Mon 5th 1st Jeremy & Sally 64% 2nd Hans
V &
Wed 7th N-S 1st Bob P & Nick 60% 2nd Mike G & Royd 56%
E-W 1st Hans V & Janne 63% 2nd Derek & Gerard 58%
Fri 9th 1st Hans V & Paul Q 61% 2nd Bengt & Alan P 58%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A partner opens 1♦ and you bid 1♥. Partner rebids
2NT, what do you bid?
AK73 ♠ AK
♥ 9862 ♥ AQ8 With Hand B you open 2NT (20-21)
and partner bids 4NT,
♦ J4 ♦ AQ103 what do you bid?
♣ Q103 ♣ Q872
Hand C Hand D With Hand C partner opens 2NT (20-21), what do
you bid.
AKJ3 ♣ 42
Hand E Hand F What do you open with Hand E?
J54 ♠
♥ - ♥ J652 With Hand F partner opens 1♥, what do you bid?
♦ AKQ10542 ♦ KQ6
♣ 1097 ♣
These next two are from Paul’s column:
Hand G Hand H With Hand G LHO opens 1♠ and
round to partner who doubles. What do you bid?
10xxx ♠
♥ KQx ♥ A With Hand H LHO opens 1♥ and this is passed to you.
♦ Qxx ♦ KQ95 (a) What do you
♣ J9x ♣
KQ962 Suppose
you double, partner bids 1♠ and
(b) what do you do now?
J 1♠ dbl redbl pass
pass 2♦ dbl What
is the second double – take out or penalties?
K 1♥ pass pass dbl
pass 1♠ 2♥ dbl What
is the second double – take out or penalties?
After a 2NT rebid Board 9 from Monday 5th
Dealer: ♠
AK73 Table
North ♥ 9862 West North(A) East South
E-W vul ♦ J4 - pass pass 1♦
♣ Q103 pass 1♥ pass 2NT (1)
pass 3♣ (2) pass 4♥ (3)
J942 N ♠
1086 all pass
♥ KQ75 W E ♥ 1043
765 ♣ K98 West North(A) East South
♠ Q5 - pass pass 1♦
AJ pass 1♥ pass 2NT (1)
♦ AK1075 pass 3♣ (2) pass 3♦ (4)
♣ AJ42 pass 3NT all pass
And what happened? 4♥ managed to find a
4-2 fit and the worst possible game. Results were 3NT+3 three times; 3NT+2,
3NT+1 and 4♥=.
The bottom lines.
- For
those who have not agreed any convention it’s best to play any bid over a
strong 2NT jump rebid as game forcing. K
- There
is absolutely no need to jump to 4♥
in a game forcing situation. L
- There are a few conventions
you can use after the jump 2NT rebid, NMF is possible but does not adequately
allow for weak responding hands. Easily the best scheme for more advanced players
is the PARROT convention which is defined on the website. J
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first
problem on the play of the hand.
AQ54 ♣
You are North, declarer in 6NT. East leads the ♣J, plan the play
Dealer: ♠ AK32 Book Bidding
North ♥ AQ10 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ J4 - 2NT (1) pass 4♣ (2)
AQ54 pass 4NT (3) pass 6NT
♣ 83 ♣ J10976 (3) three
♠ 854
♦ AKQ109 East leads the ♣J, plan the play
You start with eleven top tricks: two ♠’s, one ♥,
five ♦’s and three ♣’s. Excluding squeeze chances there are two logical lines: duck a ♠, hoping for a 3-3 break, or take two ♥ finesses.
A 3-3 split is 35.5% as shown in the suit split
tables. One of two finesses will win 76% of the time. So the correct line is
very clear and works quite simply here.
A third option is to duck a ♠ and if the ♠’s do not divide 3-3 then finesse the ♥Q, that line is 67.8% and so is inferior to the double ♥ finesse but unfortunately (Terry comment) the
problem was set so that this inferior line also works, as does the far inferior
line of first finessing the ♥Q. In fact it’s
virtually impossible not to make 12 tricks..
