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Mon 23rd 1st Frode & Kees P 68% 2nd
Wed 25th 1st
Jean-Charles &
Fri 27th 1st Jan &
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand
A partner opens 1NT, what do you bid?
♠ QJ7 ♠ Q10942
♥ 1085 ♥ K63 With Hand B RHO opens a weak 2♦, what do you do?
♣ A108 ♣
Hand C Hand D What do
you open with Hand C?
♠ A6 ♠ A63
♥ Q92 ♥ Q92 What do you open
with Hand D?
QJ7 ♣ QJ7
Hand E Hand F With Hand E RHO opens 1♠, what do you bid?
♠ 4 ♠ A10742
♥ A ♥ 82 With
Hand F partner opens 1NT and
Bidding Sequences Quiz All of these sequences occurred this
1816.8 Janne Roos 666.8 Janne Roos 350.4 Janne Roos
1793.3 Jan v Koss 650.5 Jan v Koss 340.2 Jan v Koss
1763.4 Dave Cutler 634.5 Lars Gu
627.2 Dave Cutler 325.6 Gunnar Barthel
My mobile phone number has recently changed. It’s now 083
That dreaded 4333 type shape again Board
4 from Monday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ 8653 Table A
both vul ♦ K86 1NT pass 2NT (1) pass
643 3NT (2) all
♠ K92
N ♠ QJ7 Table
♥ AJ64
W E ♥ 1085 West North East(A) South
A104 It’s a 25 combined points with a double stop
♥ 972 in every suit – so why does 3NT not make?
♦ Q105
And what happened? Everybody
made 8 t
The bottom lines: -
4333 type shape is TERRIBLE. This is a totally classic
example; both East and West are 4333 type shape and 3NT is hopeless even with
the combined 25 count.
Deduct a point for the 4333 type shape.
Understand hand evaluation. There’s a document on the
web (Hand Evaluation in the
A 1NT opener? West hand 12 from Monday 23rd
Hand C Hand D What did you open with
this West hand C in this week’s quiz?
♠ A6 ♠ A63
I understand that one West was criticized by his partner when he
♥ Q92 ♥ Q92 opened
1NT, partner saying that he should de-value the hand.
QJ7 ♣ QJ7 that excellent 5-card ♦ suit is a great 1NT opener. Hand
D, however, should be devalued (4333 type shape) and I would open Hand D with 1♦ and rebid 1NT (12-14).
Double and bid shows a strong hand Board 11 from Friday 27th
E-W missed game at table C, who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠ 64 Table A
Love all ♦ 8742 - - - 1♣
Q108 pass pass dbl (1) pass
1♠ pass 3♥ (2) pass
♠ Q1095
N ♠ J82 4♥ (3) all pass
♥ KJ4
W E ♥ AQ876
AK73 - - - 1♣
♥ 5 pass pass dbl (1) pass
♦ Q105 1♠ pass 3NT (2) all
♣ KJ762
Table C
West North East South
And what happened? 3NT
went one down; so 3♥+2 scored an average and 4♥ making was the top.
The bottom lines:
With game values, don’t make an invitational bid.
Double and bid (or jump bid) shows a strong hand but
it is not forcing.
The only forcing bid having doubled is a cuebid of opener’s suit.
Dealer: ♠ Q10942 West North(B) East South
Love all ♦ Q3 6♦ (4) dbl (5) pass 6♥ (6)
A82 pass 6♠ all pass
♠ 3
N ♠ 76 (1) What did you bid with
this North hand B in
♥ Q W E ♥ J842 this
week’s quiz? It seems I am saying the
AKJ85 is
totally obvious.
♥ A10975 (2) A good bid – make it difficult for N-S to
♦ 2 find
their fit after the fatuous double.
partner. Double here is the
best bid (responsive
- pick a suit) but
South suspected that North may well pass.
(4) It’s not usually a
good idea to bid again having pre-empted, especially at the 6-level! But this
hand has great shape and it certainly looks like opponent’s have a slam. Come
alive with six-five. Nice bid on this exceptional occasion after partner has
jump supported (6♦ doubled went for just 300 at another table).
(5) Penalties.
It looks like North’s 5 card ♠ suit is not going
to be mentioned – as I said – it was a ridiculous double.
(6) But
luckily for North, South came to the rescue.
(7) I don’t know if North realized that South’s bidding promised both majors, but after some thought he reluctantly mentioned his 5 card ♠ suit for the first time at the six level.
And what happened?
The play in 6♠ was quite interesting. A ♦ was led and West
won with the ♦K and returned a ♣. Declarer rose with
the ace and drew trumps in two rounds. He then led the ♥K and noted the drop
of the ♥Q. How should declarer now play the ♥ suit? Should he
play West for ♥QJ doubleton or play
East for ♥J842? At another table declarer went down in 5♠ when he played for ♥QJ doubleton, thus
losing a ♥ and a ♣ in addition the ♦A. Our 6♠ declarer, however,
has a limited knowledge of restricted choice and played the finesse - 6♠ thus made exactly
for a top. The bottom lines: -
Do not double when holding a 5 card major and just
three (or less) in the other major.
West East You are East, playing
in 7NT on the lead of the ♠10. Which
♠ AJ4 ♠ KQ7 suits
do you play on first?
♥ AQ65 ♥ K93
♣ AK3 ♣ Q107
Dave’s Column answer Board 2
from Wednesday 25th
Dealer: ♠ 652 West North East South
East ♥
10872 - - 1NT (1) pass
N-S vul ♦ J1065 2♣ pass 2♦ pass
84 7NT all pass
♠ AJ4
N ♠ KQ7 (1) With this totally
flat shape I would open 1♦
♥ AQ65
W E ♥ K93 and rebid 1NT (12-14).
10983 indeed downgrade to a 12-14 hand.
It could go: -
♥ J4
♦ 92 West North East South
Dealer: ♠ 852 Table A
E-W vul ♦ K8753 - - - 1♠
- dbl (1) pass (2) 2♥ 4♠
pass (3) pass pass
♠ 4
N ♠ Q93
♥ A W E ♥ 9643 Table B
AKJ1076 3♠ (1) pass (4) 4♥ (5) 4♠
♥ KQ2 5♣ pass 5♥ (6) pass
♦ 2 pass dbl (7) pass (8) pass
And what happened? 5♥* went for 2000. 6♣ would have made for
920 or more (it would presumably have been doubled). The bottom lines: -
♠ A10742 Partner opens 1NT and
♥ 82 in this
week’s quiz?
Bidding Sequences Answers