3 Spades over partner's 2NT opening |
3♠ is often used (often in conjunction with Puppet Stayman) to show 5 ♠'s and 4 ♥ 's as that shape cannot be shown via transfer/bid below the level of 3NT. Playing Niemeijer then a direct 3NT shows this 5♠-4♥ hand and 3♠ is free. |
A fairly popular and very sensible use of 3♠ is: - |
3♠ is a puppet to 3NT and responder then shows a minor(s) orientated hand as follows: - |
4♣ |
= |
single suited in ♣ 's |
4♦ |
= |
single suited in ♦ 's |
4♥ |
= |
both minors with ♥ shortage and slam interest. |
4♠ |
= |
both minors with ♠ shortage and slam interest. |
4NT |
= |
2245 or 2254 and slam interest. |
5♣ |
= |
both minors with no slam interest. |
I think it's best to play the 4♣/♦ bids as slam invitational or better. You may prefer to invert the meanings of 4♣/♦ so that opener is more likely to become declarer. And over these single suited minor suit hands it's best to play Kickback as the RKCB ask, by either opener or responder. |
With the 4♥/♠/NT bids opener cannot use Kickback and it's best to use 5♥/♠ as RKCB for ♣/♦ 's resp. Since opener generally guarantees at least two cards in both minors for a 2NT opening you may prefer to play 5♥/♠ as Double Roman Keycard Blackwood (DRKCB) for the relevant minor. |
4NT by opener over 4♣/♦/♥/♠ is non-forcing and obviously shows good major suit stops. |
Pattaya Bridge Club - |
www.pattayabridge.com |