Mon 20th 1st Alan K & Michael G 67% 2nd Dave C & Terry Q 60%
Wed 22nd N-S 1st Charles & Gus 68% 2nd Paul Q & Terry Q 55%
E-W 1st Bengt & Guttorm 67% 2nd Bob P & Robbie 53%
Fri 24th 1st Mike G & Sally 59% 2nd Jan & Janne 59%
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B What do you open with Hand A?
♠ K103 ♠ AQ5 With Hand B LHO opens 1NT and this is passed to you.
♥ 986 ♥ AKQ3 (a) What do you bid if the opponents are
♦ AK6 ♦ Q102 (b) What do you bid if the
opponents are vulnerable?
♣ AJ76 ♣
♠ Q875 ♠ K83
A103 ♣ AKQ842
Hand E Hand F With Hand
E you are in first seat at unfavourable vulnerability,
what do you open?
♠ K9754 ♠ A974
1085 ♣
G 1♥ 3♣ dbl 3♣ is weak, what is the dbl – penalties or negative?
H 1♣ pass pass 2NT What
does 2NT here in the balancing seat show?
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Worth an opening bid? Board
22 from Wednesday 22nd Sept
Dealer: ♠ A6 West North East(E) South
East ♥ K104 - - 1♠ (1) pass
E-W vul ♦ A95 1NT (2) all pass
(1) What did you open with this East hand E in
♠ 32 N ♠ K9754 this week’s quiz? Hans V
commented that
♠ QJ108 poor, the ♦KQJ are poor (points belong in
32 long
suits), and the ♠ suit is
poor. I would pass
♦ 1064 (2) West
wants to play in ♥’s – but
he cannot!
♣ AQ96 2♥ would show a much stronger hand and a
weak jump to 3♥ a much weaker hand. A good case for playing
2/1 with a forcing 1NT?
And what happened? 1NT had no chance and went two
down for a top to N-S. Other results were 2NT(S)+1, 2♣+1, 3♣-1 three times and 2♥(W)+1.
The bottom lines:-
If you
think that this Hand E is a sound opener, then read up on hand evaluation
(there is an article on the website). I personally will open many 11 or even 10
counts but would pass this 12 count.
Worth a bid? North 18 from Monday 20th Sept
♠ 107632 You are vulnerable, opponent’s
are not. LHO opens1♣ and
K in the quiz and I won’t insult your intelligence by commenting
too much about this bid, except to say that we now have a new member of the
elusive 2000 club.
Support for partner 1m opening Board 24 from Wednesday 22nd Sept
When partner opens 1♣/♦
and you have a strong hand with support with no other 4-card suit then it’s
difficult in traditional methods:
Dealer: ♠ Q105 Table A
West ♥ A972 West North East(F) South(D)
Love all ♦ AK3 pass 1♣ pass (1) 3♣ (2)
1073 pass pass (3) pass
♠ J62 N ♠ A974 Table B
♠ K83 all pass
♦ 1092
♣ AKQ842
Table B: (2) This N-S pair play inverted minors and this is
the only sensible way to bid hands like this. 2♣ here shows good ♣ support and denies
a 4-card major. It is forcing to 2NT or 3 of the minor.
(4) This,
in this pair’s style, shows 12-14 with stoppers in both majors.
(5) South’s
bid is obvious now.
And what happened? 3NT+3, 3NT+2, 3NT+1, 3NT=twice,
2♣+4 and 3♣+1.
The bottom lines:-
Minors is a great convention for the more experienced partnerships, it is written
up on the website.
Bid That Slam! Board 11 from Wednesday
22nd Sept
Only two out of seven bid a slam on this board,
and nobody bid the reasonable grand.
Dealer: ♠ 3 Table A
South ♥ A96 West North East South
Love all ♦ KQJ8 - - - 1♠
AK843 pass 2♣ pass 2♥
pass 3NT (1) all pass
♠ J1096 N ♠ KQ4
♠ A8752 pass 2♣ pass 2♥
KQ872 pass 3♦ (1) pass 3♥
♦ A10 pass 4NT (2) pass 5♣ (3)
♣ J pass 5♦ (4) pass 5NT (5)
pass 7♥ (6) all pass
Possible: (1) This North realized that there may be a good ♥ fit, and so simply made a forcing bid.
