"Gump: Accurate Bidding at Bridge for the Mildy Deranged" by Tom Jordan presents a system based on 5-card majors, strong but limited 1C, super strong 1NT and game forcing 2C. It is similar to the ROMEX system.
"Squeezes, Coups and End plays" by E Hall Downes is a classic. The first real discovery on the play of the cards since the days of auction bridge.

"Normal Bridge Bidding" by Lawrence Kane gives sound and up-to-date advice on how to find your bid in the modern bridge game of competitive auctions.
"A Vulnerable Game: The Memoirs of Rixi Markus" is an autobiographical book on the first lady of international bridge.

In "Bridge with the Professional Touch" Terence Reese has collected some of the best of the late Jeremy Flint's writings in this book that will aid both the rubber bridge or tournament player.

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Aces Scientific
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Bobby Goldman |
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"Aces Scientific" by Bobby Goldman is a description of the bidding sequences used by the American multiple World champion team called Aces. It includes slam, defensive and competitive bidding.

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Play Bridge With the Aces
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Ira Corn Jr. |
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For years the Italians had were literally on top of the world when it came to finding world-class bridge teams. Year after year for fifteen years the famous Italian "Blue Team" dominated the world championships. And then there appeared on the scene Ira Corn Jr., American bridge expert and financier, who put together the famous Aces. His book "Bridge with the Aces" helps to explain their phenomenal success in beating the Blue Team. It lays out the three general approaches to bridge rubber, duplicate and matchpoint; and is guaranteed to take the interested bridge player - be he novice or expert - firmly onto the path that leads to success.
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Financial Times
Book of Bridge
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Derek Rimington
& E. P. C. Cotter |
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"The Financial Times Book of Bridge" by Derek Rimington and Patrick Cotter is a selection of about 120 of the best hand from over 800 which have appeared in the Financial Times during the years 1983 - 1995. The authors have associated hands with similar themes together under eight different chapter headings and attempted to knit them together in an easily readable form. |
"The Pairs Game" by David Greenwood will take the rubber bridge player into the world of duplicate bridge. It covers declarer play, defensive play and strategy.

"Bridging the Gap" by Peter Kichline takes the intermediate player and helps them bridge the gap to being an advanced player.

"Play Bridge With Rookie" by E Balt
is a stimulating and entertaining, a must for the intermediate-advanced bridge player.
Unavailable at Amazom.co.uk |
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Do You Know Your Partner?
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Andrew Bernstein |
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"Do You Know Your Partner?" by Andrew Bernstein is a somewhat tongue-in-cheek quiz book which really lets you get to know your partner.

"Culbertson, The Man Who Made Contract Bridge" by John Clay is the story of Ely Culbertson, the man whoses influence made, and made popular, bridge as we know it today.

"No Passing Fancy: Fifty Years of Contract Bridge" by Sue Emery is a history of the ACBL between the Roaring 20's and the 1970's.

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The Weak Two Bid
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Harold Feldheim |
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"The Weak Two Bid in Bridge" by Harold Feldheim describes the weak two bid, its responses and rebids, strong two club opener and defense against the weak two bids.

"Forcing Pass in Contract Bridge" by Eddie Kantar
tells you if partner's (or your) last bid (or pass) should be considered forcing.

"How To Play Winning Bridge" by Edgar Kaplan and Alfred Sheinwold is a Step-By-Step Guide to Mastery of the Revolutionary Kaplan-Sheinwold System That Brought Precision Bidding to American Contract Bridge.
"101 bridge Maxims" by Hugh Kelsey contains just what it says. 101 sayings such as 'don't bid your hand twice', '8 ever 9 never' and 'don't bid again having pre-empted' are studied in detail.
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