Friday Pairs Results 30 Oct 2009.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 5  Janne Roos & Per-Ake Roskvist 234 off 28 boards69.64  
2nd 1  Bengt Malmgren & Lars Broman 183 off 28 boards54.46  
3rd 6  Mike Guin & Mike Dorn Wiss 179 off 28 boards53.27  
4th 7  Eddie Richart & Royd Laidlow 178 off 28 boards52.97  
5th 3  Bob Short & Johan Bratsberg 158 off 28 boards47.02  
6th 8  Les & Flora Flintham 148 off 28 boards44.04  
7th 4  Georges & Jean-Charles 136 off 28 boards40.47  
8th 2  Bob Pelletier & Robbie Georges 128 off 28 boards38.09  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 5  Guttorm Lonberg & Paul Quodomine 213 off 28 boards63.39  
2nd 1  Andre Axelrod & Knud Andreason 181 off 28 boards53.86  
3rd 4  George & Charlie 176 off 28 boards52.38  
4th 3  Ivy Schlageter & Per Andersson 173 off 28 boards51.48  
5th 2  Dave Cutler & Tomas Wikman 170 off 28 boards50.59  
6th 6  Richard Mullins & Terry Quested 162 off 28 boards48.21  
7th 8  Terje Loee & Val Bridges 145 off 28 boards43.15  
8th 7  Bob & Judy Gardham 124 off 28 boards36.90  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    51100204101212824895014263148052
307111    57106621091105111071740680554
4504125155    025121201216491118512107
5972111105957106    81212116129121712810101210
65121141105211710126819    12797136025112
72709855121170066526858    12116125587
8977611509076261016118218710    12510
2    71121215121261023141011101168352102202
37018    75266211611101211850211504412710
41251114770    12107011837603069118107110
510512371177125610    4001121181011961212778
671280171237526610010    0535812647745
73556127345106641138437    01607025
835101111207152000410647425115    071112

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.