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Mon 21st 1st Jeremy &
Wed 23rd 1st Dave & Kenneth 60% 2nd Hans M & Jean 60%
Fri 25th 1st Dave/Bengt &
Jan/Ken = Bob/
Bidding Quiz
Hand A Hand B With Hand A everybody is
♠ KJ107542 ♠ AQ32
♥ 109 ♥ A108 With
Hand B you open 1♣ and partner bids 1♦.
♣ J54 ♣
AK642 bids 2♦, (b) What
do you bid now?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1♦, what do you bid?
♠ A84 ♠ A10 With Hand D LHO opens a weak 2♠ and this is passed to you.
7653 ♥
9 (a) What
do you bid now? Suppose you choose 3♣ and partner
♦ AK ♦ J1082 bids
3NT, (b) What do you bid
J874 ♣
Hand E Hand F With Hand E it’s both vulnerable. You open 1♦, LHO doubles
and partner redoubles. What do you bid?
♠ AJ43 ♠ KJ643
♥ 1095 ♥ - With
Hand F it’s both vulnerable. You choose to open 1♦, LHO
♦ AK43 ♦ KJ76532 doubles and partner redoubles. What do you bid?
♣ 54 ♣ 3
Bidding Sequence Quiz
G 1♠ 2NT What is 2NT?
H 2♠ 2NT What is 2NT over the weak 2♠ opening?
J 1♥ 1♠ pass 1NT How
many points does 1NT show?
K 1♦
L 1♦
1♠ What type of hand does this 1♠ bid show?
M 1♣ pass 1♦ pass
2♠ Is the 2♠ jump shift invitational, forcing or game forcing?
Bridge Without a Partner
On Monday we had a bad number (a 4-board sit-out with me left
over) and so I called for dummies. After four years of news-sheets I had hoped
that the standard of bidding at the club had improved.
I did not call over any extremely weak players to bid with me, the next
six articles are examples of how some of the ‘better’ players bid when they
partnered me!
When a pre-empt is not pre-emptive Board 23 from Monday 21st
Here’s the first of my sextet of appalling bids I faced on Monday with spurious partners.
Dealer: ♠ 83 West(A) North East South
South ♥
KJ - - - 1NT (1)
Both vul ♦ AKQ985 3♠ (2)
(1) Weak (12-14)
♠ KJ107542 N ♠ A6 (2) What did you bid with
this West hand A in
♥ 109
W E ♥ Q7542 this week’s
quiz? This hand is not good
Also, 3♠ here is extremely
dangerous when
♥ A863
And what happened? Even though there were no
trump losers 2♠ went two down for -500 and a complete bottom.
Other N-S’s missed the doomed (on a ♠
lead) 3NT and most ended in sensible ♦
The bottom lines: -
17 points is worth a try! Board
21 from Monday 21st
A different partner this time, he made no effort with a 17 count when I responded twice.
Dealer: ♠ K965 West(B) North East South
North ♥
J6532 - pass pass pass
N-S vul ♦ K93 1♣ pass 1♦ pass
7 1♠ (1) pass 2♦ pass
pass (2) pass
♠ AQ32
N ♠ J7
♥ A108
W E ♥ K7 (1) What did you bid with this West hand B(a) in
1084 hand is only worth an effort. 2NT is just about
♥ Q94 OK but a slight overbid and so I think that
♣ QJ83 (2) What
did you bid with this West hand B(b) in
And what happened? 2♦ made +3 for a complete bottom. Everybody else
was in 3NT making anything from 9 to 12 t
The bottom lines: -
- With 17 points opposite a response, you
have to make an effort 2nd time round (if you did not 1st
With a long solid minor, don’t remove partner’s 3NT! Board 18 from Monday 21st
Here we have my partner failing to make a good 3NT bid, and then removing 3NT when I bid it!
Dealer: ♠ A10 West North(D) East South
East ♥
9 - - 2♠ pass
N-S vul ♦ J1082 pass 3♣ (1) pass 3NT (2)
AKQ1074 pass 5♣ (3) all
♠ 5
N ♠ KJ9762 (1) What did you bid with this North hand D(a) in
♥ KQ1086
W E ♥ J72 this week’s quiz? I would bid 3NT but this
Q843 a
rather erratic player who could well have
♥ A543 a very good hand, so with a ♠ stop I bid 3NT.
♣ J this week’s quiz. North proved just how erratic
he is with this crazy 5♣ bid, pass is clear.
And what happened? 5♣ went -2 for a clear bottom. The top score was
3NT making by North.
The bottom lines: -
If 3NT is an option, then bid it.
If partner bids 3NT at some stage and you have AKQ10xx
in a minor, then PASS!
5♣/♦ is hardly ever a
better contract that 3NT.
Obey the Law – part 1 Board 21 from Monday 21st
This time my partner ignored The Law and got us way too high vulnerable.
Dealer: ♠ AJ6 West North East South
South ♥
Q95 - - - pass
N-S vul ♦ K73 pass 1♣ 1♥ 1♠
K1064 pass pass (1) 2♥ 2♠ (2)
3♥ (3) 3♠ (4) all
♠ 1093
N ♠
♥ 62 W E ♥ AK8743 (1) This is fine with three
card support.
