Wednesday Pairs Results 24 Feb 2010.

Results for N-S pairs:
1st 2  Bob Pelletier & Nick Peck 234.8 off 27 boards54.34  
2nd 4  Les & Flora Flintham 234.1 off 27 boards54.19  
3rd 9  Lars Broman & Tomas Wikman 222.6 off 27 boards51.53  
4th 1  Henry Haljeryd & Jean-Charles 219.9 off 27 boards50.89  
5th 10  Sean Burgess & Tom Hanlon 218 off 27 boards50.46  
6th 3  Paul Biscoe & Phil Lovell 216.4 off 27 boards50.08  
7th 6  Paul Quodomine & Terry Quested 210.2 off 27 boards48.66  
8th 8  Judy Gardham & Eileen 207.8 off 27 boards48.09  
9th 7  Tony & Claudia Chauvea 180.2 off 27 boards41.72  
Results for E-W pairs:
1st 4  Ole Dam & Royd Laidlow 230.1 off 24 boards59.92  
2nd 7  Hans Vikman & Janne Roos 223.6 off 24 boards58.23  
3rd 1  Bengt Malmgren & Holger Renken 216 off 24 boards56.25  
4th 8  Josteinn W & Vaiur B 211.8 off 24 boards55.14  
5th 6  Macha Duplessy & Christian Coutlet 204.6 off 24 boards53.28  
6th 5  Dave Cutler & Jan V Koss 204.4 off 24 boards53.22  
7th 9  Johan Bratsberg & Tom Grovslein 190.6 off 24 boards49.64  
8th 3  Dave Hurst & Paul Scully 166.2 off 24 boards43.29  
9th 10  Gerry Cohen & Richard Mullins 164.6 off 27 boards38.10  
10th 2  Bob Short & Sigurd Zahl 132 off 24 boards34.37  

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
2   11.413.614.84.611.413.6816315.915.
34.611.44.6   15.915.913.611284.612.56.913.
413.60.16.915.915.95.8   8606.99.111.411.
64.613.61.313.63.55.810.33.59.18611   6.95.815.
913.64.610.   6.915.
1013.615.914.82.411.   15.910.315.9
311.46.91.3   6.910.33.54.610.34.615.910.36.9
411.44.611.   810165.811.413.6
62.415.99.115.912.510.3   841
72.411.45.8   9.112.514.8810514.811.411.4
8   13.64.615.95.812.56.9815514.815.96.915.98.010.3   

Movement: 10 Table Mitchell with skip

For full details of all boards, Click Here

Results produced by Keith Sheppard's pairs scoring application. Email for details.