Mon 22nd 1st Linda & Charles = 1st Derek & Gerard 57%
Wed 24th 1st Bob S & Ian 59% 2nd Dave & Mike G 58%
Fri 26th 1st Jan & Janne 61% 2nd
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open with Hand A?
♠ - ♠ -
1095 ♥ K105 What do you open
with Hand B?
♦ AKQJ862 ♦ AKQJ862
Q10984 ♠
♥ Q94 ♥ 7532 With Hand D it’s
unfavourable vulnerability and you are in
♦ 10 ♦ AK854 4th seat after three passes. Do you open? If so, with what?
KJ109 ♠
♥ J10 ♥ Q10974
♦ J10976 ♦ J73 With Hand F RHO opens 1♣, what do you bid.
♠ 106 ♠ 742
987652 ♥ - With Hand H you open 1♦ and LHO overcalls 1NT. Partner,
♦ Q ♦ KQJ93 bless
him, bids 2♥ and
do you bid?
♠ AJ ♠ A105
♥ 109xx ♥
QJ32 With Hand K you open 1♣, partner bids 1♦, you bid 1♥ and
♦ Jx ♦ 10 partner bids 1♠ (natural). What do you bid?
♣ KQ10xx ♣ AKQ102
L 1♣ 1♦
M 1♦ 1NT 2♥ Is 2♥ strong, invitational or weak?
Dealer: ♠
KJ109 Table
East ♥ J10 West North(E) East South
Both vul ♦ J10976 - - 1♥ pass
♣ K3 1NT pass 2♥ pass
pass pass (1)
Q32 N ♠
♥ 98 W E ♥ AQ7643 Table B
QJ1042 ♣ 986 - - 1♥ pass
1NT pass 2♥ pass
♠ 8764 pass 2♠ (1) all pass
♦ A54
♣ A75
And what happened? As South started to put dummy down, North (correctly)
commented that -1 should be a good score. Actually South
had a good dummy and North made 2♠+2
for the only +ve score in the N-S column. Other
results were 1♥= and 2♥=
(three times). So it appears that nobody else even thought about balancing by bidding
♠’s or doubling with this North hand.
The bottom lines: -
If you
defended 2♥ (or 1♥!)
then read up about balancing!
balancing bid with a 4-card ♠ suit often works;
especially when
KJ109 is
huge, by that I mean it is huger that KJ32. Upgrade a suit with good
Dealer: ♠
AK3 Table
North ♥ AJ104 West North East South(G)
N-S vul ♦ A1095 - 1♦ pass pass (1)
♣ Q3 2♣
all pass
J984 N ♠
♥ 3 W E ♥ KQ Table B
AKJ87 ♣ 94 - 1♦ pass 2♥ (1)
pass 4♥ (2) all
♠ 106
♦ Q
♣ 10652
And what happened? 4♥= twice, 2♥+2, 3♠*(W)-2
and 2♣(W)=
The bottom lines: -
The weak
jump shift really is worth playing. It is generally meant to mess-up the
opponents but it may (as here) help your side to reach game.
A weak
jump shift is generally played as about 2-5 points and a 6-card suit; i.e. a
hand that is too weak to respond at the one level.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1827.6 Janne Roos 1790.6 1788.5 Hans
Vikman 1768.3 |
649.2 Janne Roos 639.3 Hans Vikman 636.2 630.1 616.9 Jeremy Watson 615.1 Lars Broman 614.1 Bob Short 612.3 609.2 Jean Wissing 607.6 Per Andersson |
334.8 Janne Roos 329.0 Hans Vikman 326.9 324.5 321.8 321.7 Bob Short 321.3 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.1 Lars Broman 315.7 Jean Wissing |
Here South decided to go charging into a hopeless game, totally disregarding the bidding of others (especially partner) at the table.
Dealer: ♠
KJ73 West North East South
West ♥ K87 pass 1♦
Love all ♦ K852 pass pass (2)
♣ Q5 1♠ pass pass 4♥
pass pass
10952 N ♠
♥ 4 W E ♥ 1052
10632 ♣ AKJ4
♠ 8
♦ J74
♣ 987
(1) This is forcing and
North knew fully well that his partner’s bid was
forcing (a two level response would be non-forcing), but with his absolutely
minimal opener and East presumably sitting over him with the ♠’s he decided to
tell his partner that he had a lousy hand by passing his forcing bid. He
obviously had more respect for this East than for his current partner.
