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Mon 29th N-S 1st Jean W & Bob P 56% 2nd Jeremy
E-W 1st
Hans & Janne 60% 2nd Oranong
Wed 31st N-S 1st Hans & Jean 60% 2nd Bob S & Jeremy 50%
E-W 1st Oranong &
Fri 2nd N-S 1st Lewis &
E-W 1st Bob P &
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A West North East South(A) | West North East South(A)
♠ Qx pass 1♠ pass 1NT | pass 1♠ pass 1NT
♥ KQxx pass 2♥ pass ?(a) | 2♣ 2♥ 3♣ ?(b)
♦ QJx
543 ♠
♥ J107643 ♥ K1073 With Hand C partner opens 1♠. (a) What do you bid?
♦ 65 ♦ J54 (b) Suppose you bid 1NT
and partner bids 2♦, what now?
AJ108763 ♠ 2 With
Hand E everybody is vulnerable. You open 1♦
♥ QJ ♥ Q1093 LHO
bids 1♠, this is passed back to you.
J2 ♣
KJ5 (b) Suppose you double and this is passed to
what do you do now?
♠ K1073 ♠ K10743
♥ AQ103 ♥ A With Hand G it’s both vulnerable. Partner opens 1♦ and
♦ K63 ♦ 10 overcalls 1♠, what do you do?
♣ 86 ♣ A109743
Bidding Sequence Quiz
H 1♦ 1♠ pass pass The first double is ‘automatic’, what is the 2nd
The Club Championships
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
1905.2 Hans Vikman 1856.5 1849.9 Dave Cutler 1849.1 Janne Roos 1845.6 Lewis Berg 1817.1 Lars Gustafsson 1806.6 Bob Pelletier 1790.3 Ivy Schlageter 1786.1 Derek & Gerard 1762.2 Jeremy Watson 1727.5 Jan v Koss |
683.5 664.9 663.8 Jeremy Watson 661.8 652.2 Lewis Berg 651.0 Lars Gustafsson 648.3 Janne Roos 646.8 Derek & Gerard 645.6 Janne Roos 643.6 Ivy Schlageter 639.0 |
352.6 342.3 341.1 341.1 339.7 Lars Gustafsson 335.8 Lewis Berg 335.3 Ivy Schlageter 333.8 Derek & Gerard 327.4 326.2 Bob Pelletier 328.8 Bob Short |
I have just about completed the bridge shop and book pages on the
website and now have a little more time for other topics such as conventions.
When Your Hand Improves Board
26 from the Xmas teams
This is an input from
Hand A Table 1
♠ Qx Partner opened 1♠ and you bid 1NT of course (not good enough for
♥ KQxx At the table partner
made a poor pass. The sensible bid with his 5431 hand
xxxx An
invitational raise to 3♥ is called for
(which partner would pass). There was a bit more action at the table 2.
West North East South(A)
pass 1♠ pass 1NT
2♣ 2♥ 3♣ ? (1)
(1) What did you open with this
South hand A(b) in this week’s quiz? Bid 4♥ now! The opponents’
intervention has proven that partner is short in ♣’s and likely has most
of his honors in the remaining suits. The opponents
have competed to the 3 level in ♣’s with less than 1/2 the points in the deck,
and every honor card in your hand is
"working". Even a minimum opening bid should provide a good
play for game. This is an excellent example of how hand evaluation can change
based on information gained during the auction.
And what happened? 1NT made
exactly at table 2 and 4♥ made exactly at
table 1.
The bottom lines: -
North South You
are South, declarer in 4♠ and West leads the ♥J.
♠ K1073 ♠ AQJ62 Do you play the ♥A or the ♥Q from dummy? And plan
♥ AQ103 ♥ 54 the play.
♦ K63 ♦ A742
♣ 86 ♣ K7
Dave’s Column
answer Board
16 from Wednesday 31st
Dealer: ♠ K1073 West North(F) East South
South ♥ AQ103 - - - 1♠
Love all ♦ K63 pass 2NT (1) pass 3NT (2)
♣ 86 pass 4♠ all pass
♣ AJ542 ♣ Q1093 hand with 4 trumps and no shortage.
♠ AQJ62 If you don’t play Jacoby 2NT then you
have to bid 2♦ as it’s too strong for 3♠ and
♦ A742 4♠
is a weak pre-emptive raise.
♣ K7 (2) Showing a better than minimum hand with no
West leads the ♥J, plan the play.
South should neither play the ♥Q nor the ♥A
– he should play low from dummy! – letting the ♥J win. This is an unusual variation of avoidance technique.
If West shifts to a trump, South draws trumps,
takes the ♥A and leads the ♥Q, ruffing East’s ♥K. South then leads a ♦
to dummy and throws a ♣ on the ♥10. He loses a ♥, a ♦ and a ♣.
East can’t prevail by taking his ♥K at t
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s 2nd input involving a defensive problem.
♠ 4 West(D) North East South
♥ 942 - - 1NT pass
♦ J107 4♥ (1) pass 4♠ all pass
♣ AK10965
You are North. West’s
4♥ was a
AJ108763 N and partner leads
the ♣8, plan the defence.
