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Mon 7th 1st Josteinn & Vaiur 61% 2nd Bob P & Robbie 59%
Wed 9th 1st Derek & Gerard =
Fri 11th 1st
Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner opens 1♦
and you bid 1♥. Partner then
jumps to 3♦, what do you do?
A82 ♠ Q8
♥ J832 ♥ J9743 With Hand B partner opens 1NT and you transfer with 2♦.
♣ 1087 ♣ A95 (b) Partner super-accepts with 3♥, what do you do?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C you open
1NT and partner transfers with 2♦,
What do you do?
K932 ♠
♥ K1052 ♥ AJ75 With Hand D
everybody is vulnerable. LHO opens 1♠
♦ A6 ♦ K8742 bids
1NT forcing (6-12). What do you do?
♣ KQJ ♣
E 1NT pass 2♣ pass Is 3♣ weak, to play, or forcing?
2♦ pass 3♣
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1896.6 Janne Roos 1882.7 Hans
Vikman 1846.9 1793.8 1720.4 Bob Short 1682.4 |
674.5 673.4 649.3 633.8 619.9 Jeremy Watson 619.2 618.8 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 611.3 Gerard Hardy 611.3 |
350.7 350.6 333.3 325.3 324.5 321.7 Bob Short 321.7 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |
Is it weak or forcing? Board 17 from Friday 11th
Dealer: ♠ 952 West North East South
North ♥ AJ1043 - pass 1NT pass
Love all ♦ 109 2♣ pass 2♦ pass
♣ KQ8 3♣ (1) pass 3NT (2) all pass
A763 N ♠
QJ (1) West has a difficult bid here. 2NT is probably
♥ 6 W E ♥ KQ7 best
but he believed that 3♣ was to play.
76543 ♣ AJ102
♠ K1084
♦ A753
♣ 9
And what happened? 3NT went -3 for a bottom. 4♣ made at another table.
The bottom lines.
- Sequence E (3 of a minor having bid Stayman) has to be agreed. Standard is that it is forcing – showing a four card major and a long minor. But I personally am not so keen on this treatment (how do you bid weakish hands where you want to play in 3 of the minor if there is no 4-card major fit?). The solution is to play 4-way transfers the sensible way – transfer to a minor and then bid a major as game forcing and natural. This then leaves sequences like sequence E free to use as weak if you have no other meaning for them.
- This, and the similar sequences when opener has a 4-card major, may also be used as Shape-Asking Relays after Stayman - SARS.
A poor overcall? Board 20 from Wednesday 9th
Dealer: ♠ AKQ86 West(D) North East South
West ♥ 103 pass 1♠ pass 1NT (1)
both vul ♦ A653 2♦ (2)
♣ A9
954 N ♠
1072 (1) Forcing, 6-12,
any shape.
♥ AJ75 W E ♥ 82 (2) What did you bid with
this West hand D in
Q ♣
KJ10843 a two level overcall and it is particularly
♠ J3 dangerous when vulnerable in the sandwich
KQ964 seat – especially against
opponents who like
♦ QJ
to take the money.
♣ 7652 (3) With top t
And what happened? The defence was perfect, North kept leading ♠’s and eventually his ♦6 was promoted! -3 and 800 beat the rest of the
field who were mostly scoring 620 or 650 in 4♠.
The bottom lines.
- K8742 is not good enough for
a two-level overcall. And in the sandwich seat between two bidding opponents
who generally know what they are doing and with a silent partner and vulnerable
it is suicidal. And what was the point? Did he really want a ♦ lead?
A super-accept Board 12 from Wednesday 9th
Dealer: ♠
K932 Table
West ♥ K1052 West North(C) East South(B)
N-S vul ♦ A6 pass 1NT pass 2♦
♣ KQJ pass 2♥ (1) pass pass (2)
1054 N ♠
AJ76 Table B
♥ Q86 W E ♥ A West North(C) East South(B)
432 ♣ 10876 pass 3♥ (1) pass 4♥ (3)
♠ Q8
♦ 532
♣ A95
And what happened? With the ♥Q onside 4♥
made on two occasions. Other results were 4♠(N)-3, 4♥-1 and 2♥+1.
