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Mon 2nd 1st Frode & Kees 59% 2nd
Lewis & Terry 57%
Wed 4th N-S 1st
E-W 1st Terje &
Lewis 64% 2nd Sean Burgess &
Fri 6th 1st Eddie & Jan 58% 2nd Sean Burgess &
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What, if
anything, do you open with Hand A in 2nd
♠ A8432 ♠ K9
♥ 4 ♥ KJ632 (a) What, if anything, do you open with
Hand B in 1st seat?
Hand C Hand D What, if
anything, do you open with Hand C in
2nd seat?
♠ KQ987 ♠ K10
♥ J ♥ AJ92 With Hand D
♦ KJ1052 ♦ A109
75 ♣ AK83
Hand E Hand F What, if
anything, do you open with Hand E
in 4th seat?
♠ 10 ♠ A42
♥ AQ1082 ♥ AJ9 With Hand F partner opens 1♦, what do you bid.
♣ 864 ♣
Hand G Hand H What, if
anything, do you open with Hand G
in 2nd seat?
♠ A974 ♠ A
♦ AJ7532 ♦ J52
J9 ♣ AJ982
Bidding Sequences Quiz
1816.8 Janne Roos 666.8 Janne Roos 350.4 Janne Roos
1784.8 Jan v Koss 650.5 Jan v Koss 340.2 Jan v Koss
1755.7 Dave Cutler 634.5 Lars Gu
627.2 Dave Cutler 325.6 Gunnar Barthel
Dealer: ♠ A
Love all ♦ J52 - - pass pass
AJ982 1♣ (1)
pass (5) pass (6)
♠ K1065
N ♠ J743
♥ Q74
W E ♥ 9832
♥ A6
♦ 8643
N-S missed a decent 4♠ game on this deal – who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠ A974
both vul ♦ AJ7532 pass pass (1) pass 1♣
J9 pass 1♠ (2) pass 2♠
pass pass (3) pass
♠ 2
N ♠ 10863
♥ Q9832
W E ♥ AK76 (1) Did you open with
this North hand G in this
KQJ5 (2) Quite why North chose 1♠
instead of 1♦ is a
♥ J105 mystery.
♦ Q86 (3) North should make an effort.
E-W missed an easy ♦ partscore on this deal – who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠ J542
both vul ♦ 4 - - - pass
KQJ9 pass (1) pass pass (2)
♠ KQ987 N ♠ 10 (1) Did you open with this
West hand C in this
♥ J W E ♥ AQ1082 week’s
quiz? It conforms with the rule of 20
A63 (2) Did you open with this East hand E in this
♥ K65 week’s
quiz? In 4th
seat Pearson’s rule of 15
♦ 963 applies
and this is only 13, I had a good long
This deal is from the date stated. i.e. 2 weeks ago. There was nowhere to put it in last week’s news sheets but it fits in nicely with the previous two articles this week
Dealer: ♠ J976 Table A
N-S vul ♦ 75 - pass 1♠ (1)
1075 pass 1NT (3) pass 2NT (4)
all pass
♠ Q5
N ♠ A8432
♥ Q753
W E ♥ 4 Table
K10 pass 2♥ (3) pass pass (5)
♥ AJ92 pass
♦ A109
Dealer: ♠ J1042 Table A
E-W vul ♦ A872 1♥ (1) pass 3NT (2) pass
A43 pass (3) pass
♠ K9
N ♠ AQ85 Table
♥ KJ632
W E ♥ AQ7 West(B) North East South
♥ 1095
♦ 109
The 2NT response to 1♣/♦ is 10-12 in Standard American, but not everybody likes the bid. In SAYC it’s 13-15 (but nobody plays that). Most advanced Acol players play Baron 2NT which is a strong hand, around 15-19 points. E-W got in a tangle here when East (basically an Acol player) thought that West’s 2NT was strong.
Dealer: ♠ 7
Love all ♦ J853 - - 1♦ pass
Q10 2NT (1) pass 4NT (2) pass
5♥ (3) pass 5NT (4) pass
♠ A42
N ♠ KQ53 pass (5) pass
♥ AJ9
W E ♥ 5
♥ Q76
♦ 2
E-W bid nicely to the best contract on this deal and made an overt
Dealer: ♠ AK3 Table A
Both vul ♦ Q53 - - pass pass
K975 1♣ pass 2♣ (1) pass
pass (2) pass
♠ J982
N ♠ 65
♥ Q64
W E ♥ A108 Table B
Q1074 1♦ (3) 2♣ (4) pass (5) pass
♥ KJ53 pass (6)
♦ J842
(2) With a miserable hand barely worth an opener,
West was happy to pass since partner was a passed hand.
Table B: (3) This West decided to open 1♦, I would open 1♣.
(4) A
candidate for worst overcall of the year?
(5) Presumably
E-W play negative doubles …
(6) … but
West forgot to double?
West East You are North,
playing in 6♥ after South had made an opening
♠ A962 ♠ K753 bid
of 3♣. South leads the ♣K, how do you play the hand?
♥ J52 ♥ AKQ1096
A962 ♣ 7
Dave’s Column
answer Board 27 from Wednesday 4th
Dealer: ♠ QJ108 West North East South
South ♥
83 - - - 3♣
Love all ♦ Q108762 pass pass
5 3♠ (1) pass 4♣ (2) pass
4♥ (3) all
♠ A962
N ♠ K753
♥ J52 W E ♥ AKQ1096 (1) Not quite good enough for 4♠.
4 (3) West’s ♠’s
were not rebiddable but West
♥ 74 really should do more holding two aces.
♦ J93 I guess 5♣?
♠ QJ All will be well if the ♠’s are 3-2. If not, you
- will
need to throw South in to give you a ruff
♦ Q10 and
discard. Win the ♣ lead and ruff a ♣ at
- t
another ♣. Cask the top ♦’s followed by the
♠ 96 N ♠ 75 ♠K
and ♠A. When the ♠’s prove to be 4-1,
♥ 5 W E ♥ KQ that
leaves this position.
- South will have to
win and give you a ruff
♥ and discard. You ruff in the West hand and
♦ J- throw East’s last ♠.