(2) RKCB for ♥’s
(3) 0 or 3
(4) Trump
queen ask
(5) I
have the trump queen, but no outside king.
(6) North
can count 12 tricks; one ♠, hopefully four ♥’s, four ♦’s, two ♣’s and one ♠ ruff (two on a non trump lead). There may be a
trump loser but there are surely 13 tricks if partner has five ♥’s.
And what happened? 6NT+1, 6♥+1, 3NT+ three times, 4♥+3 and 4NT+2.
The bottom lines:-
Be sure
that you know how to ask for the trump queen when playing
Dave’s Column Here
is Dave’s 2nd problem, on defence.
West East Bidding
♠ Q832 ♠ A109764 West North East South
You are East, declarer in 4♠. South leads the ♥J and you
win with the ♥Q. You play the ♠A and North discards, asking for a ♦.
Plan the play.
Dave’s Column
Answer Board 19 from
Wednesday 22nd September
Dealer: ♠ - Book Bidding
South ♥ K109762 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ K1097 - - - pass
964 pass 2♥ 2♠ pass
3♠ pass 4♠ all
N♠ A109764
♠ KJ5 You win the ♥J lead and play the ♠A only to see
J North
discard, asking for a ♦. Plan
the play.
♦ A5432
♣ J1075
You know what is going to happen if you play a
2nd ♠. South will win, put North in with a ♦, ruff the ♥ return, get out with a ♣,
and you are stuck with another ♥
to lose.
What you have to do is cash three rounds of ♣’s before exiting with a ♠. South will win his ♠K and lead a low ♦ to North’s ♦K. After South ruffs
the ♥ return he cannot now exit safely in ♣’s (ruff-sluff) and if the ♦ honours are divided he cannot exit with a ♦ without setting up your ♦ suit.
The bottom line:
- When
it is inevitable that one of your winners is going to get ruffed, try stripping
the hand before the ruff. Then the player getting the ruff may be endplayed
after ruffing.
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 4♠+1, 4♠=
three times, 5♦*-2, 3♠+2
and 4♠-1.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here is Dave’s 2nd
problem on declarer play.
North South Bidding
♠ AQ5 ♠ J62 West North East South
♥ AKQ3 ♥
J54 - - 1♣ pass
♦ Q102 ♦ 53 pass dbl pass 1♥
K104 ♣ Q9832 pass 2NT pass 3NT
all pass
You are North, declarer in 3NT. East leads the ♦A and West encourages.
East continues with the ♦K and then the ♦6 to your ♦Q.
You try the ♣K and it goes ♣6, ♣2, ♣5.
You continue with the ♣10 and East plays
the ♣7. How do you play from here?
Dave’s 2nd
Column Answer Board 18 from Wednesday 22nd Sept
Dealer: ♠ AQ5 Book Bidding
East ♥ AKQ3 West North East(A) South
N-S vul ♦ Q102 - - 1♣ (1) pass
K104 pass dbl (2) pass 1♥ (3)
pass 2NT (4) pass 3NT (5)
♠ 9874 N ♠ K103 all pass
♦ J9874 S ♦ AK6 Table
5 ♣ AJ76 West North(B) East(A) South
♠ J62 - - 1NT (1) pass
J54 pass dbl (6) pass 2♣
♦ 53 pass pass (7) pass
♣ Q9832
Table A: (1) This East opened 1NT, as most who do not
realize how bad 4333 is will do.
(6) What did you bid with this North hand B(a) in
this week’s quiz? You can be fairly sure that 1NT will go down, probably by two
tricks, but you also know that partner has insufficient points to stand the
double and will pull it. So the deciding factor is the vulnerability; as the
opponents are non-vul you will probably only get 100 by passing 1NT – so double
and hope that partner will score say 110 when he pulls the double.
(7) Clearly North should continue with his plan by
passing and going for the partscore.
Anyway, onto the play after the ‘book’ bidding
sequence to the ‘optimistic’ 3NT.
