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Mon 1st 1st Jan &
Wed 3rd 1st Lars G & Jean 63% 2nd Gerry & Per-Ake 62%
Fri 5th 1st
Harry &
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open with Hand A?
♠ A ♠ Q3 With Hand B you open 1♣ and LHO overcalls 2♣ (which is
♥ AQJ1098543 ♥ Q974 apparently
natural!!). Partner bids 2♦, what do you bid?
♦ AK ♦ A84
- ♣
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1♣ (a) What do you bid?
(b) What do you bid if the opponents play a
short (could be 2) ♣?
♠ K4 ♠ AKJ105
J2 ♥ AK102 (a) What do you open with Hand D?
♦ J102 ♦ AJ6 (b) Suppose you choose 1♠ and partner bids 2♠, what now?
KQJ752 ♣
Hand E Hand F With Hand E partner opens 6♥! What do you do?
964 ♠ AKQ105
♥ K ♥ 105 With Hand F partner opens 1NT and
you transfer with 2♥.
♣ QJ96532 ♣ J942
Hand G Hand H With Hand G RHO opens 6♥, what do you bid? (if it affects
your decision,
♠ K82 ♠
♥ - ♥ K853 With hand H LHO opens 1♣ and partner bids 2♣ and
AK1074 ♣ 43 (b) you have no agreement?
Bidding Sequence quiz
1834.2 Jan v Koss 666.8 Janne Roos 350.4 Janne Roos
1816.8 Janne Roos 655.2 Jan v Koss 343.2 Bengt Malmgren
1812.3 Dave Cutler 644.2 Dave Cutler 340.3 Jan v Koss
1760.9 Bob Pelletier 644.1 Bengt Malmgren 332.9
1722.9 Ivy Schlageter 636.7
Bid out your shape Board
22 from Friday 5th
Dealer: ♠ AKQ105 Table A
West ♥
105 West North(F) East South
N-S vul ♦ 43 - - pass 1NT
J942 pass 2♥ pass 2♠
pass 3NT (1) all pass
♠ 876
N ♠ J92
♥ K983 W E ♥ QJ64 ‘Expert
pass 2♥ pass 2♠
♥ A72 pass 3♣ (1) pass 4♠ (2)
- When partner opens 1NT and you have a 5 card major and a 4 card minor, then bid out your shape if your points are in your long suits (so if you have two weak doubletons).
This is all clearly explained
in section 3.1.3. of the No Trump bidding book
We will be moving before the end of October. A
new location has not yet definitely been found, so let me know of any
Dealing with the short ♣ Board 24 from Monday 1st
Dealer: ♠ K4 West(B) North(C) East South(H)
West ♥
J2 1♣ (1) 2♣ (2) 2♦ pass (3)
Love all ♦ J102 2NT (4) pass 3♠ (5) pass
KQJ752 4♦ (6) pass 5♦ all pass
♠ Q3
N ♠ AJ85
♥ Q974
W E ♥ A106
♥ K853
(1) Playing a short ♣ (so could be 2 cards).
(2) What did you bid with this North hand C in this weeks quiz? This cue
bid overcall traditionally shows a huge hand (equivalent of a 2♣ opener).
But that comes up infrequently and so most players
play the Michaels cue bid here (showing both majors in this instance). But
North was unethical here, he asked “do you play a short ♣” and then
bid 2♣ when he got the affirmative reply. I was North at another table and
made the obvious pass.
(3) What did you bid with this South hand H in this week’s quiz? If you have
agreed to play Michaels cue bids then 4♠ (or 4♣ or 4♦ to get
partner to pick a major) is the bid. With no agreement then partner has a huge
hand and a forcing cue bid of 3♣ is probably best. Obviously this South understood that partner’s 2♣ bid was natural.
This is close to cheating and I clarify the new club rules, provoked by this
incident, below.
(4) What did you bid with this West hand B in this week’s quiz? I
believe that West was confused as to what North’s bid meant and thought that it
might be showing both majors. However, there was no alert (Michaels has to be
alerted) and partner’s two-level response and the unethical question makes it clear that the 2♣ bid was natural. I
would bid 2♥ - never deny a 4 card major.
(5) I would bid 3NT here as in my opinion partner’s 2NT bid denies a
4-card major.
(6) This goes past 3NT – surely West should bid 3NT; but he thought that
East’s 3♠ bid was 4th suit – asking for a stop. He has my
sympathies here as it’s not obvious – East should have bid 3NT at (5).
And what happened? 5♦ made but scored a joint bottom as everybody else was in 3NT with
most making overt
- Probably the majority of the club play a short ♣ and you have to decide how to defend against it. I treat it as a natural bid (it is 99% of the time).
- Anyway, N-S behaved unethically in my opinion – I would adjust the score had I been asked to do so, but here are the new club rules on this matter.
- A short ♣ needs to be alerted, then there’s obviously no need for the question. In fact, I think it’s best to announce ‘could be short’ and then you’ll never get an unethical question.
- You are not allowed to ask if the opponents play a short club during the auction. If you do so, that implies that you yourself have a good ♣ holding. In the future if anybody feels that they are harmed by such an illegal question they will get an adjusted score and the offending side will be penalised. I should probably have done that on this ocassion.
- Even if the opponents play better minor, the question still has the same implications.
- If you wish to know, ask the opponents if they play a short ♣ before the bidding begins if they fail to pre-alert it.
New club rules regarding the short ♣.
I have added a new local club rule, number 18: -
a) A 1§ opening that may be short (maybe two cards) needs to be announced. Wave the alert card and state ‘could be short’.
b) At no stage during
the auction may an opponent ask if you are playing a short §.
c) If an opponent does indeed ask about a possible short ♣ opening when he himself holds ♣’s, then he will be penalised regardless of whether the opponents play a short ♣ or not.
I always have a copy of the local club rules with me and it’s up on the web site.
The six-level opening Board
25 from Wednesday 3rd
Dealer: ♠ A West North(A) East(G) South(E)
North ♥
AQJ1098543 - 6♥ (1) dbl (2) pass (3)
E-W vul ♦ AK - re
(1) What did you open with this North hand A
♠ QJ107533 N ♠ K82 in this week’s quiz? 2♣
is a poor choice
♥ 76 W E ♥ - as
you may well have difficulty in later
964 This asks partner to bid 7♥ with a top ♥ or
♥ K else pass.
Open 2♣ with a two-suiter? Board 24 from
Friday 5th
Dealer: ♠ 32 Table A
West ♥
953 West(D) North East South
Love all ♦ Q5 1♠ (1) pass pass (2) pass
Table B
♠ AKJ105 N ♠ 8764 West(D) North East South
♥ AK102
W E ♥ J6 1♠ (1) pass 2♠ (2) pass
♥ Q874