Friday pairs results 25 Jan 2008.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 5  Olefur & Stefan 207.5 off 28 boards61.75  
2nd 3  Ivy Schlageter & Wolfgang Foitik 190 off 28 boards56.54  
3rd 6  Knud Andreason & Philip Wall Morris 187.5 off 28 boards55.80  
4th 1  Irene & Maud 166.8 off 28 boards49.65  
5th 2  Vipri & Varpu 159 off 28 boards47.32  
6th 7  Mieke Hanegraaf & Mike Guin 158 off 28 boards47.02  
7th 8  Terry & Val 144 off 27 boards44.44  
8th 4  Lis & Finn 125.2 off 28 boards37.25  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 5  Lars Gustafsson & Olaf Ries 202.8 off 28 boards60.36  
2nd 4  Bob Pelletier & Jo Nonnemaker 195 off 28 boards58.03  
3rd 2  Dave Cutler & Royd Laidlow 194 off 28 boards57.73  
4th 7  Bengt Malmgren & Holger Renken 193.5 off 28 boards57.58  
5th 3  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 178 off 28 boards52.97  
6th 6  Tom Grovslein & Ursula Lehner 126 off 27 boards38.88  
7th 1  Goran & Margit 128.5 off 28 boards38.24  
8th 8  Ewy & Anne 120.2 off 28 boards35.76  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    6186.05981257348437869179453029
36568    191111277451067106981069103275
465186150.2    2008563030982912212471
51256126859.5129117    12117360812391210975
66111121110102.51026797120    312487120039121
760681406.08007071010121087    4368312012
805101162 193757741100712628    8679
2    61146.041212505581121259123412121072357
361110    113111755876912963110930912103
46764118126.0    10121242121596124538793011
561264611711.811395    1110154631150121291057
6671141610 03153590    9084263290120
712711126472.578911350124895    896408511
8076011000.221065759802452634    4653

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.