Our website is www.pattayabridge.com                           Club News Sheet – No. 398

Our blogsite is www.pattayabridge.wordpress.com                                 

My mobile phone number is 083 6066880                                                          27th June 2010

My e-mail is terry@pattayabridge.com or pattayabridge@yahoo.com

My MSN messenger ID is tj_quested@hotmail.com

Mon 21st          1st    Arin & Rochelle              59%       2nd    Mike g & Kenneth                  56%

Wed 23rd          1st    Dino & Per-Ake             63%       2nd    Sally & Martine                      63%

Fri  25th            1st    Jan & Michael S             69%       2nd    Sean & Terje Lie                    55%

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Bidding Quiz                    Standard American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.


Hand A           Hand B           With Hand A you open 2 and LHO overcalls 2. Partner

doubles, what do you bid?

65                 KJ9752                               

KQ10875     7                   With Hand B it’s unfavourable vulnerability. You open 1 and

Q108            AK103         LHO bids 3, partner bids 4 (good raise) and RHO bids 5.

54                63                You bid 6 passed to RHO who bids 7! Wow! What do you do?


Hand C           Hand D           With Hand C partner opens 1, what do you bid?


Q82              AJ103                                        

KQ4             A                  With Hand D partner opens a weak 2 and RHO overcalls

Q42              A9432          2. What do you do?       

KQJ10         Q109          


Hand E            Hand F            With Hand E partner opens 1NT, how do you plan to bid

the hand?

A                  AK10

A53              AK74

AKQ1043    A                  How do you plan to bid Hand F? If you open 2 then partner

J94               AKJ74         bids negative or waiting according to your agreements.       




Bidding Sequence Quiz


G     1      3      4      5              The final pass is obviously forcing, asking partner to

6      pass   pass   7              either double or bid 7, but what does it say about

pass                                          opener’s holding? And what would a double show?


H     2      2      dbl                       What is the double; penalties, negative or what?

J      2     pass   2      pass           How do you play this 3NT rebid after opening 2?


K     3NT                                         How do you play the 3NT opening?

Ron Klinger web site

It’s Penalties!                                                               Board 5 from Monday 21st June


I think there were dubious bids at both of these tables.


Dealer:             65                                               Table A

North               KQ10875                                   West          North         East          South(D)

N-S vul            Q108                                         -                 2              2            2NT (1) 

                        54                                              all pass


8                         N               KQ9742             Table B

32                   W    E            J964                   West          North(A)    East          South(D)

J765                   S                K                      -                 2              2            dbl   (1)

AJ8763                                K2                     pass           3    (2)      pass         4    (3)

AJ103                                         all pass





Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this South hand D in this week’s quiz? This 2NT bid, presumably natural in their style, is a very poor choice. You obviously have excellent stops but there may well be no entry to partner’s hand.

Table B:     (1)  This is the answer to question D, it is penalties and with these great ’s and a singleton in partner’s suit you obviously want to defend.

(2)   What did you bid with this North hand A in this week’s quiz? When you pre-empt then partner is the captain and there is no reason to bid again. There is no excuse whatsoever for North to remove partner’s double, especially when holding two ’s.

(3)   Pass is wiser, but South was presumably annoyed at seeing the penalty slip away?


And what happened? 2NT-3, 4-2, 3=, 2+1 and 2(E)-2.

The bottom lines:

-         When partner opens with a pre-empt and RHO overcalls, then a double is penalties.

-         Don’t bid again if you open with a pre-empt; partner is the captain.



Bid your hand in one go                                                 Board 20 from Monday 21st June


If there is a bid that describes your hand in one go, then that usually is the best bid.


Dealer:             K9                                              Table A

West                J10985                                       West          North         East(C)    South

both vul            8753                                          1              pass           2   (1)    pass

                        63                                              3NT (2)      pass           pass (3)    pass


A3                      N               Q82                    Table B

A72                W    E            KQ4                   West          North         East(C)    South(D)

AK1096             S                Q42                    1             pass           3NT (1)    pass

A94                                      KQJ10               6NT   (4)    all pass






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand C in this week’s quiz? This was a popular choice but I don’t like it at all.

(2)   I can’t see that West can do much else here unless there are specific partnership agreements.

(3)   And what is East to do now? A 4NT try maybe – but what if partner has only 14 points? Would he have rebid 2NT with that? All of this is agreements that are often not discussed and all can be avoided if East bid as Table B.

Table B:     (1)  This is the answer to question C. Although this 3NT bid takes up a lot of room it is very specific – 13-15 points, balanced with no 4-card major and this shape is absolutely typical for the bid.

(4)   West has an easy raise, and even a very pessimistic invitational 4NT would probably reach the small slam.


And what happened? With the J dropping there are obviously 13 tricks off the top but an initial lead from South was a problem and caused a safety play at two tables. So 6NT=, 3NT+4 three times and 3NT+3.

