Mon 28th 1st
Hans V &
Wed 30th 1st Guttorm & Ivy 58% 2nd Kenneth & Val 55%
Fri 2nd 1st Mike G & Royd 63% 2nd Dave & Jan v Koss 56%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open with Hand A?
♠ 2 ♠
2 ♥ 42 With Hand B partner opens 1♦ and you bid 1♠. Partner then
♦ 10986 ♦ K6 reverses with 2♥, what do you bid?
♣ AKQ9765 ♣ Q53
Hand C Hand D With Hand C partner opens 1♥ and you bid 1♠. Partner rebids
3♦, what do you do?
K642 ♠ 87654
♥ K98 ♥ A3 With Hand D partner opens 3NT (gambling) and
♦ J6 ♦ KJ Everybody is vulnerable, what
do you do?
AJ84 ♣ J1083
Hand E Hand F With Hand E RHO opens a gambling 3NT, what do
you do?
KQJ3 ♠ Q3 With Hand F you open 1♥
and partner bids 1♠.
♥ KJ10654 ♥ AQJ107 (a) What do you bid next?
- ♣
G 1♣ 1♥ 2♣ pass
2NT How
many points does 2NT show?
H 1♥ pass 1♠ pass
3♦ pass 3♥ 3♦ is forcing, but is
it game forcing and can 3♥ be passed?
The Gambling 3NT Board 13 from Monday 14th
The Gambling 3NT does not come up that often, but when it does it usually gets a good result – partner knows the situation exactly and knows what to do. Here is a perfect example at Table B.
Dealer: ♠
87654 Table
South ♥ A3 West North East South(A)
both vul ♦ KJ - - - 3♣ (1)
♣ J1083
pass pass (5)
KQJ3 N ♠
♥ KJ10654 W E ♥ Q987
Table B
- ♣
42 - - - 3NT (1)
♠ 2
♦ 10986
♣ AKQ9765
(6) What did you bid with this West hand E in this
week’s quiz? At table A I said that double at (2) was perhaps OK, but here I do
not like it at all as partner is quite likely to pass and the penalty is
unlikely to exceed the score for the probable ♥ game. I would bid 4♥, it won’t work all
of the time but is the best bet in my opinion.
What did you bid with this North hand D in this week’s quiz? Thanks to
partner’s very descriptive bid you know that the opponents can make 4♥ easily and that 5♣ will be a good save. But there
is no rush to bid ♣’s as
the opponents may elect to defend 3NT doubled and it’s unlikely that they can
run enough t
East has a difficult decision and decided to pass.
And what happened? 5♥=, 4♥=, 3NT*(S)-1. The bottom
- It’s
usually best to bid a good 6 card major rather than double K
- A 7
card suit headed by AKQ is far too good for a normal pre-empt L
- The gambling 3NT describes your
hand perfectly. Here, had E-W bid to 4♥
then North would have no trouble finding the 5♣ save if he knew partner had 7 solid ♣’s and nothing outside. J
After a reverse Board 15 from Monday 28th
Dealer: ♠ 5 West North East(B) South
South ♥ 108753 - - - pass
N-S vul ♦ J732 1♦ pass 1♠ pass
♣ K86 2♥ (1) pass 4♠ (2) pass
pass (3) pass
KQ2 N ♠
♥ AKJ9 W E ♥ 42
2 ♣
Q53 (2) What did you bid with this East hand B
♠ 764
in this week’s quiz? 2♠
is not forcing but
Q6 3♠ is. However, I don’t see the point of
♦ Q10 bidding 3♠ as this suit is good enough to
♣ AJ10974 play in 4♠ opposite a
singleton or void once
partner has shown the
strength to reverse.
(3) West’s
excuse for passing was that ‘he thought that 4♠ meant that partner
wanted to play in 4♠’.
6♠ is trivial on a non trump lead. On a ♠ lead it makes because of the favourable
position of the ♥Q. And what happened? 4♠+2, 4♠+1
and 6♠=
The bottom lines.
If partner
wants to play in game in a suit that you have not shown and you have KQx and a
useful singleton, then make an effort. 4NT or 5♠ at (3) would work.
Note the
importance of intermediates in this deal; East’s ♠1098 are very important as he can ruff a ♦ (or ♥) high in order to get an entry to ruff a ♣.
In my
opinion, 4♠ is not shut-out like fast arrival, but shows a
very good ♠ suit (as the sequence 1♦ - 1♠ -
2♥ is not game forcing). It seems that others
Play Problem
♠ Q5 ♠ AK2 How do you play the ♥ suit for just one loser?
♥ A98 ♥ Q10654 Answer below.
♦ AQJ ♦ K963
♣ Q8762 ♣ A
Play problem answer Board 24 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ Q5 West North East South
West ♥ A98 pass 1♣ (1) pass 1♥
Love all ♦ AQJ pass 1NT pass 2♦ (2)
♣ Q8762 pass 3♥ (3) pass 4♥ (4)
all pass
J1098 N ♠
♥ 73 W E ♥ KJ2 (1) This is not a great hand for a 1NT opener.
♣ KJ953 ♣
104 of major suit holdings plus strength.
♠ AK2 (3) 3 ♥’s
and max (good 13-14).
Q10654 (4) South
considered that a combined 30 count
♦ K963 with just a 5-3 fit and a singleton in partner’s
♣ A
suit was not good enough for slam (and it would not be if North did not have all the
missing ♦ honours).
Anyway, whether you are in 4♥ (try to make 2
I was South and led the
♥Q which lost to East’s ♥K. I subsequently finessed West
for the ♥J and made just 11 t
East was kind enough to inform me that had I
played a ♥ to the ♥A then I would have
made 12 t
So what is the correct play? I am no play expert
but I had read somewhere that the correct play with this type of holding
missing the K,J is to start with the queen and play LHO for one honour by
finessing twice if necessary, so that’s what I did after some thought. Since
there was a suggestion that I had played it incorrectly I put the hand into the
play program on the website and it does indeed play the queen. So the cards
just lay badly for the best play.
