Mon 20th 1st Janne & Hans V 61% 2nd Jeremy &
Wed 22nd 1st Janne & Per-Ake 61% 2nd Svein & Jean-Charles 57%
Fri 24th 1st Dave & Ivy 67% 2nd Hans V &
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Bidding Quiz Standard
American bidding is assumed unless otherwise stated.
Hand A Hand B With Hand A it’s love all. There are three passes to you,
what do you open in 4th seat?
♠ AJ7 ♠ Q
♥ K8 ♥ J1075 With Hand B
everybody is vulnerable. There are three passes to
A8742 ♣ KQJ852
Hand C Hand D support (say with a 3♠ splinter). What do you bid?
A9 ♠ KQ
♥ KJ10965 ♥ 43 With Hand D partner opens 1NT (15-17). What do you
♦ - ♦ - bid and what is your
plan if partner shows two aces?
♣ KQJ85 ♣ AKQ1098643
Hand E Hand F With Hand E you
open your strongest bid, 2♣, 2♦ or whatever
it is. But what is your
next bid after a negative/relay response?
♠ QJ10 ♠
♥ AKQJ ♥ KQ987 With Hand
F partner opens 1♦ and you bid 1♠. Partner then
AQ ♣
Hand G Hand H What do you open with Hand G?
AQ82 ♠
♥ AQ ♥ AK10 What do you open with Hand H?
♦ AKQ1075 ♦ K3
♣ 10 ♣ A8
J 2♥ 2NT 2♥ is weak, what is
2NT – natural or for the minors.
K 1♦ pass 1♥ pass Is 3♦ forcing?
3♣ pass 3♦
Gold Cup = Best 30 |
Silver Plate = Best 10 |
Bronze Medal = Best 5 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 |
1805.7 Janne Roos 1768.3 Hans Vikman |
643.2 Janne Roos 638.9 Hans Vikman 625.5 618.5 612.8 Lars Broman 611.1 Bob Short 607.6 Per Andersson 601.1 Jean Wissing 596.0 Ivy Schlageter 589.5 Jeremy Watson |
331.8 Janne Roos 329.0 Hans Vikman 321.7 Bob Short 321.0 Per Andersson 320.9 320.7 318.2 Ivy Schlageter 316.1 Lars Broman 313.8 Jeremy Watson 312.8 Dave Hurst |
Dealer: ♠
Q9 Table
North ♥ Q10632 West(A) North East South
N-S vul ♦ K104 - pass pass pass
♣ K105 1♣ (1) 1♥ (2) 1♠ 2♦
pass (3) pass pass (4)
♠ AJ7 N ♠ K8543
♥ K8 W E ♥ 9754 Table
A8742 ♣
Q9 - pass pass pass
♠ 1062 1NT (1) pass (5) 2♣ pass
AJ 2♦ pass 2♠ (6) all pass
♦ A8752
♣ J63
And what happened? 2♠ made +2 for the only +ve E-W score. Other results were 2♦(S)=, 1NT(W)-1, and 2♠(E)-1.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
J853 Table
West ♥ AQ632 West North East South(B)
Love all ♦ J643 pass pass pass (1) 1♣ (2)
♣ - 1♠ 2♥ 2♠ 3♥
all pass
♠ A10972 N ♠ K64
♥ 8 W E ♥ K94 Table
10974 ♣ A63 pass pass pass pass (2)
♠ Q
♦ K8
♣ KQJ852
And what happened? Unfortunately things did not work out quite so well for South this time and the pass-out scored a total bottom. Other results were 4♥=, 3♥= and 2♠(W)-1. However, Deep Finesse says that N-S can make just 3♥ and E-W can make 3♠. So the decision by South at Table B to pass was correct – he was just unlucky that the other players in the N-S direction were having a bad day?