The bottom lines:

-         If there is a bid that accurately describes you hand, then bid it!


A forcing pass                                                      Board 15 from Monday 21st June


All four players here were pretty experienced with good bidding right up to the last hurdle – which the N-S pair had not discussed.


Dealer:             AQ64                                         West          North         East          South(B)

South               9                                                 -                 -                 -               1

N-S vul            QJ7                                            3              4    (1)     5    (2)    6    (3)

                        AKQ94                                      pass           pass           7    (4)    pass (5)

pass           7              all pass

10                       N               83                      

KQJ8432       W    E            A1065               

852                     S                964              (1)  Showing a great raise and slam ambitions

82                                        J1075           (2)  Making a Blackwood bid impossible.   

KJ9752                                (3)  Who needs Blackwood?

7                                           (4)  East is sure that 6 makes, and 7 should

AK103                                       cost only 1100 or 1400.



(5)   Now it’s crunch time for N-S! What did you bid with this South hand B in this week’s quiz? South passed (obviously forcing) and North assumed that this showed 1st round control and so bid the grand. The K lead spelled defeat.


So how do you play forcing passes? Have you ever discussed it? I guess you can play it how you like, but Paul Q and myself believe that our treatment is ‘standard’. We pass with first round control and double without it. Apparently both Janne and Jeremy play it the other way round.

And what happened? Two others bid 6 but nobody else found the 7 sacrifice. Two N-S’s stopped in 5 for reasons beyond my comprehension.

The bottom lines:

-         The forcing pass is a fairly complex bid which established partnerships need to discuss. Indeed, Paul Q informed me that he has had so many problems with various partners with the bid over the years that he does not really like to use it!

-         As for the two who stopped in 5. I don’t know their bidding, but if you use Blackwood and find that there is one ace (or keycard) missing then you should bid the slam – one should not use Blackwood to gauge strength, the strength should already have been established and Blackwood is used to check for top losers.


Dave’s Column                 Here is Dave’s first problem on the play of the hand.


West                East                                          Book Bidding

A8                K973                                    West        North         East          South

A97              KQ10                                   2NT         pass           6NT         all pass

AKQ            1098                                    

KJ1087        A65                                     


You are West, declarer in 6NT. North leads a , how do you play the suit?              


Dave’s Column                                         Board 20 from Wednesday 23rd June


Dealer:             542                                             Book Bidding

West                84                                               West          North         East            South

both vul            765                                             2NT           pass           6NT           all pass



A8                      N             K973                    North leads a , plan the play.        

A97                W    E          KQ10                  

AKQ                  S              1098                    

KJ1087                              A65                     







In the article, declarer led a to dummy’s A at trick two, if the missing ’s broke 3-2 or 4-1 then there may be a loser but that would be all. Even if all 5 ’s lay with South there would be 4 tricks. Unfortunately when South showed out the slam went one down.

The correct play at trick two is to play the J and let it ride if North plays low. If South wins with the Q then declarer has the rest. There are always 4 tricks, and thus the slam, on any distribution of the suit if the J is initially led.

Actually, a to the A would have succeeded (by end-playing North) but the safety play guarantees the slam.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 6NT=, 3NT+3 twice and 6NT-1.


Dave’s 2nd Column         Here is Dave’s second problem, on the play of the hand.


North               South                                       Book Bidding

-                   K97532                                West        North         East          South

AK               542                                       -               2             pass         2

A754            K3                                       pass         3             pass         3     

AKQ9875    J2                                         pass         5             pass         6

all pass


You are North, declarer in 6. East leads the 6, where do you win the trick and what do you play at trick two? Plan the play.

Dave’s 2nd Column answer                    Board 21 from Wednesday 23rd June


Dealer:             -                                                 Book Bidding

North               AK                                             West          North         East            South

N-S vul            A754                                         -                 2             pass           2

                        AKQ9875                                  pass           3             pass           3

pass           5             pass           6

AQJ                    N             10864                   all pass

J98                 W    E          Q10763         

QJ10982            S              6                    

10                                      643               

                        K97532                                East leads the 6, plan the play.





In the article, declarer won the opening lead with dummy’s K and led a 2nd to his A. East ruffed and shifted to a . North won in his hand and ruffed a with the J but his last was a loser – so down one.

A trump opening lead would beat 6, but after East’s opening lead is not a trump North can safeguard the slam by taking the K and then playing a low from both hands. He wins West’s trump return and ruffs his last low . Ruff a to hand and draw trumps to get the rest of the tricks.


And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 6=, 4*(W)-5, 3NT-4 and 3NT+2.



