Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                             Club News Sheet – No. 324

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My home phone is 038 422924 and my mobile number is 083 6066880              25th Jan 2009

It is best to use my home number to contact me unless I am at the bridge club.

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

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Mon 19th      N-S     1st  Gun & Lennart               54%       2nd    Jeremy & Sally                 53%

                    E-W     1st   Dave & Janne                 61%       2nd    Kenneth & Ursula             59%

Wed 21st      N-S     1st  Jooleinn & Aaiur             63%       2nd    Hans V & Margareta        62%

                    E-W     1st  Lewis & Paul Q              61%       2nd    Bob S & Johan                 57%

Fri 23rd         N-S     1st  Janne & Lars B              60%       2nd    Dave & Royd                   58%

                    E-W     1st  Hans & Sally                  59%       2nd    Bob P & Olaf                   58%

Ron Klinger web site



Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           What do you open with Hand A?


A1072          8753

Q8                KQ7             With Hand B LHO opens 1 and partner overcalls 1, what

AKJ106        A                  do you bid?

87                8764                                   


Hand C           Hand D           What do you open with Hand C?


AK               A43                                     

AKQ10754  J6                 With Hand D partner opens 1, what do you bid?      

-                    9642

Q942           KQ107


Bidding Sequence Quiz


E      1     pass   1      pass       Is 2 weak, invitational or forcing?

        1NT   pass   2                                       

F      1     pass   1      pass       Is 2 weak, invitational or forcing?

        2     pass   2               


We already have 7 players with qualifying results for the Bronze Medal. I’m sure that nobody will be surprised to see Hans and Janne right up there at the top.



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5













317.3 Hans Vikman

309.9 Janne Roos

296.5 Bob Short

293.5 Lewis Berg

293.5 Paul Quodomine

292.7 Sally Watson

290.1 Johan Bratsberg

Two Losers                                                           Board 19 from Monday 19th        


Dealer:             AK                                             Table A

North               AKQ10754                                West          North(C)    East          South

E-W vul           -                                                 -                 1    (1)      pass         1

                        Q942                                         pass           3   (2)      pass         3

pass           4              pass         pass (3)

10984                 N               7                        all pass

98                   W    E            63                     

AJ543                 S                Q98762             Table B

K10                                     J653                   West          North(C)    East          South

                        QJ6532                                      -                 2   (1)      pass         2    (2)

J2                                               pass           2              pass         2

K10                                           pass           3              etc. to 6 or 7


Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this North hand C in this week’s quiz? This hand has 10 playing tricks, or just two losers if you are a believer in the Losing trick Count. Either way, with 18 HCP a 1 opening does not do this hand justice.

(2)   2nd suit and game forcing.

(3)   Maybe South should press on, but I don’t think so.

Table B:     (1)  Most North’s opened this hand 2 (or 2 if playing Benjamin twos).

(2)  And slam is easily reached whatever you play over your 2 opening.


And what happened? 7= twice, 6+1 three times and 4+3 twice.

The bottom lines: -

-         I am not a great fan of opening 2 with 9 playing tricks and 15 or so points, but 10 playing tricks in a major and 18 HCP is surely worth your strongest bid in any system?

Upgrade to 1NT?                                                 Board 18 from Wednesday 21st    


Dealer:             A1072                                        Table A

East                  Q8                                              West          North(A)    East          South

N-S vul            AKJ106                                     -                 -                 pass         pass

                        87                                              pass           1      (1)    pass         1

pass           1              pass         1NT

Q943                  N               J85                    pass           pass   (2)    pass

10632             W    E            A74                  

82                       S                854                    Table B

KQ6                                    A943                  West          North(A)    East          South

                        K6                                              -                 -                 pass         pass

KJ95                                          pass           1NT   (1)    pass         2

Q73                                           pass           2              pass         3NT

J1052                                         all pass

Table A:     (1)  What did you open with this North hand A in this week’s quiz? This ‘obvious?’ 1 opening was chosen by all but one North.

(2)   All but one of the 1 openers passed here and the other chose 2. I guess you could bid 2NT if you realize how strong this hand is, but 2NT may be too high.

Table B:     (2)  This North, however, has strong feelings about hand evaluation. This hand is NOT 14 points – with two tens and a huge 5-card suit it’s more like 16 and he correctly (in my biased opinion) opened 1NT.


