Club News Sheet – No. 239        3rd  June 2007

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My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 086 6089887

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

Mon 28th    N-S   1st Albert & Dennis         59%           2nd    Bjorn & Per-Ake                     56%

E-W   1st Jan & Janne               61%           2nd    Kevin & Noreen                       60%

Wed 30th    1st Robbie & Sean                   67%           2nd    Bob & Jo                                 59%

Fri  1st        1st  Paul Sav. & Mike               62%           2nd    Janne & Per-Ake                     58%  


Bidding Quiz                           Standard American is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls with a

weak 2, what do you do?

AK106         KJ1093       

K95              10                 With Hand B partner opens 1NT and you transfer with 2.

A2                643               Partner bids 2, what do you do now?

7542            KJ98


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C RHO opens 3 and you decide to double (with the

intention of bidding 3 over a 3/ reply). But partner bids 4,

AQ10762     Q10              what do you do?

A8                AK93                      

A1084          KJ1073         With Hand D LHO opens a weak 2 (actually showing 5 ’s

10                72                and a minor) and partner doubles. What do you bid?  


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E LHO opens 1 and partner overcalls 1. What

do you bid?

8                   AJ6                                            

K972            Q9854          With Hand F it’s love all. Partner opens 1 and RHO overcalls 2,

KQJ86          104               what do you bid?   

Q103           A32             


Hand G           Hand H           With Hand G it’s love all. LHO opens 1 and partner doubles,

what do you bid?

963               A8               

KJ65            A109            With Hand H RHO opens 1, what do you do?

A7                Q65           

Q752           A10984       


Hand J            Hand K           With Hand J RHO opens 2 and you pass. LHO bids 3 which

partner doubles (take-out). What do you bid?

AK2             Q10875

J3                 A5

Q8765          A102            With Hand K LHO opens 2 and RHO raises to 3, what

J76               AK3             do you bid?                   



Bidding Sequences Quiz            All of these sequences occurred this week


L      1NT   pass   4     pass       4 is Gerber, what is 4NT?

4      pass   4NT                                              

M    2      2NT   pass   3          2 is weak and 2NT natural, 15-18.

        pass   4                             (a) What is 3?  (b) What is 4?

N     1     pass   1      2          2 is weak and 3 very strong.

        3      pass   3NT   pass       So what is the 4 bid – how many ’s and how many ’s?


P      2      dbl     pass   3          2 is weak and dbl is take-out. What is 3, is it forcing?

Q     3     dbl     pass   4          3 is weak and dbl is take-out. What is 4, how many points?

R     1NT   pass   2     dbl         What is the double of Stayman?



The negative double promises an unbid major   Board 25 from Monday 28th


There are numerous ways of playing negative doubles. My preferred treatment is that if there is just one unbid major then a negative double promises 4 cards in it; if there are two unbid majors then a negative double guarantees 4 cards in just one of them.


Dealer:             843                                            

North               A742                                          West(A)     North         East          South

E-W vul           K986                                          -                 -                 1           2    (1)

                        83                                              dbl   (2)      pass           3           pass

3    (3)      pass           3    (4)    pass

AK106              N             Q97                      4   (5)      pass           4    (6)    all pas

K95                W    E          Q86               

A2                      S              10                        

7542                                  AKJ1096            





(1)   Weak

(2)   What did you bid with this West hand A in this week’s quiz? 2 is wrong because that promises a 5-card suit and the negative double chosen is correct.

(3)   Asking for a stop.

(4)   I don’t have a stop but I do have 3 ’s.

(5)   I don’t have 4 ’s but I do have good support.

(6)   OK, then lets play in the 4-3 fit.                    


And what happened? 6 makes but that’s a bit difficult to bid; 4 is the best contract. Just two pairs found 4 (+1 and +2); three were in 3NT scoring reasonably well and one was in 5 scoring badly. The bottom Lines: -

-     5 does not score as well as 4.

-     A Moysian fit plays well when you have shortage of the opponent’s suit in the three trump hand.