2♥ would be fine. I can
see absolutely no point in allowing West to bid at the one level – did South
really expect to be allowed to play in 1♥ doubled?
disregarding his partner’s warning. 2♥,
or maybe 3♥, are quite sufficient.
And what happened? 4♥* got exactly what
South deserved, down three and 500 away when the hand could have been played
in1♠ by West.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
Q54 Table
South ♥ AQ84 West North East South(A)
love all ♦ 753 - - - 3NT (1)
♣ K74 pass pass (2) pass
AK109 N ♠
J87632 Table B
♥ J72 W E ♥ 963 West North East South(A)
QJ9852 ♣ 3
♠ - pass 4♥ (6) pass 4NT (7)
K105 pass 5♦ (8) pass 7♥ (9)
♦ AKQJ862 all pass
♣ A106
And what happened? 7♥ made when East failed to lead a ♦ and declarer played for the trumps to be 3-3.
3NT made +3 for a poor score. Nobody bid 7♦
but 6♦+1 got a 2nd. So as it happens a
safe 6♥ would have scored just as good a top as the
silly 7♥ by North. The bottom lines: -
slams in solid 7-3 fits are usually safer than dodgy 4-3 fits, but 7♦ also needs a bit of luck/good play to make but
is a far superior contract to 7♥ of
If intent
upon looking for 7♥, Josaphine GSF 5NT is better at (7) but not
many pairs have agreed the continuations and I doubt if this South has even
heard of it.
Dealer: ♠
Q10984 Table
North ♥ Q94 West(D) North(C) East South
E-W vul ♦ 10 - pass (1) pass pass
♣ AK32 pass (2)
AJ N ♠ K7632 Table
♥ 7532 W E ♥ K106
West North(C) East South
64 ♣
Q10 pass 2♣ pass pass
♠ 5 2♦ pass pass 3♣
AJ8 pass pass 3♦ all
♦ J963
♣ J9875
And what happened? The pass-outs scored above average for E-W. 3♦ went -2 and a top to N-S at table B.
The bottom lines: -
Upgrade hands
with good intermediates and tens.
Use the
rule of 15 for marginal 4th seat openers, even with12 points.
Opening a
weak two with a 5 card suit is allowed, and I will often do so if I have
another 5-carder or possibly with a good 4-carder.
♣ K876 ♣ A Which ♠ do you play from
Dave’s Column
answer Board 10 from Wednesday 24th
Dealer: ♠ A95 Book Auction
East ♥ A963 West North East South
Both vul ♦ 109 - - 1♠ pass
♣10543 2♠ (1) pass 4♠ all
♣ K876 ♣ A 1NT (2) pass 2♠ all pass
♠ Q
♥ QJ105 (1) Obvious playing Standard
♦ 8754 (2) This
pair play 2/1 and constructive raises. This West
♣ QJ92 decided to downgrade and bid a
forcing 1NT because of the bad 3334 shape and poor trumps. A
close call.
Assume that you are East,
declarer in 4♠ as was the case at every table except ours.
South leads the ♥Q followed by the ♥J and a third ♥ which you ruff when North plays the ♥A on your ♥K.
You lead a ♦ to dummy’s ♦Q and lead a trump, North playing the ♠5.
Which trump do you play?
At our table (and at two others) East played the ♠J
leading to one down. The other two declarers guessed right by rising with the ♠K.
You can find the correct play in any of several
books that deal with declarer’s handling of single suit card combinations. East
gains by playing the ♠J if North has ♠Qx. He gains by playing the ♠K if North has Ax. In those two cases East has a complete guess. If North has Qxx or AQx East is sure
to go down as he cannot return to dummy to lead another trump.
East’s play is a matter of skill only when South has the singleton ♠Q. To profit from that possible holding East
should put up the ♠K on the first trump.
Playing the ♠J is only correct if dummy has another entry so that you can pick up ♠AQx from the North hand for just one loser; this
combination is twice as likely as singleton ♠Q with South but is irrelevant when there is only one entry to dummy.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 4♠=
twice, 4♠-1 twice and 2♠+1.
North South You are North,
declarer in 3NT.
♠ QJ109 ♠ A5 East leads the ♥3 and you win West’s ♥10 with the ♥Q.
♥ Q974 ♥
2 You lead the ♦Q
which is allowed to hold. How should
♦ AQ ♦ J10982 you
♣ AKJ ♣ 109652
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board
11 from Wednesday 24th
Dealer: ♠ QJ109 Book bidding
South ♥ Q974 West North East South
Love all ♦ AQ - - - pass
♣ AKJ pass 1♣
pass 3NT all
Q874 ♣ 3 allowed
to hold. How should North continue?