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 6NT+1, 6NT five times
and 3NT+4. Everybody made the easy
12 tricks one way or the other except two who made 13 tricks when they took the
inferior line of first finessing the ♥Q
and East subsequently discarded ♣’s
on the run of the ♦’s. It would have been a slightly better
problem if the ♥J and ♥K
were interchanged, but it really is no problem at all as any line works for 12
♦ K972 ♦ AQ103
♣ AKJ3 ♣ Q872
You are East, declarer in 7NT and South leads the ♠10. You win the opening lead and tricks 2-5 are
four rounds of ♣’s as South discards two ♠’s and North one ♥. Tricks 6-8 are three rounds of ♥’s
and South discards a ♠. Trick 9 is a
second round of ♠’s with all following. Trick 10 is the ♦A and all follow. How should declarer play the ♦ suit now?
Dave’s 2nd
Column answer Board 26 from Wednesday 7th
Dealer: ♠ 7642 Table A
East ♥ 107642 West(C) North East(B) South
Both vul ♦ 5 - - 2NT pass
1065 4NT (1) pass pass (2) pass
AKJ3 ♣ Q872 4NT (1) pass 6NT (2) pass
♠ 109853 7NT all pass
♦ J864 South
leads the ♠10, plan the play in 7NT
♣ 94
So, ridiculous bidding by three players.
Anyway, let’s assume that the bidding was the simple obvious one from the book
– 2NT
p 7NT – how
do you play the hand?
You win the opening lead and tricks 2-5 are 4
rounds of ♣’s as South discards two ♠’s and North one ♥. Tricks 6-8 are three rounds of ♥’s
and South discards a ♠. Trick 9 is a
second round of ♠’s with all following. Trick 10 is the ♦A and all follow. How should declarer play the ♦ suit now?
From the play to the first 10 tricks, North is
known to have started with five ♥’s,
three ♣’s, at least two ♠’s and at least one ♦. Therefore North
cannot have four ♦’s but South might. Cash the ♦Q, if all follow then ♦’s are 3-2 and you are home. If North shows out
– as here, then finesse against South’s original ♦Jxxx.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club? 7NT= twice, 4NT+3 and 7NT-1 four times.
The gambling Three NoTrumps Board 5 from Wednesday 7th
It’s the second week in a row that a good example of this rare opening bid has come up.
Dealer: ♠
J54 Table
North ♥ - West North(E) East South
N-S vul ♦ AKQ10542 - 1♦ (1) dbl pass
♣ 1097 1♥ 2♦ 2♥ (2) all
Q2 N ♠ A97 Table B
♥ Q543 W E ♥ A106
West North(E) East South(D)
8653 ♣ AKQJ 4♥ (4) pass pass dbl
♠ K10863 all pass
♦ -
♣ 42
And what happened? Results were all over the place, as you might expect
with a distributional deal like this and with the Gambling 3NT not being agreed
by all partnerships. We had 4♥* by West and 6♥* by South and just about everything in
The bottom lines.
- remember the gambling three no trumps, it
is an excellent descriptive bid that tells partner exactly what you have J
That terrible 4333 shape again Board 8 from Friday 9th
Dealer: ♠
Q10864 Table
West ♥ 103 West(F) North East South
Love all ♦ A85 pass pass 1♥ pass
♣ 1072 3♥ (1) pass 4♥ (2) all
A97 N ♠
KJ Table B
♥ J652 W E ♥ AQ874
West(F) North East South
853 ♣ K96 2♥ (1) pass pass (3) pass
♠ 532
♦ 7432
♣ AQJ4
And what happened? 2♥=, 2♥+1 twice, 4♥-1 twice and 4♥*-1. Deep Finesse
says that 2♥ is the limit of the hand. So half of the field
overbid on this deal, presumably because I have not mentioned the terrible 4333
type shape for a while?
The bottom lines.
- remember the dreaded 4333
type shape and deduct a point. J
Paul’s Column Board 13 from Friday 9th
Terry has not shown any particular enthusiasm for the Swedish system of responding to 1NT openings. It is in jest, but Friday’s session provided an opportunity for the Swedes to laugh right back.