The Club Championships


Gold Cup = Best 30                 Silver plate = Best 10      Bronze medal = Best 5


1780.5  Janne Roos                  651.0  Janne Roos                    337.3  Janne Roos

1731.2  Dave Cutler                 634.5  Lars Gustaffson             336.2  Bengt Malmgren

                                                630.9  Paul Savelkral                332.9  Paul Savelkral

                                                627.1  Gunnar Barthel              325.6  Gunnar Barthel

                                                626.7  Bengt Malmgren            325.6  Lars Gustafsson

                                                619.5  Dave Cutler                   322.9  Dave Cutler



A 1NT opener                                                      Board 11 from Monday 28th


A familiar story – somebody failed to open 1NT “because of a weak doubleton” and missed an easy game.


Dealer:             KJ1093                                      Table A

South               10                                               West          North         East            South

Love all            643                                             -                 -                 -                 1    (1)

                        KJ98                                          pass           1              pass           2    (2)

pass (3)      pass           pass

542                    N             Q6                       

QJ96              W    E          K832                    Table B

1052                   S              K98                      West          North(B)    East            South

Q32                                   A1065                  -                 -                 -                 1NT (1)

                        A87                                            pass           2              pass           2

A754                                          pass           3   (4)      pass           4    (5)

AQJ7                                          all pass



Table A:     (1)  This is clearly a poor bid. It’s a 1NT opener – don’t worry about weak doubletons.

(2)   This is better than 1NT which would now show 12-14.

(3)   North has a nice hand and should probably make a game try (by bidding 3), but with just 3 trumps South may well not accept?

Table B:     (1)  Most South’s opened the obvious 1NT.

(4)   What did you bid with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? This hand had great shape and excellent intermediates – it’s easily worth game and the best bid is 3 to highlight the weakness in the red suits.

(5)   South knows that the ’s may be weak and so sensibly goes for the game.


And what happened? Just 3 out of 7 pairs bid 4, with the other 4 in 2 or 3. Anything from 10 to 12 tricks were made.

The bottom Lines: -

-         Don’t let a weak doubleton deter you from opening 1NT.

-         Upgrade a hand with good intermediates in the long suits.



The blind squirrel                                                 Board 3 from Monday 28th


When you double Stayman or a transfer bid then that asks for a lead. But you need a decent holding in the suit – especially if opener is reasonably experienced and places the redouble card on the table!


Dealer:             Q1032                                        Table A

East                  32                                               West          North         East            South

Both vul            A109                                          -                 -                 1     (1)    pass    

                        KJ62                                          1              pass           4      (2)    all pass


K54                   N             AJ8                       Table B

K1094            W    E          AJ65                    West          North         East            South

Q72                    S              KJ                         -                 -                 1NT   (1)    pass

Q53                                   A1097                  2             dbl   (3)      redbl  (4)    pass

                        976                                             pass (5)      2    (6)      dbl     (7)    all pass





Table A:     (1)  This looks like the obvious opening with this hand – with a jump to 2NT in mind over a 1, 1 or 1NT response

(2)  And the jump to 4 is correct when partner responds 1 - this shows 18-19 points, 4 card support and no shortage to splinter.

Table B:     (1)  This East decided to downgrade the hand because of the doubleton KJ. But the holding is adequate compensation so perhaps he’s just a No trump hog?

(3)   This double of Stayman asks for a lead. Quite why he wants a lead I don’t know, but it cannot cost to double, can it? …

(4)   … East’s 18 count and his ’s are now looking very good, so he decided to make life uncomfortable for North. If West cannot co-operate he can pull it of course.

(5)   But West has a good enough hand with good enough ’s to believe that 2 redoubled will be making.

(6)   Oh dear, oh dear; what can I do now?

(7)   Obviously East only needs double cards form here on.


And what happened? Most E-W’s were in 4 or 3NT, with scores varying from 600 to 660. 2 doubled went 4 down for 1100 (2 redoubled would have made +3 for the rare score of 1960). Now I won’t mention any names of course, but despite this set-back N-S at Table B went on to win the N-S competition, so it looks like even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut – eh?