Play Problem                    


West                East                                         

2                   QJ                                        West        North         East          South

K97632        A105                                    -               pass           1NT         pass

A104            K763                                   2            pass           2            pass

983              KQJ10                                 4            all pass


You are East, declarer in 4. It’s pairs scoring and so an overtrick is important. South leads the A and switches to a to North’s A. North continues with a which you win. You lead a to dummy’s K upon which South plays the J and North the 4. You lead a from dummy and North plays the 8, do you finesse or play ‘8 ever nine never’ and go for the drop? Is this a 50% decision? You should assume that South would play randomly if holding the QJ doubleton.          

Play problem answer                          Board 1 from Friday 18th June


Dealer:             976                                             West          North         East            South

North               Q84                                            -                 pass           1NT           pass (1)

Love all            J852                                           2              pass           2              pass

                        A75                                            4    (2)      all pass


2                         N             QJ                  (1)  Obviously South should bid ’s, but this     

K97632          W    E          A105                    South was a beginner.

A104                  S              K763             (2)  The singleton prompted West to bid game.       

983                                    KQJ10          


J                                 South led the A and switched to a . North returned a  

Q9                              which declarer won. He led a trump to the K and

642                            noted the J from South. Assuming that South would play the J or Q randomly from this doubleton, Declarer should now finesse North for the Q. This is NOT a 50% guess but a 66% example of restricted choice.


And what happened? East played for the ’s to split 2-2 and so made the contract exactly instead of with an overtrick, but this was still a top as at the other tables N-S played in ’s; 3= and 4*-2.


One of my pet hates                                                     Board 18 from Friday 25th June


How do you play sequence J in this week’s quiz?


Dealer:             974                                             West          North         East          South(F)

East                  QJ93                                          -                 -                 pass         2

N-S vul            109432                                       pass           2              pass         3NT (1)

                        9                                                pass           pass (2)      pass


8532                   N               QJ6              (1)  What did you bid with this South hand F in

1086               W    E            52                       this week’s quiz? This jump to 3NT (or a

Q6                      S                KJ875                strong 3NT opening) is one of my pet hates but

Q832                                   1065                  was chosen by two players on Friday. When

AK10                                        partner is very weak he will not want to bid

AK74                                        Stayman or transfer and get one level higher.

A                                          (2)  North risks a 4NT contract if he tries Stayman.



This is a classic example, and here a contract makes 13 tricks whereas 3NT makes only 10 tricks. What’s the solution? Never use sequence J! You need to be able to show the very strong hand with a 2NT bid so that partner can use Stayman or transfers below the level of 3NT. If you play the Multi 2 then use 2 - 2 - 2NT to show 26+ balanced; if you play Benjamin twos then use 2 - 2 - 2NT to show 26+; and if you have 2 as your only strong bid then play the Kokish Relay where 2 - 2 - 2- 2 (forced) - 2NT shows 26+. Of course if South chooses a 3 rebid with this hand F then a contact is easily reached.

And what happened? 3NT=, 3NT+2 and 6+1.

Roman Keycard Blackwood void responses
Board 18 from Wednesday 16th June


Dealer:             2                                                 Table A

East                  KJ1075                                      West          North         East          South

N-S vul            10965                                        -                 -                 pass         1

                        KJ8                                            pass           1NT           pass         4    (1)

all pass

J8653                 N               9                        

82                   W    E            Q4                      Table B

A4                      S                QJ87                  West          North         East          South

Q973                                   A106542            -                 -                 pass         1

AKQ1074                                  pass           1NT           pass         3    (1)

A963                                          pass           4NT (2)      pass         5NT (3)

K32                                           pass           6   (4)      pass         6    (5)

-                                                 pass           7              all pass


Table A:     (1)  I guess it’s toss-up between 3 and 4. 3 would not be forcing and so this South chose to bid his great 6-carder rather than the poor suit.

Table B:     (1)  This South chose to show the suit.

(2)   RKCB for ’s, perhaps this is optimistic with a void in partner’s 1st bid suit?

(3)   Two (or zero or four) keycards and a void

(4)   I believe that North did not understand the 5NT bid.

(5)   South had no idea what was going on and so bid his great suit.


And what happened? A real mixed bag: 7-1, 6*-4, 5-1, 4-1 and 2= for a top! 4 is clearly where you want to play, but I guess it’s not easy to stop there?

The bottom lines:

-         The void responses to RKCB were, I believe, devised by Eddie Kantar and they are up on our website.

-         It’s perhaps debatable whether the South hand is worth a game forcing jump at its 2nd turn and it may well be possible to stop in 4 if playing Benjamin twos. The sequence could be 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 4 - pass, where 2 only guarantees 8-9 tricks.

-     I happen to be in the middle of reading a great book by Sabine Aukin – “I love this Game” and I note one deal where she used similar RKCB void responses to reach a great slam which was missed at the other table.