And what happened? 3NT is easy and actually made +2 on poor defence. Everybody else missed the game as it’s not possible to later safely show a balanced 16 count when you open it 1 (you would later have to bid 2NT at some stage which may be too high).

The bottom lines: -

-         2245 type shape (the 5-carder not a major) is balanced enough for a 1NT opening.

-         Add on a point for two tens.

-         AKJ10x is NOT 8 points – it is more like 9 or 10.

-         One player pointed out that opening 1NT will work badly if partner has 4 ’s but not enough to respond to 1NT (i.e 6 or 7 points). Then you miss the fit. This is true, but it is also true for any 1NT opener that contains a 4-card major and in my opinion it’s more important to show the strength of your hand with the opening bid than to lie about the strength in order to possibly get to a superior major suit partscore if partner just happens to have exactly 6/7 points and also 4 cards in your major.

-         The same player suggested that the auction could go 1 - 1 - 1 - 1NT - 2NT - 3NT. I would expect a more shapely hand (say 4162). I consider 4252 OK for a 1NT opening.

-         The main problem with 1 - 1 - 1 - 1NT - 2NT is that responder may well have just 6-7 points and 2NT may go one down, so it’s far better to simply open 1NT. This 2NT bid should have the same range as in 1 - 1NT - 2NT. i.e. a good 16-18.

-         Hand evaluation is NOT just adding points. Obviously devalue for 4333 but conversely add on for tens, intermediates and for good 5-card suits.

-       The argument for opening 1 rather than 1NT seems to be that you miss a partscore when partner has 4 ’s and 6-7 points. But look at it the other way round – partner has 4 ’s and 6-7 points. Then the bidding goes 1 - 1 - 1 - 1NT - 2NT - pass and you may well go down. If you do not bid 2NT but pass 1NT then you may miss game (as here). Partner having 4 ’s is much more likely than him having 4 ’s.                                                                                Q.E.D

An Unassuming Cue bid                                      Board 26 from Wednesday 21st    


Dealer:             8753                                           Table A

East                  KQ7                                           West          North(B)    East          South

both vul            A                                                -                 -                 1            1

                        8764                                          pass           3      (1)    pass         pass (2)

all pass

1096                   N               2                       

94                   W    E            A10853             Table B

Q98642              S                KJ7                     West          North(B)    East          South

K10                                     AJ95                  -                 -                 1            1

                        AKQJ4                                       pass           2      (1)    pass         3

J62                                             pass           4              all pass    



Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this North hand B in this week’s quiz? The hand is worth an invitational raise to 3 but a direct 3 is best played as pre-emptive.

(2)   And South has no reason to press on opposite a pre-emptive raise.

Table B:     (1)  This North, however, knows about the Unassuming Cue Bid. Actually 3 is the best bid here – a jump unassuming cue bid showing 4-card support, but North suspected that his partner would not understand this and so hoped that partner understood the normal USB.


And what happened? Only two pairs reached 4 which is an easy make. Unfortunately one of the declarers drew trumps immediately and then discovered that he had only one trump left in dummy to trump two losing ’s! So one down in a cold game. Obviously declarer should cash the A and ruff 2 ’s before completely drawing trumps, if you draw two rounds of trumps immediately you have no entry for the ruffs and West will draw a 3rd round of trumps. 3+1 was the most popular spot.

The bottom lines: -

-         If you need to ruff two losers in dummy, then you need two trumps there in order to do that!

-         The Unassuming Cue Bid is a bid of opener’s suit after partner has overcalled and shows a sound raise to the three level or better.

-         An improvement use by some experts is that a jump USB again shows a sound raise to the three level or better but guarantees 4 trumps. This is sound if you are an advocate of the Law of Total Tricks (as I am of course).


Raising Partner’s minor                                      Board 17 from Wednesday 21st    


Dealer:             Q5                                              Table A

North               K952                                          West          North         East(D)    South

Love all            KQ107                                       -                 pass           pass         pass

                        J42                                             1    (1)      pass           3    (2)    all pass


K1062                N               A43                   Table B

A84                W    E            J6                      West          North         East(D)    South

AJ8                     S                9642                  -                 pass           pass         pass

865                                      KQ107              1    (1)      pass           1NT (2)    all pass





Table A:     (1)  Playing Better Minor. I personally would open 1 (as mentioned last week) but I prefer to play a short club anyway when 1 would promise 4 ’s.