The bottom Lines: -

-         You really need a decent holding in the suit to double Stayman or a transfer – especially if the opponents are playing a strong No Trump and opener has his wits about him.

-         KJxx is not a decent holding.




Responding in NT to partner’s overcall
             Board 21 from Friday 1st


A few pairs have got in a mess over this recently.


Dealer:             AQ10                                         Table A

North               A84                                            West(E)     North         East            South

N-S vul            A732                                          -                 1    (1)      1    (2)      pass

                        K52                                           2NT (3)      pass           3    (4)      all pass


8                        N             K97632               

K972              W    E          QJ105                  ‘Expert Table’

KQJ86                S              5                           West(E)     North         East            South

Q103                                 76                        -                 1    (1)      1    (2)      pass

                        J54                                             1NT (3)      pass           2    (5)      pass

63                                               pass (6)      all pass                




Table A:     (1)  Playing a weak No Trump.

(2)   I guess that East has choices – a weak 2 or a Michaels cue bid. But neither are really correct: A weak jump to 2 would deny 4 ’s and Michaels shows 5-4 or 5-5 in the majors. Pass is a possibility but I like this hand with both majors (and the points in the long suits). Double is out of the question of course and I too would overcall 1.

(3)   What did you bid with this West hand E in this week’s quiz? You don’t want to leave partner in 1 and should look for a better spot. Had North opened 1 then 2 would be best but as North has opened 1 it’s not so easy. With a good holding a No Trump bid seems best and West thought that 2NT shows 11-12 points and good stops. Unfortunately this is incorrect when partner has overcalled at the one level.

(4) East decided to show his 6th rather than his 4th .

‘Expert’      (3)  The correct bid here is 1NT. Opposite a 1-level overcall this shows about

 Table:              10-12 points.

  (5) Our expert East knew that there may well be a 4-4 ? fit.
  (6) Ans so there is.

And what happened? 3 went four down for a bottom. Two East’s ended up in 2 (-2) and one North played in 2NT. No E-W pair found the 4-4 fit.

The bottom Lines: -

-         The No Trump responses to partner’s 1-level overcall are different to responses had partner opened; this is because a 1-level overcall may be as few as 7-8 points. I mentioned this in last week’s news sheet (sequence W last week) and here we have another player getting in a similar mess.

-         So I have written up a new page on the web: -

(General bridge topics > responding in No Trumps to partner’s overcall).





Responding to partner’s double – part 1            Board 6 from Monday 28th


This is pretty basic, but it went wrong at a couple of boards on Monday and two more on Friday. I was asked to write up how it should have gone after East’s disruptive opening.


Dealer:             Q10                                            Table A

East                  AK93                                         West          North(D)    East            South

E-W vul           KJ1073                                       -                 -                 2    (1)      dbl

                        72                                              pass           3    (2)      pass           4  (3)

pass           4    (4)      pass           5

652                    N             KJ983                  all pass

Q7542            W    E          1086              

862                     S              5                           ‘Expert Table’

Q10                                   J653                     West          North(D)    East            South

                        A74                                            -                 -                 2      (1)    dbl

J                                                 pass           3    (2)      pass           4

AQ94                                         pass           4              pass           4NT (5)

                        AK984                                       pass           5    (6)      pass           6    (7)

all pass


Table A:     (1)  A somewhat light Muiderberg 2 - weak with 5 ’s and a minor suit.

(2)   What did you bid with this North hand D in this week’s quiz? This non-jump is totally inadequate as it shows a weak hand, 0-8 points. A jump to 4 is possible but I prefer our expert’s auction. 4 is not a good bid as that should promise 5 ’s – it’s best to cue bid.

(3)   Showing a very good hand after partner’s negative response.

(4)   An attempt to recover?

Table B:     (2)  This is the best answer to question D – cue bid to set up a game force.

(5)   RKCB for ’s.

(6)   Two keycards without the Q.

(7)   West can sign off in 6 or try for 7 with a king ask.


