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Mon 16th 1st Dave & Kenneth 57% 2nd Torbjorn
& Gunn 55%
Wed 18th 1st
Eddie & Terry 66% 2nd
Jean-Charles &
Fri 20th 1st
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A RHO opens 1♠, what do
you bid?
♠ A4 ♠ -
♥ KQ8752 ♥ Q753 With Hand B you open 1♦
and partner responds 1♥.
♣ Q86 ♣ AK108
Hand C Hand D What do
you open with Hand C?
♠ KJ6 ♠ KJ6
♥ KQ7 ♥ KQ What do you open
with Hand D?
K94 ♣ K9
Hand E Hand F With
Hand E partner opens 2NT (20-21), what do you bid?
♠ 974 ♠ KJ62 With Hand F you pass as dealer and this is passed round to
♦ 8 ♦ K109 round to you, what do you do?
1816.8 Janne Roos 666.8 Janne Roos 350.4 Janne Roos
1789.7 Jan v Koss 650.5 Jan v Koss 340.2 Jan v Koss
1763.4 Dave Cutler 634.5 Lars Gu
627.2 Dave Cutler 325.6 Gunnar Barthel
East made a really terrible double. It cost 350 points
or so and I asked him if he reads the news-sheets. He said yes, but does not
agree with what I say. Fair enough, I just love playing against people who
double (to show an opening hand) instead of bidding a 5 (or 6!) card major. I
know that N-S (Torbjorn/Gunn) found the hand amusing.
Dealer: ♠ Q10973 West North East(A) South
N-S vul ♦ AK4 4♣ (4) pass pass (5) pass
(1) A somewhat light opener.
♠ 86
N ♠ A4 (2) What did you bid with
this East hand A in
♥ A3 W E ♥ KQ8752 this week’s quiz? Double is a terrible bid
KJ52 vulnerability
South would doubtless have
♥ 104 bid
4♠ to make it even more awkward for
♦ Q863 East-West.
And what happened? 4♣ made exactly for a
poor score. Two East’s bid to 4♥ (making and making
+ 2) and one East bid 3NT + 3. The bottom lines: -
A take-out double should be playable in the unbid
Do not make a take-out double if an overcall describes
the hand perfectly.
E-W missed a comfortable game/slam on this board (Torbjorn/Gunn bid
and made 6♦ at another table).
Dealer: ♠ J105
N-S vul ♦ 63 1♦ 2♣ pass (1) pass
KQJ103 2♦ (2) pass 3♦ (3) pass
4♦ pass pass pass
♠ A4
N ♠ K732
♥ AQ2 W E ♥ J1094 (1) What did you bid with
this East hand C in this
Q986 (2) I would double – but then I expect my partners
♥ 876 to
understand negative doubles.
♦ 5 (3) This is the
impossible bid – if East has a hand
often feature what I consider to be silly doubles when an overcall or pass is a
better bid. Of course not everybody agrees with me and here we have two of our
regular ‘silly doublers’. But neither of them could find a double when it would
have been a good bid – they let the opponents play in an undisturbed 1♥ contract and they got a total bottom as a
result: -
Dealer: ♠ KJ62 West North(F) East South
E-W vul ♦ K109 1♣ pass 1♥ pass (1)
84 pass (2) pass (3)
♠ 973
N ♠ 104 (1) Double here would be take-out and showing the
♥ KQ54 W E ♥ A982 pointed suits.
It’s a bit dangerous in the
♠ AQ85 if my partner
does not understand balancing.
♥ J (2) 2♥
is best here – stop North entering the
♦ A642 auction cheaply.
And what happened? 1♥ made exactly for a complete
top to E-W. 2♠ by N-S was making or making +1 at other tables. Incidentally,
this N-S pair, who both failed to find a double, are
the same E-W pair as this week’s ‘silly double’ pair and they believe that my
writings are nonsense. It seems that they double on any hand that is 12+ points
and pass on anything less.
The bottom lines: -
Understand balancing.
E-W at table A missed an easy 3NT (+2) on this deal, who would you
Dealer: ♠ 1032 Table A
both vul ♦ 96 - - - pass
7643 2NT (1) pass pass (2) pass
♠ KJ6
N ♠ 974 Table B
♥ KQ W E ♥ 10985 West(D) North East(E) South
AQ85 3♦ pass 3NT all pass
♥ A72
♦ 10532 Sensible
And what happened? Just
table A missed game; all of the other 4 pairs were in
3NT and three made +3 when South did not cash his two aces. The bottom lines: -
Upgrade a hand with a suit like AKQJxx
With an excellent 6 points, do not pass partner’s 2NT
Play Benjamin twos (in which case I would open 2♦ and rebid 2NT –
game forcing).
There are various definitions of a forcing pass. One good one is
that when you/partner have clearly got the balance of power and have freely bid
to game and the opponents sacrifice, then a pass is forcing – partner must
either double or bid on.
Dealer: ♠ AKQJ743 Table A
E-W vul ♦ K7 - - 1♦ pass
543 1♥ 1♠ (1) 4♥ (2) pass
pass 4♠ (3) pass (4) pass
♠ 92
N ♠ - pass (5)
♥ A1062 W E ♥ Q753
10865 - - 1♦ pass
♥ KJ84 1♥ 4♠ (1) pass (6) pass
♦ 102 pass (7)
North South
♠ AJ4 ♠ 53 You are North, playing in 3NT after East had made an opening
AK3 ♥ Q54 lead of the ♠6 and West played the ♠Q. How should you play?
♦ J932 ♦ AQ106
K62 ♣ A984
Dave’s Column
answer Board 9 from Wednesday 18th
Dealer: ♠ AJ4 West North East South
East ♥
AK3 - - pass 1♦
E-W vul ♦ J932 pass 3NT all pass
This was the bidding
at most tables, and just for
♠ Q97
N ♠ K10862 a
change every pair reached 3NT. The one
♥ 10862 W E ♥ J97 ‘exception’
was our precision ♣ pair (Torbjorn/Gunn)
♥ Q54 Anyway,
Dave’s problem this week is to make 3NT
♦ AQ106 from
the North hand on the ♠6 lead.