                  (2)  What did you bid with this East hand D in this week’s quiz? This pair play 3 as a limit raise and I don’t like it at all: -

(a)    because the pair are playing better minor and 1 may be just 3 cards.

(b)   It’s not good enough! You need 11-12.

Table B:     (2)  This pair also play better minor and East got it right. Playing a short club (where 1 promises 4 ’s) then 2 would be a reasonable alternative.


And what happened? 3 was too high, West at table B is a good declarer and he managed just -1 for a just below average score. 1NT by East made exactly for a near top.

The bottom lines: -

-     If you play better minor then you need 5-card support to raise partner’s 1/ opening.

-     If you play a short then you need 5 ’s but can raise ’s with just four.

-     There are two schools of thought on what to open with two 3-card minors when playing Better Minor. Some open the better. I will always open 1 and so only open 1 with 3 cards when exactly 4432. But I prefer to play a short when 1 is always 4 cards.


Dave’s Column           Here is Dave’s first input, a defensive problem.


864                   N                      

A1093          W    E                      West        North         East        South

A10                  S                          -               -                 -             1                    

A763                                            pass         1              pass       1     

                        753                       pass         1              pass       2                    

KQ72                  pass         2NT           pass       3NT

K                         all pass         



You are West, defending against 3NT. Partner leads the 9 and you take dummy’s K with the A. Do you return a or consider a switch?

If you decide to switch would you lead up to dummy’s weakness (’s) or dummy’s strength (’s)?

Dave’s Column answer                      Board 19 from Wednesday 21st


Dealer:             AKJ10                                        West          North         East            South

South               84                                               -                 -                 -                 1

E-W vul           QJ65                                          pass           1              pass           1

                        852                                            pass           1    (1)      pass           2

pass           2NT           pass           3NT

864                     N             Q92                      all pass

A1093            W    E          J65                      

A10                    S              987432          (1)  Natural and forcing, most play 2 here   

A763                                  4                          as 4th suit forcing.






You are West and have three options after winning the first trick with the A.

Given the bidding and the lead of the nine, partner has nothing in ’s and very little outside.

With a return eliminated, should West switch to ’s or ’s? While it’s tempting to lead up to dummy’s weakness West must take time to work out where the real threat is.

In this layout, dummy’s ’s are the most serious threat. North’s bidding promises no more than 4 ’s and his failure to leap to game suggests that he is probably missing a honour. Therefore, if West leads a he is giving North time to develop the winners.

If West leads a , North wins and establishes the ’s. When East holds up, declarer can reach the established ’s with one of the honours.

To defeat the game, West must cut North’s communications to dummy by shifting to a low . When East’s J forces out one of dummy’s honours, West can hold up twice in ’s making it impossible for declarer to get more than two tricks and the contract goes one down.


And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Just two N-S pairs were in 3NT; one made and the other went -1. Other results were all over the place and at my table South elected to pass (!) and played in 2+1 for about average.

The bottom lines: -

-         Knowing it’s time to switch is not enough, one must also choose the right target.

-         When dummy has a good long suit missing an honour or two, consider knocking out the side entries.



Dave’s 2nd Column           Here is Dave’s 2nd input involving the play of the hand.


West                East                      You are East, declarer in 3NT. South leads the 5 and North

A3                J10652             plays the K which you take with the A. You can expect 12

K104            AQ32               tricks with friendly breaks in both red suits, but how do you

KQ9862       A5                   play on the assumption that breaks are bad?

96                A7                                             

Dave’s 2nd Column answer              Board 20 from Wednesday 21st


Dealer:             KQ7                                           West          North         East            South

West                J7                                               1              pass           1              pass

Both vul            J1043                                         2              pass           2    (1)      pass

                        KJ42                                          3              pass           3NT           all pass


A3                    N               J10652           (1)  I guess you have to agree about this one.

