Mon 12th 1st Ian W & Terry 63% 2nd Sean & Terje 62%
Wed 14th 1st Sean & Terje 64% 2nd Ivy & Terry 61%
Fri 16th 1st Bob &
Jean-Francois 68% 2nd Sean & Terje =
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Bidding Quiz
Hand A Hand B With Hand A RHO opens 1♦, what do you bid?
KJ73 ♠ J
♥ KQ974 ♥ J4 With
Hand B it’s favourable vulnerability. LHO opens 1NT
♣ J9 ♣
Hand C Hand D With Hand
C you are playing Benjamin twos. Do you open
2♣ (8-9 playing t
♠ AQJ ♠ K7
♥ AKQJ1042 ♥ KQ98 With
Hand D it’s unfavourable vulnerability, you open 1NT and
Q ♣ K964
Hand E Hand F With
Hand E you open 1♠ and partner bids 2♣, what do you do?
♠ J8743 ♠ K1076
♥ A94 ♥ 864 With Hand F
partner opens 1♣ (could be short) and you choose
4 A7532 to
bid 1♠. Partner raises to 2♠ and this is passed round to LHO
AKQJ ♣ 4 who
bids 3♣; this is passed round to you, what do you do?
Hand G Hand H With Hand G LHO opens 1♣ and partner overcalls 1♦, what
do you bid?
♠ A765 ♠ Q102
♥ J853 ♥ AQ9 With Hand H RHO opens 1♣ and you bid 1♦. Partner responds
♣ K85 ♣
Bidding Sequence Quiz
J 1♥ 1♠ 2♠ What
is 2♠? Is it (a) asking for a ♠ stop or
(b) showing a sound raise to 3♥ or better?
K 1♣ 1♦ pass 1NT How
many points is 1NT?
L 1♠ pass 2♣ pass Is
3♣ forcing?
Don’t Abuse Michaels and the UNT Board 2 from Monday 12th
I have said it dozens of times; Michaels and UNT are pre-empts (or else extremely strong). Dave, however, disagrees with this and will use them with a two suiter of any range. This, of course, leads to problems for partner as he has no idea how strong you are.
Dealer: ♠ Q9862 Table A
East ♥
J6 West North East South(A)
N-S vul ♦ KQ - - 1♦ 2♦ (1)
10762 3♦ (2) 3♠ (3) pass 4♠ (4)
all pass
♠ 105
N ♠ A4
♥ 10852
W E ♥ A3 Table
KJ73 2♦ (5)
♥ KQ974 pass pass (8) pass
And what happened? Just one pair stopped in 3♠ making exactly. One East somehow bid 3NT (!)
and went two down, The other two N-S’s overbid to 4♠ but one North made it when the opponents set
up the ♥’s for him.
The bottom lines: -
Michaels cue bids (and the UNT) are weak pre-emptive
bids. If you use them to show any range from 6 to very strong then partner will
have no idea what’s going on.
More experienced players play Michaels and UNT as
either weak or very strong, this is what I played with Chuck and is what I play
with Lewis.
With a two-suiter and intermediate strength, simply
overcall in the longest suit.
An UNT Board 22 from Monday 12th
Dave usually gets on better with unfamiliar partner that I do, that’s because I assume that my partner bids correctly and also understands my bids. Dave is less trusting. Dave and I were both North on this deal and with the same partner (I was calling for dummies and Ivy came over).
Dealer: ♠ J Table A
East ♥
J4 West North(B) East(D) South
E-W vul ♦ 109754 - - 1NT pass
AQ753 2♥ (1) 3♣ (2) pass (3) pass (4)
3♠ (5) all
♠ Q98543 N ♠ K7
♥ A765
W E ♥ KQ98 Table B
A1072 2♥ (1) 2NT (2) 3♠ (6) 4♦ (7)
♥ 1032 4♥ (8) 5♦ (9) 5♥ all
And what happened? 3♠ made exactly for a top to E-W. 5♥ went -2 for a top to N-S.
The bottom lines: -
Trust your partner?
A Benjamin 2♣ or 2♦ Opener? Board 11 from Monday 12th
E-W missed an easy slam on this deal, who would you blame?
Dealer: ♠ K85 Table A
South ♥
98 West North East(C) South
Love all ♦ J82 - - - pass
J9753 pass pass 2♣ (1) pass
2♦ (2) pass 3♥ (3) pass
♠ 1043
N ♠ AQJ 4♥ (4) all
♥ 53 W E ♥ AKQJ1042
9762 - - - pass
♥ 76 pass pass 2♦ (1) pass
And what happened? Just one pair bid 6♥. 13 t
The bottom lines: -
If you play Benjamin twos, then open 2♦ with 9½ or more t
Playing t
To answer the question, East was clearly to blame.
Don’t double with nothing in trumps Board 19 from Monday 12th
Dealer: ♠ K1076 Table A
South ♥
864 West North(F) East South
E-W vul ♦ A7532 - - - 1♣ (1)
4 pass 1♠ (2) pass 2♠
pass pass 3♣ (3) pass
♠ Q5
N ♠ A84 pass
♥ J9732
W E ♥ 10
J932 - - - 1♣ (1)
♥ AKQ5 pass 1♦ (2) pass 1♥
And what happened? 3♠ made +1 for a top to N-S; 3♣ doubled made for a top to E-W. Other contracts were 3♦+2, and 4♣-1
The bottom lines: -
Doubling with a singleton in trumps is not usually a
good idea, especially if partner has had a chance to make a penalty double.
