Monday Pairs Results 9 Nov 2009.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 6  Lars Broman & Lars Gustafsson 213 off 28 boards63.39  
2nd 8  Janne Roos & Richard Mullins 184 off 28 boards54.76  
3rd 2  Gerry Hulbert & Per-Ake Roskvist 182 off 28 boards54.16  
4th 4  Frode Austad & Johan Bratsberg 171 off 28 boards50.89  
5th 5  Eddie Richart & Royd Laidlow 169 off 28 boards50.29  
6th 1  Jeremy & Sally Watson 157 off 28 boards46.72  
7th 3  Guttorm Lonberg & Tomas Wikman 138 off 28 boards41.07  
8th 7  Les & Flora Flintham 130 off 28 boards38.69  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 2  Hans Vikman & Paul Scully 187 off 28 boards55.65  
2nd 6  Sigurd Zahl & Tom Grovslein 182 off 28 boards54.16  
3rd 8  Bob Pelletier & Bob Short 179 off 28 boards53.27  
4th 1  John Bartlett & Kenneth Johansson 175 off 28 boards52.08  
5th 4  Jan V Koss & Terry Quested 169 off 28 boards50.29  
6th 3  Dave Hurst & Tony Chamberlain 166 off 28 boards49.40  
7th 7  Terje Loee & Val Bridges 149 off 28 boards44.34  
8th 5  Ian Wheeldon & Jerry Cohen 137 off 28 boards40.77  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
2    1080012023101249571067710109012189011
308811    36730219120411001395546578
411124561038    3061253128721000951015104
5231252121036609    51064776361201119120
673886488101276121094    7111812957112711
7110211122123067064905381    221071042
8768260312867936122512111711106    41226
2    241212126512121011370111510212877013012
35944    9659960107904588060121143121
41244101009    91260751111556931201111051
511210162944653    7268552203756754
61087612906612344116    5111437781112810
75641010029960002387526    10102511728
8109071266420562083794111212119    80106

Movement: 8 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.