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Mon 13th 1st Lewis & Terry 67% 2nd Dave & Jan 63%
Wed 15th 1st
Fri 17th 1st Bob & Dave 64% 2nd Gastone
& Jan 60%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand
A partner opens 1♣, what do you bid?
♠ K53 ♠ 9543 (a) What do you open with Hand B?
♥ A54 ♥ 5 (b) Suppose you choose 1♦ and LHO overcall 2♥. Partner bids
J93 ♣ 2
Hand C Hand D With Hand C LHO opens 1♣ and partner doubles. You bid 1♠
and partner jumps to 2NT, what do you bid?
Q943 ♠ 102
♥ 95 ♥ AKJ82
♦ K5 ♦ AJ83 With Hand D RHO opens 1♣,
(a) What do you bid?
♣ 76432 ♣ AJ (b) Suppose you double and partner bids 1♠, what now?
Hand E Hand F With Hand E you open 1NT and partner transfers with 2♥. You
♠ A98 ♠ A75
♥ K1083 ♥ K942 With
Hand F it’s unfavourable vulnerability. You pass as
KQJ632 ♠ KQJ986432 …
what do you open with Hand G?
♥ A ♥ A
♦ 10 ♦ 10 …
what do you open with Hand H?
♠ AK63 ♠ K976 With hand K partner opens 1♣. It’s probably best to pass but
♦ AJ8 ♦ 105 to
bid 1♥, that’s fairly reasonable I suppose. Anyway,
you bid
J103 ♣
653 1♥ and partner bids 2♦, what do you do
Bidding Sequences Quiz All of these sequences occurred this
That 4333 type shape again – part 1 Board 12 from Monday 13th
Dealer: ♠
N-S vul ♦ A95 1NT pass 2♥ pass
9762 2♠ pass 2NT pass
4♠ (1) all
♠ A98
N ♠ J10743
♥ K1083 W E ♥ QJ2 Table
Q65 2♠ pass 2NT pass
♥ A9 3NT (1) all
♦ J743
And what happened? 3NT
looks like the best contract to me; but one made just 9 t
The bottom lines: -
- Add on ˝ a point for a useful
ten, especially in NoTrumps; so 3 tens = 1˝ points.
- Add on something for good intermediates (9,8) – especially in partner’s suit.
- Knock off a point for the 4333 shape.
- The 5-3 fit does not always play better
than No Trumps.
1816.8 Janne Roos 666.8 Janne Roos 350.4 Janne Roos
1811.8 Jan v Koss 652.4 Jan v Koss 340.2 Jan v Koss
1794.2 Dave Cutler 640.0 Dave
Cutler 336.2 Bengt Malmgren
1732.0 Bob Pelletier 634.9
634.5 Lars Gu
That 4333 type shape again – part 2 Board 21 from Monday 13th
Dealer: ♠ QJ4 Table A
N-S vul ♦ 1096 - pass 1♣ pass
872 1♦ (1) pass 1NT pass
2NT (2) pass 3NT (3) all pass
♠ K53
N ♠ 872
♥ A54 W E ♥ Q62 Table
A1096 1NT (1) pass pass dbl (4)
♥ K83 pass (5) 2♥ all
♦ K85
And what happened?
1NT is the limit for E-W. 3NT at table A went two down. 2♥ by North at table B
went one down for a near top to E-W (the 100 penalty is more than 90 for making
The bottom lines: -
- After partner rebids 1NT (12-14) you need
11-12 points to invite. A poor 10 is nowhere near.
- Knock off a point for the 4333 type shape.
E-W at table A both failed to do so and so went two down!
That 4333 type shape again – part 3 Board 12 from Friday 17th
The poor 4♠ was bid at three tables on Friday – it goes down for the usual reason.
Dealer: ♠ AK63 Table A
both vul ♦ AJ8 - 1NT (1) pass 2♣
J103 2♥ 2♠ pass 4♠ (2)
all pass
♠ J54
N ♠ 98
♥ KJ9843 W E ♥ 1072 ‘Terry’s’
Q1072 pass (4) 2♠ all
♥ A
♦ 75432
And what happened? 4♠ is a poor contract
and went down twice (as Deep Finesse says it does). One pair managed to stop in
2NT with a 4-4 ♠ fit.
The bottom lines: -
Knock off a point for the 4333 type shape – it does not
generate t
Even though South has good shape, this is a classic
example of why the North hand is not worth 15 points.
Don’t pass partner’s reverse – it’s forcing Board 14 from Monday 13th
Here we have the same North in action – this time passing Lewis’s forcing reverse bid.
Love all ♦ 105 pass 1♥ (1) pass 2♦ (2)
653 pass pass (3)
♠ QJ8
N ♠ A10542 (1) pass is the obvious alternative.
♥ Q1062 W E ♥ K54 (2)
a reverse – absolutely forcing.
