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Mon 9th N-S 1st Jean-Charles &
E-W 1st Linda
Wed 11th 1st
Fri 13th 1st Jean-Charles & Sean O H 56% 2nd = Bob & Dave 56%
2nd = Gunn & Torbjorn 56%
Bidding Quiz Standard American is assumed unless
otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand
A RHO opens 1♥, what do you do?
♠ AK106 ♠ AQ10654
♥ 974 ♥ A108 With hand B you
open 1♠ and partner bids 2NT (natural – 10-12
♣ A10 ♣
2 Jacoby 2NT). What do you bid?
Hand C Hand D With Hand C it’s favourable vulnerability. LHO opens 1NT in 3rd
seat and partner doubles.
♠ 1073 ♠ 10842 do you do?
♦ KQ9 ♦ QJ2 With Hand D partner opens 2♣, you respond 2♦, and partner
♣ 107 ♣
Q103 bids 2NT (23-24). What do you bid?
Hand E Hand F With Hand E you are playing natural methods (no Jacoby 2NT).
Partner opens 1♠, what do you bid?
93 ♠ Q2
♥ KJ4 ♥ K109763
♦ KQ64 ♦ 754 With Hand F partner
opens 1NT and you transfer with 2♦.
♣ K1097 ♣ K8 Partner
completes the transfer with 2♥, what do you do?
1816.8 Janne Roos 666.8 Janne Roos 350.4 Janne Roos
1784.8 Jan v Koss 650.5 Jan v Koss 340.2 Jan v Koss
1759.4 Dave Cutler 634.5 Lars Gu
627.2 Dave Cutler 325.6 Gunnar Barthel
They keep on coming, week after week, and to compound the felony at
Table B East showed his total lack of basic bidding knowledge when he subsequently
passed 1♥ redoubled to gift the opposition 1520 on a partscore deal.
Dealer: ♠ QJ Table A
both vul ♦ K6 - - - pass
J875 pass 1♥
1♠ (3) pass pass 2♥ (3)
♠ 7543
N ♠ AK106 pass pass 2♠ 3♥
♥ 83 W E ♥ 974 all pass
982 West North East(A) South
♥ A106 - - - pass
♦ Q982 pass 1♥
And what happened? 1♥ redoubled made +2
for a score of 1520. 3♥ at Table A made exactly for a decent score,
which would have been a better score if it were not for the ridiculous result
at Table B.
The bottom lines: -
A take-out double should be short in the suit bid
unless very strong.
4-card overcalls are not generally recommended, but
it’s sometimes the best bid (only at the one level) with 15 or so points and length
but no stop in the suit opened.
- The East at Table B clearly has no comprehension of the actions following a redouble and I suggest he reads up on the basics of take-out doubles. I have written a new page on the web: - (General Bridge Topics > after a redouble)
I received a complaint from one player because an opponent opened
1NT out-of-range and he claimed that he got a poor score as a result. I give my
opinions below.
Dealer: ♠ 54 Table A
N-S vul ♦ 10865 - pass pass 1NT (1)
♠ Q986
N ♠ 1073
W E ♥ Q10943 Table B
♥ 75 pass 2♣ (4) 2♥ (5) all pass
♦ J72
There have been a few articles on this recently. In Standard
American the bid is 10-12 and denies a 4-card major. As the bid takes up so
much space it has to be very specific and I go into the expected shape below.
But the main point on this deal is that the 2NT bidder has stated his hand
exactly and so opener is captain – he cannot make a bid that partner may pass.
Dealer: ♠ AQ10654
Love all ♦ A108 - 1♠ pass 2NT (1)
2 pass . 3♠ (2) pass pass (3)
♠ K72
N ♠ J8
♥ Q2
W E ♥ 97653 (1) What did you bid with this South hand E in
93 (2) What did you bid with this North hand B in
♥ KJ4 this
week’s quiz? 3♠ is wrong here as it’s
♦ KQ64 not
forcing. Partner has defined his hand
It seems that just about every N-S on Monday was playing the Multi 2♦.