And what happened? 6♥=, 3NT+3, 4♥+2, 4♥+1
and 3NT=. So it appears that three players made the inferior play of a low ♥ to the ♥A
and thus made 12 t
The bottom lines.
the best line fails, especially when it is very close like this one.
Do not
offer unsolicited advice; East’s comment of the obvious made in hindsight by a
relatively poor player was not appreciated.
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
problem on the play of the hand.
♣ Q103 ♣ KJ82 You are East and partnering a beginner who has not yet
learnt Stayman.
South leads the ♦Q and North plays an encouraging low card.
Plan the play.
Dealer: ♠ 753 Book bidding
East ♥ Q1083 West North East South
both vul ♦ A75 - - 1NT pass
A65 3NT (1) all
♣ Q103 ♣ KJ82 capable of solving it will be in
3NT unless
♠ 84 partnering a complete beginner.
♦ QJ1098 Anyway, South leads
the ♦Q and East encourages,
♣ 974 what
are your thoughts as declarer?
Unfortunately you are not in 4♠, so you must try to make 3NT. You will need to
knock out the ♣A even if the ♥Q is onside, so the ♥ finesse is
irrelevant. If North has the ♣A and ♦’s are 5-3 with the ♦A in the 5-card suit, you are going down
whether or not you take the first t
The percentage play is to duck the opening
lead, especially as North encouraged and probably has the ♦A. When ♦’s
are 5-3 you might go down an extra t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? Everybody has heard of Stayman of course, so 4♠+1 four times and 4♠=.
♦ QJ8 ♦ K107
♣ 109862 ♣ AQ75
You are South, declarer in 3NT in a teams
match (overt
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 11 from Wednesday 30th
Dealer: ♠ AQ7 Book bidding
South ♥ K6 West North East South
Love all ♦ QJ8 - - - 1NT
109862 pass 3NT all
KJ4 ♣ 3
♠ K854
♦ K107
♣ AQ75
“It was correct for me to go after the clubs”
argued South. “East was a favorite to hold one of the
missing honours. And if he had both I would score one or two over-t
Was South’s argument sound, or was he defending
his chuck of a makeable game?
At the table, South quickly took dummy’s ♥K and East encouraged
the ♥ lead. Declarer then ran the ♣10 to West’s ♣J. A ♥ was continued knocking out South’s ♥A. South led a ♠ to dummy and led another ♣,
but East’s discard brought the bad news. There was no way to recover and South
could win only 7 t
South was right about the odds of scoring four
or five club winners. But that was not a valid reason for going down at
teams or rubber bridge scoring.
To improve his overall chances for at least
nine winners, South should investigate possibilities in the ♠ suit. The best technique is to win the ♥A at t
When no honour drops, South cashes his ♠K and dummy’s ♠A,Q. Luckily the ♠’s break 3-3 and he can concede a ♦
to ensure nine t
If the ♠’s
don’t break, South will fall back on the club suit, scoring four club winners
whenever West did not have both missing honours.
Terry’s Comment. This is a safety play and does not apply to
IMPs scoring (i.e. pairs – which we play at the Pattaya bridge club). I played
on clubs and went two down, but this is quite correct at IMP scoring. East
having one ♣ honour is 50% and East
having both honours is 25%. So playing on clubs scores 9 t
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 3NT= twice, 3NT-1 and 3NT-2 twice.
Is it game forcing? Board
23 from Wednesday 30th
What was you answer to Sequence H this
week? The jump rebid by opener is absolutely game forcing and the 3♥ bid cannot
be passed. It appears that two Brits in the club disagree. Now there is no
doubt at all in Standard Am
Dealer: ♠
J975 Table
South ♥ 6542 West(F) North East(C) South
both vul ♦ A72 - - - pass
♣ K9 1♥ pass 1♠ pass
3♦ (1) pass 3♥ (2) pass
Q3 N ♠ K642 pass (3) all
♥ AQJ107 W E ♥ K98
Q3 ♣
AJ84 West(F) North East South
♠ A108 - - - pass
3 1♥ pass 1♠ pass
♦ 9543 2♦ (1) pass 4♥ (4) all pass
♣ 107652
(4) This East simply bid what he thought could be
made. Quite reasonable.
And what happened? 6♥-1, 4♥+1 twice, 3♥+2 and 3NT=
The bottom lines.
A jump
rebid by opener is game forcing. This is true in
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 3NT, gambling. This is a classic example.
Hand C: You easily have values
for game and quite possibly slam. The auction is game forcing so taking it
slowly with 3♥ is probably best. 4♥ here is a poor bid as it is fast arrival (game
forcing sequence) showing a much weaker hand.
Hand E: 4♥. I much prefer this to double, one reason
being that partner may pass and the penalty may not be enough to compensate for
the vulnerable game or slam.
G 1♣ 1♥ 2♣ pass
2NT 2NT here
is 18-19, partner has about 6-9.
H 1♥ pass 1♠ pass
3♦ pass 3♥ 3♦ is game forcing and
3♥ cannot be passed.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1904.5 Hans
Vikman 1900.0 Janne Roos 1865.4 1793.8 1728.7 1725.8 Bob Short 1704.3 |
678.4 674.5 655.2 633.8 619.9 Jeremy Watson 619.7 618.9 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 611.8 Gerard Hardy 611.8 |
351.7 350.6 336.7 325.3 324.5 321.7 Bob Short 321.7 Jeremy Watson 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |
A fair bit of movement this week. We have a new leader, due to Hans’ fine result partnering