3 enough values to respond initially but
♥ A8 now
– leaving partner in a 4-2 fit – is totally
♦ AQ42 ridiculous. 2NT and 3♣
are the options. If you
A vulnerable 4♠ opening Board
5 from Monday 13th
And this is Lewis’ partner’s finest moment – a great 4♠ opening. Or a diabolical opening, according to your point of view. Unfortunately this board was mistakenly rotated 180 degrees so Bengt actually had the South hand.
Love all ♦ A852 pass pass (2) pass
(1) What
did you open with this South hand G in
♠ 10
N ♠ 984 this
week’s quiz? It’s a 3-loser hand with 10
♥ QJ873
W E ♥ 1065 playing t
♠ KQJ632 to me. Bengt (South) insisted that 4♠ shows a
♥ A very
strong hand at this vulnerability and that
♦ 10 North
should bid slam. This is total nonsense
This hand caused some discussion after the play and a lot at the end
of the session. Bengt came up to me and asked me to agree that North should bid
slam as South has promised 9 playing t
If 3NT is an option … Board 4 from Monday 13th
With a minor suit of AKQxxxx – think 3NT! – it looks like I was the only one to follow this advice on Monday.
Dealer: ♠ 1086 Table A
both vul ♦ - 3♦ (1) pass (2) pass (3) pass (4)
Table B
♠ 9543
N ♠ AJ2 West(B) North East South
♥ 5 W E ♥ K86 1♦ (1) 2♥ (5) 2NT (6) pass (7)
♥ A32
♦ J97
And what happened? 3NT
by East is cold and made +1 on the obvious ♥ lead. Note that had
West opened a gambling 3NT then he would likely have gone down on the obvious ♥Q lead (unless he
plays double-dummy and plays South for ♥Axx exactly, in
which case the suit get blocked and West makes 9 t
The bottom lines: -
AKQxxxx is far too strong for a
pre-empt (except 3NT if it’s a minor).
If 3NT is an option – then bid it (Hammon’s
A simple question
(before you read the next page)
A 1NT overcall shows
15-18 points.
A double followed by
1NT shows 19-20 points.
So how many points is a double followed by a jump to 2NT?
A huge hand …? Board
14 from Monday 13th
Answer: Double followed by a jump to 2NT shows 21-23 points!
Dealer: ♠ 102 West North(D) East South(C)
Love all ♦ AJ83 pass 2NT (2) pass pass (3)
AJ pass
♠ KJ7
N ♠ A865
♥ 1073
W E ♥ Q64
♥ 95
♦ K5
West East You are West, playing
in 6♥. How do
you play on the ♣J lead,
♠ AQ6 ♠ 843 won
by South and the ♠J returned?
♥ AJ1054 ♥ KQ32
Q5 ♣ 3
Dave’s Column
answer Board 20 from Wednesday 15th
Dealer: ♠ K7 Book Auction
West ♥
7 West North East South
both vul ♦ J875 1♥ (1) pass 4♣ (2) dbl
J109762 6♥ all pass
♠ AQ6
N ♠ 843 Table
♥ AJ1054
W E ♥ KQ32 West North East South
♥ 986
♦ 4
♦ J8 holds ♦Jxxx then you can do nothing.
♦ - overcoming Jxxx with North. Suppose your first
move is to play the
♦3 to dummy’ ♦K. When you return to the ♦A, South will show out and this position
will remain in the ♦ suit. When you now lead the ♦10 North will duck and
you have no entry to the ♦’s as the suit is blocked.”
Back to me (Terry). The book then goes into elaborate details of
how West should take card to unblock the ♦ suit by playing the ♦10 first.
Terry’s comments: - I guess that there is not actually anything
incorrect in what the book says, but I can see no reason whatsoever why
declarer should ruff his 2nd ♣.
He then always has an entry to dummy and there is no need to be so precise in
the play of the ♦ suit. Playing the ♦’s in the book way is only necessary if South
returns a ♣ at t
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club?
The board was played 3 times, with everybody in
4♥. Two made just +1 and one made +2.
Who needs Blackwood? - cuebidding
to slam Board
26 from Monday 13th
Just one pair bid the grand on Monday – and not a mention of Blackwood!
Dealer: ♠ -
both vul ♦ Q10872 - - pass 2♣
A1085 pass (1) 2♦ (2) pass 2♥ (3)
pass 3♥ (4) pass 3♠ (5)
♠ KQ108654 N ♠ J72 pass 4♣ (6) pass 4♦ (7)
♥ - W E ♥ 984 pass 4♠ (8) pass 5♦ (9)
♥ AQ7652
And what happened? 7♥ once, 6♥ once and the other
two pairs stopped in 4♥. Everybody simply claimed the obvious 13+ t
The bottom lines: -
Good slam bidding is not just using Blackwood to
locate missing aces/kings. Here a cold 7♥ was reached missing
two kings.
Bidding Sequences Answers