East led the ♦A and West encouraged. You drop the ♦10 and East continues with the ♦K and then the ♦6 to your ♦Q. You try the ♣K and it goes ♣6, ♣2, ♣5. You continue with the ♣10 and East plays the ♣7. How do you play from here?
So what do you play from dummy on your ♣10 lead? As East started with at most 4 ♣’s, he was unlikely to have four or more ♦’s. With a balanced hand and 4-4 in the minors,
it is normal to open with 1♦ rather than 1♣.*
North could also count 24 points for N-S and so
E-W started with 16. As East had opened the bidding and West passed, East has
the bulk if the points. In particular, East was certain to have the ♣A as otherwise East would have only 11 HCPs and
West would have taken the ♣A to cash the ♦’s.
Although it works as the ♣’s lie, it would be an error to let the ♣10 run at trick five. West could have the ♣J and would take two more ♦ tricks. Therefore you should rise with the ♣Q. Do not take the ♠ finesse next, instead continue with four
rounds of ♥’s and exit with a ♣. East can have the ♣A and ♣J,
but then has to lead a ♠ into your ♠AQ. You make two ♠’s, four ♥’s, one ♦
and two ♣’s.
*Terry Note. I disagree with this bidding
assumption, many (including me) will open 1♣ when 4-4 in the minors. Anyway, it’s a rather strange problem as most
will open 1NT with the East hand, most N-S’s will not bid game, it assumes
opening 1♣ when 4-4 in the minors, and it does not
actually matter how you play the ♣
suit as the ‘error’ leads to an overtrick.
And what happened at the Pattaya Bridge Club?
3NT+1, 1NT*(E)-2, 2NT+1, 2NT=, 2♣+2,
2♣+1 and 3♥-1.
NoTrump Bidding in the balancing seat
Showing a balanced hand after an overcall is
different in 2nd seat and 4th seat. This is because with
say 10-14 you pass in 2nd seat but need to say something in 4th
seat. Assuming a 1♣ opening on your left is passed to you, a good
treatment for NT bids in the balancing seat is:
10-13 1NT
14-17 dbl followed by 1NT
18-19 2NT
20-21 dbl followed by 2NT
A penalty double? Board 14 from Wednesday 22nd Sept
Dealer: ♠ 9 West North East(C) South
East ♥ K98 - - pass pass
E-W vul ♦ J8 1♥ 3♣ dbl (1) pass
♣ KJ96542 pass (2)
♠ AKJ6 N ♠ Q875
♠ 10432
♦ 65
♣ Q87
(1) What did you bid with this East hand C in this
week’s quiz? This double looks right to me, a negative double promising four ♠’s in my style.
(2) Unfortunately West thought that East’s double
was penalties with a ♣ stack.
And what happened? 3♣* went down just one for a good score to N-S.
Other results were 6♦=, 3NT+2, 3NT+1, 4♠=, 3♠+1
and 4♠*-1.
The bottom lines:-
you need to agree how high to play negative doubles. With my regular Wednesday
partner we play to 3♥, without discussing
it I would assume 3♠.
Current club championship standings
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1894.9 Janne Roos 1894.0 Hans Vikman 1862.9 Paul Quodomine |
670.4 662.4 640.1 629.3 Sally Watson 627.0 Derek & Gerard 626.8 Tomas Wikman 619.8 Lars Broman 615.9 Jean Wissing 613.4 Guttorm Lonberg 611.6 Johan Bratsburg |
344.6 338.9 329.6 Tomas Wikman 327.5 Derek & Gerard 325.4 323.5 Jeremy Watson 323.4 322.9 Lars Broman 320.3 Jean Wissing 319.5 Duplessy & Coutlet |
Bidding Quiz Answers
G 1♥ 3♣ dbl dbl here is best played as
negative. I play it as just showing ♠’s but some play it as showing the two unbid
H 1♣ pass pass 2NT 2NT
here in the balancing seat shows a strong NT hand, typically 18-19 but up to
partnership agreement.
There is no point in it being the Unusual NoTrump as there is no need to
pre-empt in the pass-out seat.
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