The bottom lines.
This was a very dodgy game. The South hand is
horrible and 4♥ really was lucky to make. Having
said that, I believe that it is impossible to bid unless North super-accepts.J
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
problem on the play of the hand.
♣ J8 ♣ 107
(1) 5+ ♠’s
(2) Sound raise to 3♥
or better.
South leads the ♥Q to the ♥K and ♥A
and East ruffed the 2nd round. East led a ♠ to the ♠Q
which won, North playing the ♠6. What now?
Dave’s Column
answer Board 4 from Wednesday 9th
Dealer: ♠ 6 Book bidding
West ♥ A98753 West North East South
N-S vul ♦ 6 1♦ 1♥ 1♠ (1) 3♦ (2)
AK942 3♠ 4♥ 4♠
♣ J8 ♣ 107 raise or better here.
♠ AJ98
QJ64 South leads the ♥Q
to the ♥K and ♥A
and East ruffed
♦ 10 the 2nd round. East led a ♠ to the ♠Q which won, North
♣ Q653 playing
the ♠6. What now?
East has a common problem. If North has the ♠J another ♠
lead will let East hold his trump losers to one, thus
going down just one t
The trouble is that if East leads another ♠ and North shows out, it will mean that South started with ♠ AJ98.
If declarer leads a ♠ from dummy he will
find South with that holding, South will take two rounds of trumps and continue with ♥’s, making East use his last trump. That will
mean east gets only four t
The cure for East is to stop leading trumps.
Lead ♦’s and let South ruff
them. This line will lose three ♠ t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 5♦*(W)-2,
5♠*-4, 4♠*-3
twice and 4♥(N)+2.
♦ 98742 ♦ AQ 4♠ 5♥
8 ♣ J642
(1) Sound raise to 3♥ or better.
You are North,
declarer in 5♥*. East leads the ♠8 which you win in dummy with the ♠A, what do you do next?
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 6 from Wednesday 9th
Dealer: ♠ 6 Book bidding
East ♥ KQJ742 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 98742 - - 1♣ pass
8 1♠ 2♥ pass 2♠ (1)
4♠ 5♥
KQ7 ♣ A10953 East
leads the ♠8, plan the play.
♠ A1043
♦ AQ
♣ J642
♠ - That left this position with the lead in dummy.
♥ J74 Now, whether South leads a ♠ or a ♣ West will
♦ 98 play high and continue with the ♠K and East’s
8 ♥10 is promoted as the
setting t
KQ7 ♣ A10953 trump
promotion on the third round of ♠’s.
♠ 104 After
taking the ♠A, he played a ♣ at t
♥ - a scissors coup. Now West could not gain the
♦ - lead later to play a 3rd ♠ and declarer had no
♣ J642 problem. E-W can make 4♠ with careful play.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 5♥*-1,
4♠=, 4♠*-1
twice and 4♠-2.
3NT is usually better than 5♣/♦ Board 23 from Monday 7th
Dealer: ♠
A82 Table
South ♥ J832 West North(A) East South
Both vul ♦ K73 - - - 1♦ (1)
♣ 1087 pass 1♥ pass 3♦
pass 4♦ (2) pass 5♦
Q943 N ♠
J107 all pass
♥ 105 W E ♥ KQ975
96542 ♣ KJ3 West North(A) East South
♠ K65 - - - 1♦ (1)
A6 pass 1♥ pass 3♦
♦ QJ8654 pass 3♠ (2) pass 3NT
♣ AQ all pass
And what happened? 5♦-2, 3NT+2, 3NT+1
twice, 1NT+2 and 2♦+1
The bottom lines.
Strive to
get to 3NT rather than 5 of a minor if you have a balanced hand.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 3♠, showing a ♠ stop and inviting
partner to bid 3NT. A direct 3NT now is a less attractive alternative, it’s too
good to pass and with this flat shape a raise to 4♦ is inappropriate.
E 1NT pass 2♣ pass 3♣ is generally played
as game forcing, promising a 4-card
2♦ pass 3♣ major and a 5-6 card ♣ suit, although many
do play the sequence as weak by agreement.