♥ QJ W E
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 10 from Wednesday 31st
Dealer: ♠ 4 West(D) North East South
East ♥ 942 - - 1NT pass
Both vul ♦ J107 4♥ (1) pass 4♠ all
♣ AK10965
(1) What
did you bid with this West hand D in
AJ108763 N ♠
KQ5 this week’s
quiz? This bid from the book
♥ QJ W E ♥ K103 is
J2 ♣ Q73 If you do not play
♠ 92 you
do not want to bid a 2♥ transfer as that
A8765 may allow the opponents in the auction.
♦ K962
♣ 84 Anyway,
you are North and partner leads the ♣8.
This is a tough problem, you win with the ♣K and the only winning defence
is to immediately shift to the ♦J
(or another ♦). This establishes a 4th defensive
Note that if you play Texas Transfers or South African Texas transfers,
then a normal Jacoby transfer followed by 4-of-the major (e.g. 1NT - 2♥ - 2♠ - 4♠) is non-minimum and
mildly slam invitational.
Also, if you play Texas Transfers then the sequence 1NT - 4♠ is redundant and
can be put to good use as explained in the book on No Trump Bidding.
response followed by 2NT Board 31 from Monday
Dealer: ♠
J Table
South ♥ K1073 West North(C) East South
N-S vul ♦ J54 - - - 1♠
♣ A10832 pass 1NT (1) pass 2♦ (2)
pass 2NT (3) all pass
♠ Q85 N ♠ A92
♥ J6542 W E ♥ AQ9
Table B
KJ5 ♣ Q96 - - - 1♠
♠ K107643 pass 1NT (1) pass 2♠ (2)
all pass
♦ AKQ9
♣ 74
And what happened? The results were all over
the place; Deep Finesse says that 2♠
makes +1, 2♦ goes -1 and 2NT goes -2.
The bottom lines: -
If partner
does not like 1NT then he won’t like 2NT.
sequence 1x – 1NT – 2y – 2NT (y lower ranking than x) does not exist in
Standard American. Playing 2/1 (I.e. a forcing 1NT) the sequence shows a
balanced 11-12 over a major suit opening.
Double a transfer for a lead? Board
6 from Monday 29th
Dealer: ♠
543 West North(B) East South
East ♥ J107643 - - 1NT pass
E-W vul ♦ 65 2♥
♣ A6 3NT all pass
♠ Q10976 N ♠ AK (1) What did you bid with
this North Hand B in
♥ 92 W E ♥ KQ5 this
week’s quiz? A double of a transfer
J8 ♣
K97 asks for that suit to be led. I cannot see that
♠ J82 North really
wants a ♥ led and he should pass.
A8 (2) East should pass (showing just 2 ♠’s) but I
♦ 72 believe that he did not notice the double
♣ Q105432
And what happened? The resultant ♥A lead and continuation was good for East and
when the ♠’s split 3-3 he has a joint top, making 12 t
The bottom lines: -
Do not
double Stayman or a transfer bid unless you want that suit led.
Mode Board
7 from Wednesday 31st
Dealer: ♠
AJ986 West(E) North East(G) South
South ♥ KJ - - - pass
both vul ♦ KQ95 1♦ 1♠ pass (1) pass
♣ 86
pass (3) pass 3♣ all pass
♠ 2 N ♠ K10743
♥ Q1093 W E ♥ A (1) What did you bid with
this East hand G in this
KJ5 ♣ A109743 the vulnerable penalty by passing – very
♠ Q5 reasonable with a mis-fit and is what I did.
876542 (2) What did you bid with this West Hand E(a) in
♦ 742 this week’s quiz? Double is ‘automatic’.
♣ Q2 (3) What did you bid with this West Hand E(b) in this week’s quiz? Partner has shown a decent hand
prepared to defend just 1♠ doubled – you must
double for penalties here.
And what happened? 3♣ made +2 for a poor score. 2♥* goes about two down for a virtual top to E-W.
The bottom lines: -
It is well
known that after the sequence 1y
The same
is true after an automatic re-opening double is passed for penalties. Sequence H.
Quiz Answers
Hand A: (a) 3♥, invitational.
(b) 4♥, with both opponents bidding ♣’s that marks partner with shortage, and with
no wasted honours in the suit the hand is worth a shot at game.
Hand C: (a) 1NT.
The hand is not strong enough for 2♣,
(b) pass. Partner has shown a two-suiter and a dislike of
NoTrumps, so give preference by pass. Do not bid 2NT – your side does not have
the values.
Hand D: 4♠. You want to go straight to game with this weak hand so as not to allow
the opponents into the auction. A 2♥
transfer allows the opponents bidding space. If you play
Hand E: (a) double,
automatic when playing negative doubles.
Hand F: 2♦.
You cannot bid 3♠ as the hand is too strong and 4♠ is a weak pre-emptive bid. You cannot bid 2♥ as that guarantees 5 ♥’s although it is possible with this actual
hand as you can always convert ♥
bids from partner to ♠’s. Best is to
temporize with 2♦ and then raise to 4♠ - a delayed game raise – over partner’s
minimal rebid. If you play Jacoby 2NT or Swiss then these conventions are the
Hand G: Pass. It’s a mis-fit with no guarantee of game,
so go for the vulnerable penalty. Partner will usually automatically re-open
with a double of course which you will pass.
Bidding Sequence Answers
H 1♦ 1♠ pass pass The second double is absolutely penalties. Partner has shown