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
A9 Table
North ♥ KJ10965 West North(C) East South
Love all ♦ - - 1♥ pass 4♥ (1)
♣ KQJ85 pass 4NT (2) pass 5♣
pass 6♥ (3) all
♠ KQ104 N ♠ J87532
♥ Q4 W E ♥ 3 “Expert” Table
64 ♣
973 - 1♥ pass 3♠ (1)
♠ 6 pass 5♦ (4) pass 5NT (5)
A872 pass 7♥ (6) pass pass (7)
♦ AJ987 pass
♣ A102
And what happened? 6♥+1 twice, 7♥*= and 5♥+2.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
J1076 Table
North ♥ 72 West(D) North East South
N-S vul ♦ KQ10873 - pass 1NT pass
♣ J 4♣ (1) pass 4NT (2) pass
7NT (3) all
♠ KQ N ♠ A983
♥ 43 W E ♥ AKJ “Expert”
AKQ1098643 ♣ 75 - pass 1NT pass
♠ 542 2♠ (1) pass 3♣ (4) pass
Q109865 5♦ (5) pass 5NT (6) pass
♦ J62 7♣ (7) pass 7NT (8) all pass
♣ 2
And what happened? 7NT three times, 6NT +1.
The bottom lines: -
Dave’s Column Here is Dave’s first input
about the play of the hand.
West East You are West, declarer in
4♠. North leads a small ♥ which
♣ 4 ♣ AQ52
Dave’s Column
answer Board
26 from Wednesday 22nd
Dealer: ♠ K7 West North East South
East ♥ K8742 - - 1♣ pass
Both vul ♦ A76 1♠ pass 1NT pass
♣ J93 4♠ all pass
♣ 4 ♣ AQ52
♠ 4
♦ K10852
♣ K1076
Suppose West leads a ♣ to the ♣A
and tries a trump finesse. North takes the ♠K and exits with a trump. Declarer next tries
the ♦ finesse with dummy’s ♦9; he loses three ♦ tricks and goes down.
It doesn’t help declarer to finesse ♦’s early since South will win with the ♦10 and shift to a trump, preventing a ♦ ruff in dummy. In the published version of the
deal, south led to the ♣A at trick two and
then led the ♦9 to the ♦10,
♦J and ♦A.
Since North cannot lead a trump without
sacrificing a trump t
There is an alternative line that happens to
work: Declarer leads a ♦ to the ♦Q at t
And what happened at the Pattaya bridge club? 5NT-5, 4♠-2, 3♠+1 and 2♠+1.
Dave’s 2nd
Column Here
is Dave’s 2nd input concerning the play of the hand.
North South You are South, declarer in 4♥. West leads the ♣7 upon
AQ106 ♠ J7 which
North plays the ♣Q. Plan the play.
♥ Q109 ♥
♦ K8 ♦ 742
♣ 9653 ♣ AJ
2nd Column answer Board 27 from Wednesday 22nd
Dealer: ♠
East ♥ Q109 West North East South
Love all ♦ K8 - - pass 1♥
♣ 9653 pass 1♠ pass 2♥
pass 3♥ pass 4♥
♠ 832 N ♠ K954 all
♥ 42 W E ♥ 53
♦ Q93 S ♦ AJ1065
♠ J7
♦ 742
♣ AJ
North South West North East South
AQ82 ♠ 976 pass 1♦ 1♠ pass
♥ AQ ♥
K10875 2♣ 3♦ 4♣ 4♦
♦ AKQ1075 ♦ 6432 pass 5♦ all pass
East leads a low ♣ which West takes with the ♣A.
West switches to the ♠J which you win with
the ♠A How can you possibly avoid two more ♠ losers (East has the ♠K,10 of course)?
Dealer: ♠
AQ82 West North(G) East South
West ♥ AQ pass 1♦ (1) 1♠ (2) pass
N-S vul ♦ AKQ1075 2♣ 3♦ 4♣ 4♦
♣ 10
♠ J N ♠ K10543 (1) What did you open
with this hand G in this
♥ J9632 W E ♥ 4
week’s quiz? It is 10 playing t
AQ864 ♣ KJ7532 gaps
I (
♠ 976 (2) If you don’t play Ghestem,
Questem or
K10875 other
specific 2-suiter overcall then I
♦ 6432 guess 1♠ is reasonable.
♣ 9 (3) At our table West made a ridiculous double.
Q82 First
of all you draw two rounds of trumps
♥ - and
then unblock the ♥AQ.