I was playing with Hans Vikman, and had (I think) mastered the Swedish responses and follow up bids when the following hand (board 13) arose. It provides an excellent example of the inadequacies of standard bidding over 1NT, an endorsement of the Swedish and Terry’s systems, and perhaps the strongest endorsement of the system I provided Terry and play with him, which I was told was “Walsh system of responding to 1NT ”. All these are available on his website under section 2 of “Conventions”. The hand in question:
Dealer: ♠
AK7 Swedish
style bidding
North ♥ A84 West North East South
Both vul ♦ J97 - 1NT (1) pass 2♣ (2)
♣ KJ96 pass 2♦ (3) pass 2NT (4)
pass 3♣ (5) pass 4NT (6)
9843 N ♠
106 pass 5♣ (7) pass 6♣ (8)
♥ Q102 W E ♥ KJ9653
all pass
10 ♣
♠ QJ52
♦ AQ103
♣ AQ43
In "standard" methods after North opens 1NT South has an easy 2♣ (Stayman) inquiry. But when North rebids 2♦? 3 of a minor here usually shows a game force with 5+ in the minor and an unspecified 4 card major. South doesn't have that and must guess. Alternatively South may just punt with 3NT.
At our table, playing the Swedish system (the opponents passing):
(1) 1NT (15-17)
(2) 2♣ (Stayman, with other possible implications)
(3) 2♦ (no 4 or 5 card major). Janne will SCREAM at this, but Hans agrees, 1NT with a weak 5 card major is acceptable.
(4) 2NT (forcing to game, tell me more! This is the key bid here.)
(5) 3♣ (I have 4 or 5 ♣’s)
(6) 4NT (RKCB for ♣’s) WOW! That takes balls/cojones/huevos/macho!
(7) 5♣ (0 or 3 keycards)
(8) 6♣ ........ a good guess! And perhaps forced after 3NT was gone at matchpoints and you know that 5♣ will score badly with many of the field is in 3NT. Still a very good 4-4 minor suit slam was reached, something even the top experts often find problematic after a 1NT opening.
Should responder charge beyond 3NT into what may be an inferior club contract? Of course Hans did, and got somewhat lucky.
Terry Note. Paul had a sequence here
using the SARS convention from the No Trump bidding book, where
he demonstrated that it did not work well on this deal. That is totally correct
and SARS should not be used and so I have replaced his sample auction with one
using the correct convention:
Using ambiguous splinters over partner's 1NT, as described in the NoTrump bidding book on page 213, the bidding would be:
1NT (15-17)
3♠ three suited with ♥ shortage
4♣ ♣’s are trumps, slam interest.
4♦ RKCB (Kickback for ♣’s)
4♥ three keycards
With the Swedish system the issue of how much heart strength is in the opener's hand is unresolved and leaves responder in sole control of the auction with inadequate information.
Using "Walsh responses to 1NT" ... all right, I was TOLD
it is that but have never seen it attributed to Rhoda Walsh, one of the finest
women players who ever lived. I had the
pleasure of playing against her in a Regional Tournament matchpoint event in
When my partner later asked "Do you know who that was?" I think my response was something very erudite like "Who 'dat??" But I digress. The auction using "Walsh":
1NT (15-17)
2NT (transfer to 3♣ showing a desire to play 3♣ OR a 3 suited game force)
3♣ (forced response)
3♥ (3 suited game force with a singleton or occasionally void in ♥’s)
4♣ (I don't have hearts well covered for NT opposite shortness)
4♦ (cuebid, slam interest)
4♥ (cuebid)
5♣ (no further control)
6♣ (I have 4 good trumps, the AKx of spades opposite partner's length, the Axx of H opposite shortness, and fillers in ♦’s ... in short a "pure" hand. Could partner want more?) This 6♣ is bid with confidence.
The advantage of the Walsh (and Terry's ambiguous splinters) system is that the NT opener can evaluate his/her holding quickly opposite known shortness and opt for 3NT or a minor, or even a 4-3 major fit eliminating some guesswork by responder. There is a continuing dialogue with both participating based on accurate knowledge of the holdings.
The advantage of the Swedish system is that the situations arise more often on lesser hands, and Terry’s ambiguous splinters require a lot of memorization. Still, if you read about Walsh you will find virtually every type of responder's hand can be accurately described putting opener in the auction as a participant.
Imagine how poor 6♣ would look if opener/responder had:
♠ AKx ♠ QJxx
♥ AKJ ♥ x
♦ xxx ♦ AQ10x
♣ Jxxx ♣ AQxx and how good 3NT would be!