And what happened? I assume most N-S’s were given a free run but just 1 pair bid 6. 3NT (making various numbers of overtricks) was the most popular contract and 5 scored badly (as it usually does).

The bottom Lines: -

-         Don’t bid 5/ if 3NT is a sensible option.

-         A non-jump response to a double shows 0-8 points and is non-forcing.

-         With a good hand opposite a double and no clear bid, cue bid opener’s suit to set up a game force.


Responding to partner’s double – part 2            Board 3 from Monday 28th


A problem occurred here when a player correctly jumped in response to partner’s double.


Dealer:             53                                              

South               10762                                         West(C)     North         East            South

E-W vul           QJ9753                                       -                 -                 -                 3 (1)

                        K                                               dbl   (2)      pass           4    (3)      pass

pass (4)      pass           pass

AQ10762          N             KJ9                     

A8                  W    E          KJ543           

A1084                S              K2                       

10                                      J95                






(1)  At this vulnerability, 4 (if you play that as natural) or even 5 are alternatives.

(2)  West can simply bid 3 but considered it a bit good, so he decided to double first. I’m a simple soul who likes to keep it simple and I would have bid 3.

(3)  With a good 11 points East has to make a noise, and with a 5 card suit 4 is correct.

(4)  What did you bid with this West hand C in this week’s quiz? West really should have carried through with his plan of bidding ’s. Partner has shown game values but only guaranteed a 5 card suit. West should bid 4.


And what happened? One pair did reach the good 6 but went down. Results really were all over the place and 4 making scored badly.

The bottom Lines: -

-         If you plan to double and then bid again – to show a good hand – then carry on with that plan when partner makes a jump.

-         A jump bid over partner’s double shows 9+ points and a 5+ card suit.

Responding to partner’s double – part 3            Board 8 from Friday 1st


At table A I don’t like the bidding by either East or West.


Dealer:             KQ5                                           Table A

West                Q8742                                        West(G)     North         East(H)      South

Love all            K4                                              pass           1              dbl   (1)      pass

                        K63                                           pass (2)      all pass      


963                    N             A8                        ‘Expert Table’

KJ65              W    E          A109                    West(G)     North         East(H)      South

A7                      S              Q65                      pass           1              1NT (1)      pass

Q752                                 A10984                3NT           all pass






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand H in this week’s quiz? A take-out double should be playable in the other three suits – this double is terrible. This is a nice suit and 2 is a reasonable bid but I prefer our expert’s choice.

(2)   What did you bid with this West hand G in this week’s quiz? This pass is also a poor bid. Partner is presumably short in ’s for his double and you will not get rich by passing at the one level for penalties with just 4 trumps. 2NT (11-12) is correct (which partner would raise to 3NT with his hand).

 ‘Expert’     (1)  Our expert knows how to evaluate a hand. 1NT here is 15-18 but the great 

  Table:             and intermediates make this hand worth a 1NT overcall.


And what happened? 1 doubled went just one down for a poor score to E-W. Two pairs ended up in 3NT (430 and 460) and there was the usual suspect who insists on playing in a minor suit and thinks that making 10 tricks 5 -1 scores the same as 3NT +1; it does not, and 5 would have got a poor score even if it had made.

The bottom Lines: -

-         Up grade a hand with good 10,9 combinations.

-         5/ is not usually a good contract - if 3NT is an option, then bid it.

-         A take-out double is short in the suit bid and playable in the other three suits (unless very strong).

-         Don’t make a take-out double if 1NT or an overcall describe the hand better.


Responding to partner’s double – part 4            Board 12 from Friday 1st


This time it’s North-South who got into an inferior contract because of a poor take-out double and an incorrect response.


Dealer:             AK2                                           Table A

West                J3                                               West          North(J)     East            South(K)

N-S vul            Q8765                                        2              pass           3    (1)      dbl     (2)

                        J76                                             pass           3    (3)      pass           pass   (4)


63                      N             J94                       ‘Expert Table’

Q108762        W    E          K94                      West          North(J)     East            South(K)

J3                        S              K94                      2              pass           3    (1)      3  (2)

Q42                                   10985                  pass           4    (5)      all pass






Table A:     (1)  I like this – it’s usually best to raise partner’s pre-empt immediately with three card support.