♠ A5
♦ J10982
♣ 109652
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♣-1, 3NT-1 three times and 3NT= just the once
(against me [Terry] of course – it was one of those days; very well played, Bob
I was asked about this one. Apparently North’s bidding was criticised by his partner. Playing standard methods North bid perfectly and South was totally to blame for the resultant poor score.
Dealer: ♠
8643 West North East South(J)
South ♥ 4 - - - 1♣
N-S vul ♦ AK965 pass 1♦ (1) pass 1♥
♣ 865 pass 1♠ (2) pass 3NT (3)
all pass
K972 N ♠
♥ A986 W E ♥ K1075 (1) Unless you play
Walsh, this 1♦ is obvious.
J7 ♣
943 (3) What did you bid with this South hand J in
♠ A105 this week’s quiz? I
agree it’s difficult for
QJ32 South, but this jump is
absurd as North has
♦ 10 promised
no more than 6 points. 2♠, 2♣ or the
♣ AKQ102 slight overbid of 2NT are the obvious
alternatives. I would bid 2NT because of the good suit and 3
And what happened? 1NT=, 2♣=,
3NT-1 twice and 3NT-2. The bottom lines: -
It doesn’t seem to come up that often, but here an interesting example of a responsive double occurred at table B.
Dealer: ♠
9 Table
North ♥ 863 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ AK - 2♣ (1) 2♠ pass
♣ AJ109654 pass 3♣ 3♥ 4♣
4♥ 5♣ pass pass
J5 N ♠ AKQ74 5♥ pass pass 6♣ (2)
♥ AKJ52 W E ♥ Q10974
Q ♣
- Table
♠ 108632 West North East(F) South
- 1♣ 1♠ (3) 2♣
♦ 1094
♣ K8732
(4) An
interesting choice – a Responsive double showing the two unbid suits and
(i.e. a doubleton) for partner’s
(5) Very
clear after partner’s descriptive bid.
And what happened? 5♥= twice, 6♥-1, 5♣(N)*+1 and 6♣(N)*=.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠ KJ1085 West North East South
South ♥
K5 - - - 1NT
both vul ♦ 64 pass 2♥ pass 3♠
♣ A987 pass 4♣ pass 4♦
pass 4♠ pass 4NT
A972 N ♠
- pass 5♦ pass 6♠
♥ 10963 W E ♥ J872 all pass
QJ6 ♣ 10532
♥ AQ4
♦ AK93
Dealer: ♠
J98 Table
East ♥ AK97432 West North East South(H)
Both vul ♦ 85 - - - 1♦
♣ 8 1NT 2♥ (1) pass 3♣ (2)
pass 3♥
KQ6 N ♠
♥ Q10 W E ♥ J865 Table B
KQ9 ♣ 10754 - - - 1♦
♠ 742 1NT 2♥ pass pass (2)
- pass
♦ KQJ93
♣ AJ632
And what happened? 3♥*-2, 3♥*-1,
3♥-2 and 2♥= . It seems that the only South to trust his partner was the nameless one
at table B; his partner also did well by actually making the contract, although
down 1 would still have earned a complete top. The bottom lines: -
Hand A: 3NT – the gambling 3NT showing
a solid minor with nothing outside. The void is totally irrelevant.
Hand B: 1♦. 2♣, with just 8½ playing t
Hand C: 1♠. This ♠1098 in a 5-card suit are far more than zero
points and I would not dream of passing. A weak 2♠ is an option (a 5-card suit is acceptable with a decent 2nd
suit) but I consider the hand too good.
The hand is 20 for the rule of 20, with points in the long suits, and a clear opener to me.
Hand D: Pass. Yes, I know it’s a decent
12 points with a reasonable suit – but it’s not ♠’s! The ♠ suit is all important in 4th seat
and you should pass if your hand does not comply with Pearson’s rule of 15. Of
course you open 1♦ in any other seat.
Hand E: 2♠ or
Hand F: 1♠, to be followed by a ♥ bid if necessary. With two 5-card majors it’s
unsuitable for a double and the hand is too strong for a Michaels cue bid (and
not strong enough for Michaels and big again which requires greater playing
Hand G: 2♥, provided that you play the weak jump shift.
Hand H: Pass. Partner is weak with long ♥’s.
Hand J: 2♦
(a sound raise to 3♣ or better) is
Hand K: 2NT, or maybe 2♣ or even 2♠?
This is a t
L 1♣ 1♦
M 1♦ 1NT 2♥ 2♥ is long, weakish
and passable.