51010608249861012    1056020627231142119
68169110912060052129    8126511012581280
71241212121066866102740121063    121091141029
831206102908038020985068268    4425

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.