The wrong slam Board 3 from Friday 16th
Dealer: ♠ K962 Table A
South ♥
J87 West(E) North East South
E-W vul ♦ 765 - - - pass
872 1♠ pass 2♣ pass
5♣ (1) pass 6♣ (2) all
♠ J8743
N ♠ A10
♥ A94
W E ♥ KQ3 “Expert”
1♠ pass 2♣ pass
♥ 10652 3♦ (1) pass 4NT (3) pass
And what happened? Nobody bid 6NT but one pair
did manage to bid 6♠ which goes one
down. The third table bid a modest 3NT+3. The bottom lines: -
Two-over-one works like a dream on big hands – there
is so much bidding space and you do not have to thrash around trying to find a
forcing bid as at (1) at Table A.
It’s best not to use 4NT as Blackwood with a minor
suit as trumps as you may get too high (there was no problem with these two
powerful hands). Many top players play 4 of the minor as RKCB and some others
play Kickback.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s Dave
input involving the best play for the contract.
North South You are North, declarer
in 3NT. East leads a low ♠, you play
♠ A2 ♠ Q3 the ♠Q and West produces the ♠K. You win the 2nd round
♥ J65 ♥
Q1072 of ♠’s, how do you
♦ AKJ1098 ♦ 2
♣ 62 ♣ AKJ1043.
Dave’s Column
answer Board
17 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ A2 West North East South
North ♥ J65 - 1NT pass 3NT
Love all ♦ AKJ1098 all pass
♣ 62
♠ K1097 N ♠ J8654 East
leads a low ♠ and you play the ♠Q. This
♥ K98
W E ♥ A43 is covered by
the ♠K and you duck. A ♠ is
♠ Q3
♦ 2
♣ AKJ1043
West East You are East, declarer in 5♦ and South leads the
♠A and shifts
♠ J107 ♠ Q to ♥J. Plan the play.
♥ K73 ♥ A54
♦ K1043 ♦ AQJ987
A75 ♣ KJ2
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 18 from Wednesday 14th
Dealer: ♠ 852 West North East South
East ♥ Q962 - - 1♦ 1♠
N-S vul ♦ 62 3♦ (1) pass 5♦ all pass
♣ 9843
(1) This is the bid in Dave’s book. Many would
♠ J107 N ♠ Q play this bid as pre-emptive these days and
♥ K73
W E ♥ A54 bid 2♠
with this hand
♦ K1043 S ♦ AQJ987
♠ AK9643
♦ 5
♣ Q106
Another play problem Board 26 from Friday 16th
This is a random deal that was generated by the computer for the
Friday session.
North South You are North, declarer in 4♠. The opponents cash
the ♣A,K
♠ K9872 ♠ A1064 and continue with a 3rd round of ♣’s which you ruff. You
♥ A8 ♥
KQ10432 decide to play up to the ♠A and the ♠3 appears
from West
♦ AK7 ♦ 8 and the ♠Q from East. You
lead the ♠10 and West plays the
♣ 1074 ♣ Q8 ♠5,
do you finesse or play for the drop? Are the odds roughly evens or is one line
far superior to the other?
Another play
problem answer Board
26 from Friday 16th
Dealer: ♠ K9872 West North East South
East ♥ A8 - - pass 1♥
Both vul ♦ AK7 pass 1♠ pass 2♠
♣ 1074 pass 4♠ all pass
♠ J53 N ♠ Q East
leads a ♣ to West’s ♣A,K and a 3rd ♣ that you
♥ J W E ♥ 9765 ruff.
The ♥’s are good for 6 t
♦ 109432 S ♦ QJ65 play the ♠ suit? You decide to play up to the ♠A,
♠ A1064 You lead the ♠10 from dummy and West plays the
KQ10432 ♠5, do you play to drop the ♠Q or finesse? It’s pairs
♦ 8 so
the overt
♣ Q8
1NT opposite a 1-level overcall Board 21 from Monday 12th
I have mentioned this a few times, a bid of 1NT opposite a 1-level overcall is NOT 6-9, it is 10-12. Some players in the club refuse to believe this.
Dealer: ♠ K43 West(H) North East(G) South
North ♥
76 - pass pass 1♣
N-S vul ♦ 872 1♦ pass 1NT (1) pass
J10743 3NT (2) all
♠ Q102
N ♠ A765 (1) What did you bid with this East hand G in
♥ AQ9
W E ♥ J853 this week’s quiz?
Pass is correct, this 1NT
J98 this week’s quiz? 3NT is correct, it should
♥ K1042 make even opposite a minimal 10 count
A director call Board 2 from Friday 16th
Dealer: ♠ 76 West North East South
East ♥
KJ98654 - - pass 1NT
N-S vul ♦ A 2♣ (1) 4♥ (2) all
(1) Showing both majors in their system.
♠ QJ3
N ♠ 8542 3♣ is of course the
correct bid.
♥ 10 W E ♥ 732 (2) North asked East what 2♣ was and was
AK109 At the end of the hand the director
was called.
♥ AQ North
said that without the incorrect call he
Bidding Sequence Answers
J 1♥ 1♠ 2♠ 2♠ is normally used by
more experienced players to show a
sound raise to 3♥ or better
K 1♣ 1♦ pass 1NT 1NT opposite a 1-level overcall is 10-12.
L 1♠ pass 2♣ pass This
is an interesting one. In Acol it is not forcing. Playing
3♣ Standard American it’s probably best to play it as forcing –
most SA players play that responder promises another bid after giving a
two-level response (except over 2NT) but this needs to be agreed. Playing 2/1 it’s game forcing of course.