Dealer: ♠ 4 Table A
E-W vul ♦ 984 pass 2♦ pass 2NT (1)
J102 pass 4♥ (2) all
♠ J6
N ♠ K108732 Table
♥ 92 W E ♥ K75 West North East South
♥ Q10 Table
♦ KQJ West North East South
It seems that a large proportion of the club play the Multi 2♦. Both
pairs at this table play the convention but North displayed a complete lack of
comprehension about defending against it!
Dealer: ♠ J862
Love all ♦ 943 - pass 2♦ (1) pass (2)
AJ9 2♥ (3) pass 2♠
pass (5) pass (6)
♠ Q43
N ♠ K5
♥ QJ9
W E ♥ A87643 (1) Multi two diamonds.
A1097 (4) A
near perfect take-out double.
♥ K (5) West should bid 3♥ here…
♦ AQ105 (6) … but there’s no need to with this North at
One pair got a bottom here when they opened a Multi when others were
opening 2♣, but really they were a bit unlucky.
Dealer: ♠ 10842 Table A
N-S vul ♦ QJ2 - - - 2♣
Q103 pass 2♦ (1) pass 2NT (2)
pass 3NT (3) pass 4NT (4)
♠ Q75
N ♠ 96 pass pass (5) pass
♥ 1093
W E ♥ KQ752
AKJ3 - - - 2♦ (6)
♥ A6 pass 2♥ (7)
♦ AK9 pass 3NT (10) all pass
Lewis asked me to write this one up. Apparently he was very
impressed by the ‘world-class’ defence he witnessed at this table.
Dealer: ♠ AKQ109
E-W vul ♦ 1064 - - - 1♣
964 1♥ 1♠ pass 1NT (1)
pass pass (2)
♠ 6532
N ♠ J74
♥ AJ8532
W E ♥ 107 (1) Perhaps a bit feeble.
8 It
would appear the N-S missed the boat, with two
♥ K94 other
South’s playing in 3NT with their combined
♦ AKQ 26 count.
But perhaps this N-S took the caliber of
West East You are East, playing in 3NT after South had
made an opening
♠ Q104 ♠ K65 lead
of the ♠3. When you play low from dummy, North wins
♥ J62 ♥ A103 with
the ♠A and returns a ♠. How will you play?
9762 ♣ AQJ5
Dave’s Column
answer Board 6 from Wednesday 11th
Dealer: ♠ A7 West North East South
East ♥
K984 - - 2NT pass
E-W vul ♦ Q1062 3NT (1) all pass
This was the bidding
at just one table, every
♠ Q104
N ♠ K65 other
West sensibly passed the 2NT opening
♥ J62
W E ♥ A103 with this
totally flat 3 count.
J9832 playing Dave’s predestined
contract of 3NT,
♥ Q75 so how do
you play on the ♠3 lead?
♦ J94
♠ Q2
N ♠ KJ43 Here
we have another play problem. You
♥ K109763
W E ♥ A82 are East,
declarer in 4♥, and get the ♣3 lead
Apparently just one declarer played this ♥ trump suit correctly.
Dealer: ♠ 9765
N-S vul ♦ J62 - pass 1NT pass
A9752 2♦ pass 2♥ pass
3♥ (1) pass 4♥ (2) all
♠ Q2
N ♠ KJ43
♥ K109763
W E ♥ A82 (1) What did you bid with this West hand F in
A108 good
intermediates make it worth 4♥.
♥ Q54 (2) With a maximum East bids game anyway.
♦ Q103
North South You
are South, declarer in 3NT. The contract is easy on
♠ A108 ♠ 92 anything but a ♠ lead and West leads the ♠4. You duck and
♦ 10 ♦ AQJ6542 West
plays the ♠J and you again duck. West leads the ♠2
Combine your options - answer Board 9
from Friday 13th
Dealer: ♠ A108 West North East South
E-W vul ♦ 10 pass 3NT all
(1) I would bid 2♦.
♠ KJ743
N ♠ Q65
♥ 932
W E ♥ J104
♥ 76
♦ AQJ6542