Pairs Results Monday 8 Dec 2008.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 9  Hans Vikman & Jean Wissing 316.5 off 27 boards73.26  
2nd 2  Arnt Blix & Terje Lie 248.6 off 27 boards57.55  
3rd 3  Bob Pelletier & Olaf Ries 230.1 off 27 boards53.26  
4th 5  Lars Broman & Lars Gustafsson 216.9 off 27 boards50.20  
5th 6  Ian Wheeldon & Penny Abbott 213.1 off 27 boards49.33  
6th 4  Jean-Charles & Richard Mullins 210.8 off 27 boards48.78  
7th 1  Agne & Brigitta Strongvist 194.2 off 27 boards44.96  
8th 8  Kenneth Johansson & Ursula Lehner 192.6 off 27 boards44.58  
9th 10  Frode Austad & Johan Bratsberg 121.1 off 27 boards28.03  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 7  Dave Cutler & Bob Short 223.5 off 24 boards58.20  
2nd 3  Derek Tyms & Gerard Hardy 220.5 off 24 boards57.42  
3rd 10  Ivy Schlageter & Royd Laidlow 203.8 off 24 boards53.05  
4th 8  Guttorm Lonberg & Tomas Wikman 199.9 off 24 boards52.05  
5th 1  Binger & Magnus 196.1 off 24 boards51.07  
6th 6  Arne Fjoertoft & Svein Hildremyr 194.9 off 24 boards50.74  
7th 9  Bengt Malmgren & Robbie Georges 192.9 off 24 boards50.22  
8th 2  I & S.J. Regnier 203.2 off 27 boards47.04  
9th 4  Gene Moats & Paul Scully 170.9 off 24 boards44.49  
10th 5  Linda Lyen & Harry Woodward 138.4 off 24 boards36.03  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30   
2   15.912.510.
312.510.33.5   5.814.89.15.812.
412.510.33.54.612.510.3   5.812.512.513.63.52.43543.512.514.815.96.910.
50.110.313.   15.911.49.161643.
612.51.315.99.14.610.   310163.52.414.84.612.510.311.
93.510.310.39.112.510.315.914.811.45.815.912.510.314.813.6135123.512.511.4   11.415.915.914.815.914.8
63.55.812.   13604.63.513.6   4.62.415.914.88.01.3
815.95.82.413.611.413.613.615.90.110.311.411.4   042   14.81.313.6811164.613.68.0
103.514.80.16.911.45.8   2.46.911.414.88.013.66111212.   14.811.413.6

Movement: 10 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.