(2)   What did you bid with this South hand K in this week’s quiz? A take-out double should be playable in the other three suits and I guess that this hand just about is - but with a 5 card suit it’s best to mention it. Double followed by a bid over partner’s response would show a much stronger hand and the other problem with double is that partner may well respond 5 or 5.

(3)   What did you bid with this North hand J in this week’s quiz? It’s not easy with just 3 ’s but with 11 points you cannot make a non-jump like this. 4 is not possible as that’s also a weak bid and the most obvious bid is 5. The whole problem is of South’s making of course.

(4)   North’s 3 bid shows about 0-8 points and South decided to pass. Looks like he dug himself a pit that he could not get out of.

 ‘Expert’     (1)  Our expert knows to bid a 5 card major when he has one. 

  Table:       (5)  And that makes North’s bid trivial.


And what happened? 3 made +3 for a clear bottom, everybody else was in game.

The bottom Lines: -

-         Don’t double when you have a 5 card major.

-     Don’t make a non-jump response to partner’s major with more than 9 points.

-     This North, incidentally, is the same North as in Part1 of these four articles – it seems that he simply does not know the basics of responding to partner’s double.

-     I wrote all about this way back in news-sheet 133 and there is a page on the web

(Basic Bidding > #133 Responding to partner’s take-out double).

A penalty hand playing negative doubles           Board 1 from Wednesday 30th


South at table A made a sort of ‘leave it up to you’ wishy-washy double on this deal: -


Dealer:             K10932                                      Table A

North               KJ3                                            West          North         East            South(F)

Love all            AQ8                                           -                 1              2    (1)      dbl   (2)

                        65                                              pass           2NT (3)      pass           4    (4)

all pass

8754                  N             Q                         

-                     W    E          A10762                Table B

J9762                  S              K53                      West          North         East            South(F)

Q1097                               KJ84                    -                 1              2      (1)    pass (2)

                        AJ6                                             pass           dbl   (5)      pass           pass

Q9854                                        pass




Table A:     (1)  A dubious two level overcall, that should have been severely punished.

(2)   What did you bid with this South hand F in this week’s quiz? You only have values for a raise to 3 and game is by no means certain. It’s clearly best, at equal vulnerability, to go for the penalty. However, double here is not penalties! N-S play negative doubles and this double promises the minors and denies ’s.

(3)   With a stop, North correctly bid 2NT.

(4)  South does not have the values for 4.

Table B:     (2)  This South fully understands negative Doubles and correctly passed.

(5)  And the same goes for North, who correctly re-opened with a double.


And what happened? At Table A East led a and declarer has difficulties because the A was removed immediately and West had 4 trumps. He was unable to set up the ’s (East held up the A till the 3rd round of course) and 4 was one down for a clear bottom. 2 doubled would have been about 3-4 down for 500-800 to N-S and a clear top.

At Table B 2 doubled went three down for 500 and a clear top to N-S (Bob and Jo).

If N-S don’t go for the penalty, 3NT is a good contract as the 4-1 fit is irrelevant if they are not trumps and declarer will get 4 tricks.

And what happened at other tables in the Pattaya bridge club? - there were the usual spurious results.

The bottom Lines: -

-         If you play negative doubles, then pass with a penalty hand and then pass partner’s anticipated re-opening double.

-         If partner opens with a major and RHO overcalls in the other major, then a negative double promises both minors.

-         So this double at (2) is lousy because: -

        (a) it denies a decent holding (bid No Trump),

(b) it denies 3 ’s (generally raise ’s),

(c) it implies a good holding in both minors,

(d) partner cannot possibly pass – he has at most 3 ’s.

-         In my opinion, five cards in total between ’s and ’s is not ‘both minors’!

How many ’s, and how many ’s?                    Board 9 from Wednesday 30th


What were your answers to bidding quiz N? N-S here went 4 down in a 5-1 fit when there was a cold slam in another suit!


