Mon 2nd 1st Ted & Johannes = Bob & Robbie 57%
Wed 4th 1st Dave & Terry 65% 2nd Jan & Peter 63%
Fri 6th 1st Dave & Ivy 68% 2nd
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Bidding Quiz
Hand A Hand B With Hand A you elect to open 1♦ in 1st seat. Partner responds 1♠, what do you bid?
♠ 8 ♠ -
♥ AKJ9 ♥ J8 With Hand B you open 1♦ and LHO overcalls 1♥. This is passed
Hand C Hand D With Hand C RHO opens 1♦, what do you bid?
♠ AK86 ♠ AK986
AK10964 ♥
AK1096 With Hand D
♦ QJ4 ♦ QJ4
- ♣
Hand E Hand F With Hand E you open 1♠ and partner bids 2♣,
(a) What do you bid? (b) What do you bid if playing Acol?
♠ J8743 ♠
♥ A94 ♥ K4
♦ 4 ♦ QJ10952 With
Hand F partner opens 1♠ and you bid 2♦. Partner then
AKQJ ♣ AQ96 bids
3♣, what do you bid?
Bidding Sequence Quiz
G 1♠ pass 2♣ pass (a)
Is 2♦ forcing in Standard
2♦ (b) Is 2♦ forcing when playing Acol?
H 1♠ pass 2♣ pass (a)
Is 3♣ forcing in Standard
3♣ (b) Is 3♣ forcing when playing Acol?
J 1♠ pass 2♣ pass (a)
What is 3♦ in Standard
3♦ (b) What is 3♦ when playing Acol?
K 1♦ pass 1♠ pass What is 3♥?
Michaels, double or Overcall? Board
28 from Wednesday 4th
Dealer: ♠ AK86 Table A
West ♥
AK10964 West(B) North(C) East South
N-S vul ♦ QJ4 1♦ 1♥ (1) pass pass (2)
- 2♣ (3) 3♥ (4) 4♣ 4♥
♠ -
N ♠ Q32
♥ J8 W E ♥ Q2 Expert Table
KQJ62 ♣ 109874 1♦ 1♥ (1) pass pass (2)
J109754 2♣ (3) 2♠ (4) 4♣ 4♠
♥ 753 pass pass 5♣ 5♠
And what happened? Two pairs played in 5♣ doubled -2 for an average. One pair were pushed to 6♣
and went -4 for a bottom. Just one N-S pair played in 5 of a major. They
actually played in 5♥ doubled which looks
like it should make but they went minus one for a bottom. I believe that West
doubled and so North reasonably played him for ♥QJx.
The bottom lines: -
With a strong 6-4 hand, overcall the 6-carder and then
bid the 4-carder.
There was a
discussion after the hand as to how to bid the North hand. One player said to
double and another said to bid Michaels. I have already expressed my views
Look for the slam? Board 7 from Wednesday 4th
Dealer: ♠ A10742 Table A
West ♥
AJ West North East South(F)
N-S vul ♦ A7 pass 1♠ pass 2♦
K853 pass 3♣ pass 4♣ (1)
pass 4NT (2) pass 5♦
♠ KQJ98 N ♠ 63 pass 6♣ all
♥ 1083
W E ♥ Q97652
J72 ♣ 104 West North East South(F)
pass 1♠ pass 2♦
♥ K4 pass 3♣ pass 4♣ (1)
And what happened? Just the one pair bid 6♣. Other contracts were 3NT+3, 3NT+2 and 5♣+1.
The bottom lines: -
The trump queen ask, unlike a king ask, does not
guarantee all keycards and asker may well have a keycard missing and be looking
for the small slam, aiming to sign off in 5 of the trump suit with no trump
queen opposite.
1430 is designed to give more room for the trump queen ask; but it really is a waste of time – especially if
a minor suit is trumps. Kickback is the only real solution.
- The sequence 1♠ - 2♦ - 3♣ generally shows a
good opening (even if you do not play it as a game forcing reverse). With a
weak opening opener should rebid 2♠.
Double for a lead Board 28 from Monday 2nd
When the opponents freely bid to 3NT, then a double by the player not on lead asks partner to lead dummy’s first bid suit. It worked a treat on this deal.
Dealer: ♠ 9532 West(A) North East South
West ♥
Q85 1♦ pass 1♠ (1) pass
N-S vul ♦ 1072 3♥ (2) pass 3♠ (3) pass
J96 3NT pass pass (4)
all pass
♠ 8
N ♠ KJ64
♥ AKJ9
W E ♥ 1062
A73 ♣ 10842
♥ 743
And what happened? 3NT* went -2 for a top to
N-S. Another West was in 3NT but did not get the double and so with no ♠ lead it made. 3NT was played by East at
another table and went just one down.