K104            W    E            AQ32                   At our table they bid 3 which is clearly

KQ9862           S                A5                        forcing. A simple 2 is considered as

96                                      A7                        just ‘constructive’ by some.






East cashed the A at trick two and led another and that was curtains when South discarded a . Declarer took the KQ but could not afford to establish the long since the defence would run too many ’s. So declarer took the AK and led a to dummy’s 10 but he could not get back to the Q. The A won the last trick, one down.

The correct technique is for declarer to test the ’s at trick two by cashing the K and A. When North’s J falls East leads to the 10, returns to A and cashes the Q. Declarer can then try to run the ’s but is assured of 9 tricks when they do not break.                                 

And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Six out of nine pairs reached 3NT and just one went down.



Double 3NT for a lead                                         Board 22 from Monday 19th        


Dealer:             Q1032                                        West          North         East          South

East                  3                                                 -                 -                 1            pass

E-W vul           Q97                                            2             pass           2NT         pass

                        KQJ64                                       3NT           dbl   (1)      all pass


976                     N               AK4             (1)  This double, after a freely bid 3NT in an     

KJ5                W    E            Q1084               uninterrupted auction, asks partner to lead

A104                  S                K865                 dummy’s first bid suit. If West was a passed

A1082                                  95                      hand initially then this would be a great bid,

                        J85                                             but in this actual auction West is unlimited

A9762                                        and so it’s a bit dangerous. Nether the less,

J32                                             two North’s did find the bid on Monday.


And what happened? South dutifully led a and 3NT* went -1 on both occasions. Three other pairs ended up in 3NT undoubled; -1, = and +1.

The bottom lines: -

-         In an uncontested auction in which the opponents freely bid to 3NT, a double by the opponent not on lead asks partner to lead dummy’s first bid suit.

Double Stayman for a lead
                                  Board 23 from Friday 19th     


A double of a cipher bid (e.g. Stayman or a transfer) asks for that suit to be led. Unfortunately for North, the Rueful Rabbit was sitting West.


Dealer:             J1064                                         West(RR)   North         East          South

West                K4                                              pass (1)      pass           1NT         pass

both vul            873                                            2   (2)      dbl   (3)      redbl        pass

                        AJ42                                          pass (4)      pass


A98                    N               KQ               (1)  The Rueful Rabbit (RR) looked at the

J986               W    E            A75                   very flat 3423 shape and decided that

KJ                      S                A1094               it was not worth an opener.

K105                                   Q873           (2)  Stayman, pretty clear with these cards. 

                        7532                                           It was only after this bid that a kibitzer

1032                                           suggest that RR should count his cards,

Q652                                         RR gave bit of a start as the Q appeared

96                                              out from behind the J.

(3)   Asking for a lead, but it can be dangerous with a suit of this length and quality.

(4)   At this stage RR surreptitiously removed his bidding box to below the table to check on the score for 2 redoubled with an overtrick or two. It was good enough to pass.

And what happened? North had a long think, but the RR had fixed him and there was nothing to be done; the contract made +2 and so 1560 away. The bottom lines: -

-         It’s usually a good idea to count your cards and check that the distribution you are looking at adds up to 13, but sometimes you luck out.

-         A double of Stayman asks for a lead and AJxx may possibly be good enough (I would like more) if RHO is a passed hand; of course if RHO had actually passed with a full opener…


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    1NT. 2245 type shape is OK for a NoTrump opening (the 5-carder not a major) and with two tens and a great 5-card suit this hand is easily strong enough for a strong 1NT opener. Also, Qx is usually a holding that belongs in declarer’s hand.

Hand B:    2. An Unassuming Cue Bid showing a sound raise to 3. A direct 2♠ or 3♠ are wrong as they are both generally played as pre-emptive. Actually, there is an improvement on 2, and that is 3 assuming that you have agreed with partner that the jump Unassuming Cue Bid shows 4-card support.

Hand C:    2, or 2 if you play Benjamin twos. This two loser hand with 10 playing tricks is easily worth your strongest bid.

Hand D:    1NT, it’s not good enough for 2NT and you cannot raise ’s with just 4 cards if playing Better Minor.


Bidding Sequence Answers

E      1     pass   1      pass       2 here is weak, opener should normally pass or correct.

        1NT   pass   2                                       

F      1     pass   1      pass       This is up to your partnership. It is generally played as

        2     pass   2                    forcing but some play it as constructive (invitational).


 Ron Klinger web site