Dealer:             -                                                

North               AQ752                                       West          North         East            South

Love all            86                                               -                 1   (1)      pass           1

                        AKQ985                                    2    (2)      3    (3)      pass           3NT (4)

pass           4    (5)      pass           pass (6)

AQJ10643         N             92                        

42                   W    E          KJ986                 

2                         S              QJ1093                

643                                    7                         






(1)   This is surely the best opening, with the plan to reverse into 2 followed by another bid to thus show the strength and shape of the hand. A 2 opening is the alternative but I don’t really like that with two-suiters and with just 15 HCP’s.

(2)   Weak

(3)   A reverse, so promising a good hand with 4 ’s and more ’s.

(4)   So showing the stop.

(5)   This now completely describes North’s hand – a huge hand with 5 ’s (and thus 6 ’s).

(6)   Unfortunately South did not realise this. Since South has shown nothing more than 6 points, a raise to 6 is surely in order.


And what happened? Two out of 5 pairs landed up in the rather ungainly 4 - going three or four down. Two pairs bid 6 and the fifth pair got an average for playing safely in 3+4.

The bottom Lines: -

-         If you open one of a suit and then bid another suit twice, then that promises 6-5 shape.

-         I believe that South got confused because they were playing a short (could be two) .

-         But whatever system you play, if you open 1 and then reverse then that guarantees 5 ’s.



Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    Double. Negative, promising values to at least compete at the two level and promising a 4 card major.

Hand B:    3. This hand, with its excellent shape and intermediates, is well worth forcing to game. It’s best to show the good 2nd suit and emphasize the weaknesses in the red suits with a 3 bid rather than bidding 3NT. An invitational 2NT is feeble.

Hand C:    4. Partner’s 4 bid shows 9+ points and 5+ ’s, there is no reason not to continue with your plan of showing this good suit.

Hand D:    3. Cue bid the suit opened to set up a game force. 3 is a very poor bid as it shows a weak hand. 4is a poor bid because it shows 5 ’s. 4 is reasonable but not really a good bid as it’s not strictly forcing.

Hand E:    1NT. Showing a stop, a dislike for ’s, and 10-12 points.

Hand F:     pass. You are playing Negative Doubles and so cannot double (that would show the minors). You have support but only invitational values, I think it’s best to pass and then pass partner’s re-opening double for penalties. If partner does not re-open with a double but bids something else (showing a shapely hand not suitable for defending 2 doubled) then you can happily bid 4. If partner passes then do not play negative doubles with him or find a new partner.

Hand G:    2NT, showing 11-12 and good stop(s). Passing for penalties is a poor choice.

Hand H:    1NT, 15-18 with a stop. The great and intermediates make this worth 1NT. 2 is a reasonable alternative. Double is terrible.

Hand J:     5. This is a tricky one. You cannot bid 3 or 4 as these are non-jumps and show about 0-8 points. 4 is a possibility but the 4-3 fit may not play well and partner may not even have 4 ’s! The only sensible bid that I can think of is 5 or the somewhat nebulous 4 cue bid.

Hand K:    3, what could be simpler? If you double you will be in a mess when partner bids 4/ or in a real pickle if he bids 5/ - you may easily miss a 5-3 ♠ fit.


Bidding Sequence Answers


L      1NT   pass   4     pass       4NT is to play (obviously 2 aces missing). If you want to ask

4      pass   4NT                 for kings, it’s 5.         

M    2      2NT   pass   3          (a)  If you play systems on here (I do) then 3 is a transfer

        pass   4                             to ’s and (b) 4 is simply doing what partner says to do.

N     1     pass   1      2          Opener opened with 1 and subsequently bid ’s twice.  

        3      pass   3NT   pass       Thus he has 5 ’s and more (so 6+) ’s.


P      2      dbl     pass   3          3 is a weak bid (0-8) and non-forcing.

Q     3     dbl     pass   4          4 should be a 5 card suit with 9+ points.

R     1NT   pass   2     dbl         The double of Stayman promises good ’s and asks for a lead.