The bottom lines: -
- A jump to one above the natural forcing bid
is a splinter.
Dave’s Column Here is this week’s Dave
input involving the best play for the contract.
North South You are
South, declarer in 4♠ after East has opened 1NT.
♠ 6543 ♠ AK10987
♥ J94 ♥
♦ Q98 ♦ K105
♣ AK9 ♣ 32
West leads the ♥5. East wins with the ♥Q and continues with
the ♥K and ♥A
which you ruff. West followed with the ♥6 and ♥7. You play the ♠A,K and East follows with the ♠Q
and ♠J, West discarding a small ♣. You now play ♣A,K and ruff a ♣, East playing the ♣6,J,Q. How do you
play the ♦ suit?
Dave’s Column answer Board 26
from Wednesday 4th
Dealer: ♠ 6543 West North East South
East ♥ J94 - 1NT 2♠ (1)
Both vul ♦ Q98 pass 3♠ (2) pass 4♠
♣ AK9 all pass
♠ 2 N ♠ QJ (1) This is the bidding
from the book, 2♠
♥ 10765
W E ♥ AKQ8 being natural and promising a 6-card
♠ AK10987 6-card ♠ suit.
♦ K105
♣ 32
West East You are West, declarer in 7NT.
North leads a ♠, plan the play.
♠ AKQ ♠ J106
♥ QJ10 ♥ A42
♦ 32 ♦ AKJ104
KQJ109 ♣ A5
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
27 from Wednesday 4th
Dealer: ♠ 9872 West North East South
South ♥ 83 - - - pass
Love all ♦ 9865 1♣ pass 1♦ pass
♣ 832 2NT (1) pass 7NT (2) all pass
♠ AKQ N ♠ J106 (1) 18-19 points
♥ QJ10
W E ♥ A42 (2) This is the bidding
in the book, at our club
♦ 32 S ♦ AKJ104 everybody
bid a more modest 6NT.
♠ 543 Anyway, North leads the ♠9, what is the best
K9765 play
if you are in 7NT?
♦ Q7
♣ 764
You have eleven top t
You should combine your chances by playing the ♦A,K, if the ♦Q does not drop then take the ♥ finesse.
Restricted Choice? Board 24 from Friday 6th
Dealer: ♠ 6432 West North East South
West ♥
AK6 pass 1♦ pass 1♠
Love all ♦ K982 pass 2♠ all pass
This was the bidding
at all three tables on Friday.
N West leads the ♥Q which you win in dummy.
W E You play a ♠ from dummy, East
plays the ♠8, you
What now?
♥ 43 Do you play the ♠K hoping for a 2-2 ♠ split or do
Hand D: With 5-5 it’s different. With a medium strength hand it’s best to overcall the higher ranking, but with either a weak (6-9) hand or a very strong hand (as this one) then it’s best to start with a Michaels cue bid of 2♦ and then bid on. Double is again a poor choice as you are fixed when partner responds in ♣’s.
Hand E: This is the same Hand E from
news-sheet 288. I said to bid 3♦
if you play two-over-one (that was my ‘expert’ sequence’) but was unsure in
other systems. I sent the hand off to
“In modern Acol (i.e. BM
Standard), a 2♦ rebid over 2♣ is forcing and 3♦ would be a splinter,
just as in your ‘expert’ sequence in your attached document. Thereafter the
auction would continue exactly as that.”
So the answer to (a) and (b), or in any normal system, is a 3♦ splinter.
Hand F: 4♣. Forcing and looking for slam. 3NT (thus protecting the ♥K) was a popular choice when the hand occurred
but is a bit pessimistic. Partner’s 3♣
bid should show a good/distributional hand and 6♣ looks like a good bet.
Bidding Sequence Quiz
G 1♠ pass 2♣ pass 2♦ is forcing in
either system.
H 1♠ pass 2♣ pass (a) 3♣ is up to partnership agreement. Forcing is
3♣ (b) 3♣ is not forcing playing Acol.
J 1♠ pass 2♣ pass 3♦ is a splinter
agreeing ♣’s in either system.
K 1♦ pass 1♠ pass 3♥ is a splinter
agreeing ♠’s in any system.
Restricted Choice?
You should enter dummy and take the finesse. I went all over this in
very fine detail in news-sheet 288. Taking the finesse works 66% of the time.
However, it seems that 100% of the declarers in the Pattaya bridge club don’t
believe me (or the laws of mathematics) and every single declarer tried to
prove me wrong by played for the drop. They failed; East held ♠J85.