Q8754 (4) This is totally undisciplined, especially
♥ J10
vulnerable. It would be acceptable with
♣ Q87
And what happened? 3♠ went -2 for 200 away and a clear bottom. Most
E-W’s were scoring 140 in ♥’s. The bottom lines: -
Obey The Law, especially vulnerable
Obey the Law – part 2 Board 7 from Monday 21st
This time my partner again ignored The Law when vulnerable.
Dealer: ♠ AQ6 West North East South
South ♥
852 - - - pass
both vul ♦ K532 pass 1♦ 1♥ 1♠
A106 pass pass (1) 2♥
pass 2♠ all pass
♠ J9753
N ♠ 2
♥ 109 W E ♥ AKQJ74 (1) This is fine with
three card support.
K1084 Partner
has opened in 3rd seat and this bid
♥ 63 simply takes the partnership too high,
♣ 954
And what happened? For the first time I don’t
get an absolute bottom. I was North and at another
table North passed the double at (2) and 2♥
doubled made.
The bottom lines: -
Obey The Law, especially vulnerable
When Partner redoubles – part 1 Board 10 from Monday 21st
This is the last (and worst) of my bidding partners’ eccentricities from my Monday session.
Dealer: ♠ Q106 West North East(E) South
East ♥
83 - - 1♦
both vul ♦ 97652 re
Q98 3NT (3) all
♠ K8 N ♠ AJ43 (1) 10+ points and looking for a penalty.
♥ KJ74
W E ♥ 1095 (2) What did you bid with
this East hand E in
9752 This
East showed his lack of knowledge
♥ AQ62
about basic bridge with this
appalling bid.
♣ A63
And what happened? 3NT went -1 for a joint
bottom (somebody else was in 2NT-1). It would have been nice to take the 1100
on offer, but if your partner does not understand the very basics of bridge
bidding then I guess that’s just life.
The bottom lines: -
If you open, LHO doubles and partner redoubles, then
The only exception is a very
distributional hand like Hand F.
- The meaning of redouble is clearly defined on the website: -
General Bridge Topics > When RHO Doubles.
I only played 18 boards on
Monday – and 6 of them were worthy of writing up. Fortunately the other 12 were
fairly sensible and I scrambled about 50%
When Partner redoubles – part 2 Board 16 (2nd session) from Friday 25th
Here we have another player who simply does not understand the redouble
Dealer: ♠ A84 West North(C) East South
East ♥
7653 - - pass pass
E-W vul ♦ AK 1♦
J874 pass (4) 1♥
pass pass
♠ 952
N ♠ QJ10 2♦ (5) pass 3NT (6) all pass
♥ KJ4
W E ♥ AQ102
K762 in
♦’s and two miserable major suits I would
♥ 98
♣ Q63 (3) A bid here should show a 5-card suit.
(4) This West got it right and passed…
(5) … but unfortunately he
fell from grace here.
This bid is terrible and pass is very clear.
(6) Like
me in the previous deal, this East was annoyed and bid 3NT in desperation.
And what happened? 3NT went -1 for 50 away when
1♠ doubled would have netted anything from 300 to
800, depending upon the line of play adopted and the defence.
The bottom lines: -
If you open, LHO doubles and partner
redoubles, then pass; and what’s more, pass when partner subsequently
doubles anything for penalties.
The only exception is a very
distributional hand; with three trumps it is maniacal to pull the double.
- The meaning of redoubleis clearly defined on the website and all subsequent doubles are for penalties.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s Dave
input involving the best play for the contract.
North South You are South, declarer in 4♥.
The defence take
three ♠ t
♠ J52 ♠ 963 and switch to the ♦K. Plan the play.
♥ J109 ♥
♦ A942 ♦ 3
Column answer Board 11
from Wednesday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ J52 West North East South
South ♥ J109 - - - 1♥
Love all ♦ A942 pass 2♥ pass 3♣ (1)
♣ Q87 pass 4♥ all pass
♠ KQ7 N ♠ A1084 (1) A help-suit game try.
♥ 642
W E ♥ 83
♠ 963 Plan the play.
♦ 3
♣ AK32
West East You are East, declarer in 7NT
and South leads the ♠10.
♠ KQ6 ♠ AJ3 Plan
the play.
♥ QJ6 ♥ AK10
AK42 ♣ Q65
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 10 from Wednesday 23rd
Dealer: ♠ 542 West North East South
East ♥ 97 - - 2NT pass
both vul ♦ J1098 7NT all
♣ J1098
leads the ♠10, what is your plan?
♠ KQ6 N ♠ AJ3
♥ QJ6
W E ♥ AK10 You have three sure t
♠ 10987 When playing a
contract in which you have all
85432 the t
♦ 75 have no
chance of an extra t
♣ 73 In this example
North must make a fateful
discard when the 6th major suit card is led
– this is a very basic squeeze play.
♠ Ax You hold this hand and
x LHO then asks partner what
2NT means and partner dithers – saying that some
♦ AKJ10xx play it as the minors and some as natural.
He eventually come up with the
♣ QJxx (incorrect) explanation that it is
for the minors. So LHO passes and partner
Bidding Sequence Answers
G 1♠ 2NT 2NT
is Unusual, showing the minors and usually weak.
H 2♠ 2NT 2NT
is natural, just the same as 1NT over a 1♠ opening.
J 1♥ 1♠ pass 1NT 1NT
opposite a 1-level overcall is about 10-11 points.
K 1♦
L 1♦
1♠ defend.
M 1♣ pass 1♦ pass The jump shift is game forcing.