In the 1970's
Roger Trézel broke down the game of bridge into sections for a series of books and Terence Reese collaborated for English language editions. These books are classics and well worth getting hold of; some are available as new reprints and others are more scarce. |
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Safety Plays
in Bridge
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Roger Trézel & Terence Reese |
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Master the Odds
in Bridge
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Roger Trézel & Terence Reese |
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Snares and Swindles
in Bridge
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Roger Trézel & Terence Reese |
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Elimination Play in Bridge
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Roger Trézel & Terence Reese |
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Those Extra Chances in Bridge
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Roger Trézel & Terence Reese |
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Perhaps the most well known of the series is "When to Duck, When to Win" which thoroughly covers the topic for both declarerer and defenders. "Elimination Play in Bridge: Let's Get Results Not Excuses" and "Safety Plays at Bridge" are typical volumes of this series. The big winners in bridge are not the players capable of executing an occasional sparkling coup, but those who know how to avoid defeat in everyday contracts when the breaks are bad. The unlucky breaks can be guarded against by the use of safety plays, which are thoroughly explained. Other problems in declarer play are caused by blocked suits. All improving players are familiar with the frustrating experience of finding themselves stranded in the wrong hand, unable through lack of communication to cash in on tricks that could have been theirs for the taking. Here the authors explain how to block an opponent's suit and how to unblock your own, giving numerous, well-chosen and clear examples.
"The Mistakes You Make at Bridge" by Terence Reese and Roger Trezel is a great bridge classic, brought up to date by Ron Klinger as a book in the Master Bridge Series. Both Terence Reese and Roger Trézel were brilliant players and Reese possessed a legendary skill in imparting a great knowledge of bridge with supreme lucidity in his writings. Ron Klinger has incorporated the changes required over the last two or more decades, particularly in the bidding, and the result is a treasury of bridge wisdom. |
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"The Bridge Magicians" by Radoslaw Kielbasinski and Mark Horton profiles all the top Polish players of recent years, of which there are quite a few. There are many interesting stories about bridge in Poland, but the main focus is on bridge hands and brilliancies.

In "Card by Card: Adventures at the Bridge Table" by Roy Hughes you follow an expert's thought processes as declarer or defender on deals taken from top level play. The book is for intermediate to advanced players.

Defense is the most difficult part of bridge, and for most players, the hardest part of defense is figuring out what to do. In this book "Thinking on Defense: The Art of Visualization in Bridge" the reader is shown step-by-step how to visualize declarer's cards from the bidding and play, and then how to use this information to form a plan for the defense. This book is based on Jim Priebe's popular articles 'Visualization on Defense' which appeared in the ACBL Bulletin in early 2001.

Bobby Wolff is a famous American bridge player and an original member of the Dallas Aces team. The team was formed in 1968 to compete against the Italian Blue team which was dominant in world bridge at that time. The Aces were very successful and won their first world bridge championship in 1970. Bobby has won 11 world championships, over 30 national championships, and was the president of World Bridge Federation 1992-1994, and president of ACBL 1987-1988. He is the only individual to win world championships in five different categories. Now he has written a tell-all on bridge chronicling 60 years on the scene, entitled "The Lone Wolff: Autobiography of a Bridge Maverick".

In the quiz book "Challenge Your Declarer Play", Danny Roth has compiled a set of challenges that will test readers' ability as a declarer, and at the same time, introduce some stratagems that may be unfamiliar. The hands are fairly tough and they are presented in a random order as one might encounter them at the bridge table.
Click here for an excerpt from the book.

"The Backwash Squeeze and Other Improbable Feats" by Edward McPherson, subtitled "A newcomer's journey into the world of bridge", is an entertaining book that chronicles the author's learning process and his experiences at his first tournaments. It includes interesting interviews, bridge history and an overview of bridge rules.

Victor Mollo's Bridge Quiz Book is a recently updated collection of some of the late author's best play problems for intermediate and advanced players.

In "I Challenge You" Victor Mollo challenges you to improve your bridge game with dozens of well defined and interesting deals.

"Card Reading; The Art of Guessing Right at the Bridge Table. " by Eric Jannersten is an excellent guide to gathering clues from the bidding and drawing inferences from the play, with a good selection of challenging problems. Or buy from
Amazon.co.uk . |
"Play Safe and Win " by Eric Jannersten is a book showing you how to play difficult hands sucessfully, how to avoid losing finesses and how to overcome bad breaks. Or buy from
Amazon.co.uk . |
"More Deadly Than the Male" by Rixi Markus shows the hands which helped Rixi become one of the world's top women players.
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Instant Guide to Standard Bridge
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Hugh Kelsey & Ron Klinger |
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"Instant Guide to Standard Bridge" by Hugh Kelsey and Ron Klinger is a guide to Standard American, so useful for players using the internet.
"Bridge Play Unravelled" by Freddie North is a collection of declarer-play and defence problems with a focus on inferences, common themes and partnership defense skills. The explanations include example hands and revision quizzes.

"Modern Defensive Signalling in Bridge" by Kit Woolsey teaches you the latest innovations in leading, discarding and signalling. Upside-Down, Odd-Even, Lavinthal, Encrypted signals. An then you learn how declarer can combat these methods.

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