AKQxxx is not 9 points                                       Board 28 from Friday 25th June


Dealer:             K7642                                        Table A

West                J1098                                         West          North         East(E)     South

N-S vul            85                                              1NT           pass           6NT (1)    all pass



J95                     N               A                        Recommended Auction

KQ42             W    E            A53                    West          North         East(E)     South

J9                       S                AKQ1043         1NT           pass           4   (1)    pass

AKQ10                                J94                     4      (2)    pass           7NT         all pass






Table A:     (1)  What did you bid with this East hand E in this week’s quiz? With a combined 33-35 points two Easts simply chose 6NT.

Recom…:   (1)  This is my answer to question E. I do not consider this hand to be just 18 points, especially when partner has opened 1NT and must have at least two ’s. So I would check that there is not an ace missing and then jump to 7NT if that is indeed the case.


And what happened? Two pairs stopped in 6NT+1 and so did the sit-out pair after the sequence 1NT – 5NT (invitational to the grand) – 6NT. One pair bid 7= for the top.

The bottom lines:

-         AKQxxx is worth much more than 9 points, and if partner has opened 1NT (thus promising at least two) then this is expected to produce six tricks.

-         Looking at this East hand it is almost certain to make 13 tricks opposite a strong 1NT. In fact the West hand is nothing special and not maximum but there are 14 top tricks.

-         I cannot really understand the 7 bid – surely if 7 makes then so does 7NT and you want partner to play the hand as he may possibly have a tenace in the suit led (perhaps ’s or ’s).



Current club championship standings



Gold Cup = Best 30

Silver Plate = Best 10

Bronze Medal = Best 5











1871.3 Janne Roos

1846.9 Paul Quodomine
1819.1 Hans Vikman

658.5 Janne Roos

642.1 Hans Vikman

640.1 Paul Quodomine

626.8 Tomas Wikman

622.1 Sally Watson

619.8 Lars Broman

615.9 Jean Wissing

609.5 Duplessy & Coutlet

597.8 Bengt Malgren

597.3 Jan v Koss

335.5 Janne Roos

329.6 Tomas Wikman

327.9 Hans Vikman

325.4 Sally Watson

323.4 Paul Quodomine

322.9 Lars Broman

320.3 Jean Wissing

319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet

316.0 Sigurd Zahl

314.2 Niels Krojhaard


Bidding Quiz Answers


Hand A:    Pass. Partner’s double is penalties and there is no reason on earth to remove it. You have said your hand and partner is in charge. This is one of the beauties of pre-empts, your pre-empt may force an over-bid which partner can clobber, to remove his double negates one of the major purposes of a pre-empt.

Hand B:    Double. Provided that’s how you play forcing passes. I play that a double here denies 1st round control of their suit and a pass shows 1st round control and asks partner to bid on or double as he sees fit.

Hand C:    3NT. 13-15, balanced and no 4-card major. Because this hand is so perfect for the bid a nebulous 2 receives a zero from me – you may well have difficulties showing the extra strength later and if you can very accurately define your hand to partner in one go then I can see no reason not to.  

Hand D:    Double – penalties. Any NT bid is very poor as you may well have no entry to partner’s hand.

Hand E:    4, followed by 7NT if there is no ace missing. With the suit expected to produce 6 tricks it is very likely that there are 13 tricks off the top.

Hand F:     There are two reasonable options according to your agreements. One is to open 2 (or your strongest bid) and then bid 3; any fit should then come to light. The other reasonable option is to rebid in NoTrumps – but DO NOT rebid 3NT. That is one of my pet hates and means that you may well miss a 4-4 or even 4-5 fit. So if you prefer to rebid in NoTrumps then play Benjamin twos (2 - 2 - 2NT), Multi 2 (2 - 2 - 2NT) or the Kokish Relay (2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2NT). Of course if you play the Kokish relay and also 2 negative then you have a small problem if partner responds 2 to show a bust hand (I guess you then have to bid 3NT) and that is perhaps an advantage of playing Benjamin or Multi?



Bidding Sequence Quiz Answer


G     1      3      4      5              This sequence actually occurred on Monday and there

6      pass   pass   7              was some disagreement about the meaning of pass.

pass                                         Janne and Jeremy both passed when holding a singleton but Paul Q and myself are both of the opinion that pass shows first round control and that double would show no first round control.


H     2      2      dbl                       Penalties. Negative doubles do not apply when partner pre-empts.

J      2     pass   2      pass           I don’t! I think that this is a terrible sequence to show a big

        3NT                                         balanced hand as partner may be too weak to risk Stayman or transfers. I guess you can use it with a huge hand with no 3-card major and no interest in playing in a major?

K     3NT                                         Again, I do not like to play this as a very strong balanced hand. I prefer the gambling 3NT with absolutely no outside ace or king.



 Ron Klinger web site