♦ Q107 Then
enter dummy with the ♦6 and what
♣ - do
you do in this position with the lead
in dummy (South)?
♠ - N ♠ K105
The ♥K would provide just one ♠ discard
♥ J96 W E ♥ - and so that’s no good.
♣ Q86 ♣
KJ7 from the North hand. West wins and must
♠ 97
either give you two ♥ t
K108 a ruff and discard. Either
way the two
♦ 4 other ♠’s in the North hand disappear. Either
East West(H) Board 28 from Monday 20th
♠ 32 ♠
♥ Q764 ♥ AK10 What did you open with this West hand H in this week’s
Dealer: ♠
K874 Table
East ♥ 86 West North East(E) South
N-S vul ♦ 742 - - 2♦ (1) pass
♣ K653 2♥ (2) pass 3NT (3) pass
pass (4) pass
♠ QJ10 N ♠ A3
♥ 9753 W E ♥ AKQJ
“Expert” Table
1087 ♣ AQ - - 2♦ (1) pass
♠ 9652 2♥ (2) pass 2NT (3) pass
1042 3♣ (5) pass 3♥ pass
♦ 65 4♥ (6) pass 5♦ (7) pass
♣ J932 6♦ (8) pass 6♥ (9) all pass
And what happened? Nobody reached a
decent (75%) small slam: 5♥+2 twice, 5♥+1 and a totally undeserved top for 3NT+4.
The bottom lines: -
Dealer: ♠
J96543 Table
West ♥ 54 West North East(F) South
Both vul ♦ 106 1♦ pass 1♥ pass
♣J72 3♣ (1) pass 4NT (2) pass
5♠ (3) pass 6♦ (4) all
♠ Q108 N ♠ AK2
♥ - W E ♥ KQ987 “Expert”
AKQ108 ♣ 9 1♦ pass 1♥ pass
♠ 7 3♣ (1) pass 3♦ (2) pass
AJ10632 4♣ (5) pass 4NT (6) pass
♦ 92 5♠ (7) pass 6♦ (8) pass
♣ 6543 all pass
And what happened? 6♦+1 twice, 3NT+3 and
The bottom lines: -
Hand A: 1♣ is fairly obvious. But there is a strong case for stretching to 1NT –
because you are short in the majors and if you open 1♣ the opponents will be able to come in cheaply
and find a fit somewhere.
Hand B: Pass. This is a very clear 1♣ opener in 1st, 2nd or 3rd
seat, but in 4th seat it’s the rule of 15 (points and ♠ length) that applies. This hand is only 13 and
so is a clear pass: where are the ♠’s?
The answer is, with the opponents, and on the actual deal you can make 3♥ but the opponents can make 3♠.
Hand C: 5♦. This is Exclusion RKCB asking for keycards outside ♦'s. If you do not play ERKCB then do not bid 4NT RKCB as a two keycard response will be ambiguous about the ♦A, best is 4♦ which would be a cue bid asking partner to cue bid in return.
Hand D: 2♠, provided that you play 4-way transfers and this is a specific transfer to ♣'s. Partner will accept the transfer and you can then bid 5♦, Exclusion RKCB for ♣'s and asking for keycards outside the ♦ suit. You then bid 6♣ or 7♣ when partner shows one or two. Note that an initial 4♣ Gerber bid will be pretty useless if partner turns up with 2 aces as you have no idea if they include the useless ♦A or not.
Hand E: 2NT. That is if you are playing
a sensible system where this is game forcing. If 2♣ is your only strong bid (and so 2NT follow up
is 22-24 and passable) then play the Kokish relay. To
have to jump to 3NT to show this very strong balanced hand really is silly.
Hand F: 3♦. Partner’s 3♣ bid is game forcing (a high reverse) and so you simply set trumps now
with the intention of probably using RKCB for ♦’s later.
Hands G and H are from
Hand G: 1♦. I (
Hand H: 1♠. This time it’s quite clear that the hand is way short of a 2♣ opener.
Bidding Sequence Quiz
J 2♥ 2NT 2NT
here is natural, promising a ♥ stop.
K 1♦ pass 1♥ pass 3♦ is forcing because
3♣ was game forcing.
3♣ pass 3♦