Terry Comment about the previous deal with a singleton opposite a No Trump opening. I believe that it was meant to be a mild knocking of both the Swedish system and mine for having no mechanism for showing a three suited hand. Paul originally gave a SARS sequence, but ‘my’ system does actually have a scheme specifically for three-suited hands. I believe that ‘My’ system caters for just about everything but I do agree that it is a bit taxing on the memory. My (Terry) opinion of the Swedish system remains unaltered and this deal certainly does nothing to change it. Now more from Paul:
Also from Friday, the East hand H from board 7:
♠ 765
♥ A
♦ KQ95
♣ KQ962
After 1♥, P, P, it is your call. What did you bid with this hand H(a) in
this week’s quiz? The best bid in my opinion is a take out double. LHO passes,
partner bids 1♠, and
What do you bid - question H(b) in the quiz? I think that a second double here shows exactly what you have, moderate spade support and very good holdings in the minors. This player passed. Double is STILL take out though convertible by partner. The bottom line was that 2♥ made, and E/W were on for 4♦ with their 4-4 fit. The second double of the same suit by a player who has initially made a take out double is STILL take out unless the opponents have jacked up the auction to the stratosphere. And as no less a player than the legendary Edgar Kaplan said "Take out doubles are meant to be taken out." Unless the partner holds extraordinary defense in the opponents suit it usually pays to bid something, even a 3 card holding. The opponents frequently go a level higher where you can defend and they WON'T get the distribution right!
A perfect example occurred Wednesday when the auction went 1♠, P, 2♠, P, P, and partner doubled. I held ♠10xxx ♥KQx ♦Qxx ♣J9x What did you bid with Hand G in this week’s quiz? I bid 3♣ ... this is a scrambling auction and you go slowly. 3♣ was passed out and went only one down non-vulnerable for a top. Partner had AQxxx in ♣’s and only Jxx in ♥’s for those of you who opted for 3♥! His hand: ♠x ♥Jxx ♦K10xx ♣AQxxx was fine for his double. 2♠ by the opponents was making. When you are scrambling, bid as cheaply as possible until doubled and don’t assume that a protective take-out double of ♠’s in the pass-out seat guarantees 4 ♥’s.
Board 16 from Friday was an example of lunacy:
After P, P, P, this player opened 1♣ holding ♠KJ ♥Jx ♦AKxx ♣AQ10xx. LHO
bid 2♠ which was raised to 3♠ by
End of Paul’s Column>
Thanks for the column Paul, I’m sure everybody appreciates your effort and enjoys something a bit different rather than me saying the same thing week after week.
Bidding Quiz Answers
Hand A: 3♣. Even if you have not agreed to play NMF this is the best bid. 3♠ would imply
5 ♥’s
and 3NT may miss a 4-4 ♠ fit. For more
advanced players who play PARROT in this situation then 3♦ is the bid to ask about partner’s majors as 3♣ is generally used to sign off at the three
level (like the Wolff sign off) when playing PARROT.
Hand C: 7NT. There are at most 2 points
missing. If you really want to ask for aces (or kings) then use 4♣ (and then 5♣), Gerber. 4NT (as chosen by three! players) is totally wrong as it is
invitational and passable.
Hand E: 3NT. This is a classic Gambling
3NT opener (although some purists would like the jack if only a 7 card suit).
Hand G: I bid 3♣ ... this
is a scrambling auction and you should go slowly. Partner had AQxxx in ♣’s and Jxx in ♥’s for those of you
who chose to bid 3♥.
J 1♠ dbl redbl pass Penalties.
All doubles by responder or opener after a redouble
pass 2♦ dbl are for blood.
K 1♥ pass pass dbl The
2nd double is still for take-out, showing both minors
pass 1♠ 2♥ dbl and
probably exactly three ♠’s.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1913.6 Hans Vikman 1905.4 Janne Roos 1867.7 Paul Quodomine 1802.9 Sally Watson 1728.7 Ivy Schlageter 1725.8 Bob Short 1709.7 Paul Scully |
680.4 674.5 655.2 636.6 Sally Watson 625.4 Jeremy Watson 619.7 Ivy Schlageter 618.9 Bob Short 615.1 Lars Broman 611.9 Bob Pelletier 611.2 Gerard/Derek |
351.7 350.6 336.7 326.0 325.4 Jeremy Watson 325.3 Ivy Schlageter 321.7 Bob Short 321.0 Per Andersson 316.9 Terje Lie 316.1 Lars Broman |