In "Marty Sez... vol 1" Marty Bergen gives 100 tips to improve your bridge game in his usual relaxed style. This bevy of Marty's bridge secrets is easy to read, and easy to learn, for any level of player up to intermediate. "Marty Sez... vol 2" and :Marty Sez... vol 3" are sequals in the same vein.
"Bridge Squeezes for Everyone", by David Bird,
is aimed at the intermediate to advanced player who is ready to tackle this difficult subject. The book is nicely organised with each topic clearly dealt with. There are lots of different squeeze types from the simple squeeze to compound and guard squeezes.

"Maastricht Challenge Bridge Problems" by Tim Bourke lets you pit your wits against 60 challenging declarer play problems from the World Championships. There is a particular emphasis on themes such as trump, criss - cross and multi - loser squeezes. It is definitely for the advanced player.

"Inspired Card Play" by David Bird and Martin Hoffman uses example hands to illustrate the various topics, which include Combining Options, Entry Planning, Elimination Play, etc. Throughout the book 'Top Tips' are presented for each of the particular hand types.

A tip from the experts: If the contract is simple, assume the worst, and vice versa.
"Over Your Shoulder: Learn From the Experts" by Tony Forrester and Brian Senior, is an excellent book for advanced players, focusing on the difficult judgments that an expert must make in bidding, play and defense.

"Canada's Bridge Warriors" by Roy Hughes is an in-depth story the top partnership of Sami Kehela and Eric Murray, who overcame the odds to dominate North American bridge but not the Italian Blue Team.

In "Playing with the Bridge Legends" by Barnet Shenkin describes his favorite hands and stories from his career as a player and bridge journalist. The book comes to a climax with the US team's record-breaking world title win in January 2000, an event which Barnet covered as a journalist.

In "Off-Road Declarer Play" David Bird covers less well-known stratagems for non-routine situations: creating entries, surviving bad trump breaks, eliminations, getting help from the defenders, and more...

"Leading Questions in Bridge", by Sally Brock, covers the questions that should be asked before making the opening lead: active or passive, partner's suit or one's own, trump or not, deception, and so on...

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Expert Defense |
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Raymond Brock |
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"Expert Defence" by Raymond Brock teaches you to master one of the hardest areas of the game of bridge. Aimed at the intermediate player, the book emphasises planning the defence and whether to be active or passive in defence. Partnership cooperation covers aspects of signalling, and making life easier for partner. Some advanced techniques such as ducking and coups are considered with example hands taken from top level play.

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Defend With Your Life |
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Terence Reese & Eddie Kantar |
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"Defend With Your Life" by Terence Reese and Eddie Kantar is complex enough to give you sleepless nights, but practical enough to offer solutions that can be applied to numerous situations at the bridge table.

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Do you like playing bridge with friends, but hate it when they get all the cards? Relax! Your troubles are over. Using this new (2008) innovative book "Duplicate Bridge at Home" by Mark Horton and Fred Gitelman you can play your own one-table duplicate game at home, and eliminate the luck of the deal completely. You'll compare your score with what others have done with exactly the same cards in online competition.

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"Bridge for the Connoisseur" by Hugh Kelsey is a book with a special appeal for those who appreciate the finer points of the game. The text comprises 58 deals remarkable not only for their artistic value but also because they allow the author to enhance them with instructive points on bidding, play and defence. Many of the hands come from international tournaments and reflect the brilliances and blunders of the stars.

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More Tales of Hoffman |
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Martin Hoffman |
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"More Tales of Hoffman" chronicles more interesting hands played by the master. This book is the sequel to 'Hoffman on Pairs Play' which I found to be outstanding. It follows the same format - 60 hands with 2 summary points.

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Over Hoffman's Shoulder |
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Martin Hoffman |
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Martin Hoffman was born in Czechoslovakia but emigrated to England where he became one of the world's foremost bridge professionals, famous for his ability to achieve high placings even when partnered only by a client.
"Over Hoffman's Shoulder", co-authored by Marc Smith, describes some of the most interesting hands he has played in the typical over-the-shoulder style of Terence Reese.

"On Pairs Play" by Martin Hofffman. What a great book! 60 excellent hands, some double dummy, where you need to figure out how to play, based on the bidding and an occasional innocuous clue like "after a pause the opponent leads/plays". The author explains why the pause was important "why not simply return partners suit, since they are known to have the Q? Unless ...". There are no exceptionally hard hands, these can all be solved if you are advanced and think out the play. Two summary tips after each problem. One of the best bridge books I've read.
The sequel is "More Tales of Hoffman".

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The Bedside Book
of Bridge |
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Elena Jeronimidis |
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In "The Bedside Book of Bridge" and its sequel "More Bedside Bridge"
Elena Jeronimidis
collects articles from the experts describing the challenges, downfalls and joys encountered in the game of bridge. Quizzes and example games provide an extra challenge while tips from teachers and internatoional players should give the reader a better understanding of the techniques behind the game.
Bedside Book of Bridge |
More Bedside Bridge |
What are the hallmarks of the expert player? Why do some players appear regularly at the top? In the intriguing book "Sharpen Your Bridge Technique" Hugh Kelsey shows what the characteristics of the expert mind are, and how the less successful can learn by studying the techniques involved. Card reading and card sense, mental rehearsal, logic, mental concentration and relaxation, the assessment of probabilities, imaginative defence, table presence, and when to employ deceptive plays - all are considered and used by the expert mind to acheive above average results. With the help of many brilliant hands to illustrate his points, Hugh Kelsey demonstrates how you can revolutionise your game - by thinking like an expert.

Alan Sontag's "The Bridge Bum: My Life and play" is on everybody's of the top ten bridge books ever written. Its 256 pages have everything ; history, stories about great players, Sontag's own fascinating hands, cheating, hustling, and the glamor and grind of the bridge professional's life. Most of all the book is about the game itself, which the author describes with such vigour and eloquence that it's easy to understand why he loves it so much.
This edition, published in 2003, brings back to life a classic that has been out of print for over 20 years. This new edition has been revised and updated with new stories, new insights and perspectives, and the drama of Alan Sontag's first world title win over the Italians in one of the closest bridge matches of all time.

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Streamline Your
Card Play |
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Victor Mollo |
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In "Streamline Your Card Play", Victor Mollo is for once is in entirely serious mood. There is a lot of material and the author has crowded more meat into his pages than any previous bridge author. There are 374 quiz questions, and each has two or more parts.The reader is shown the dummy and one other hand, and invited to test his skill. The standard is suitable for players of average or above-average skill, and some of Mollo's questions might well defeat an expert in practical play.

It is one thing to know the various point ranges and conventions of a bidding system, and yet quite another to be able to apply them correctly at each stage of an auction. "Make The Winning Bid: Bidding Guidelines for the Advancing Player," by Howard Ringel takes the reader, step by step, through the various bridge of auctions, with the reader is sometimes the opening bidder and sometimes the responder. The goal of bidding to a contract in the right strain, and at the right level, is pursued. Judgment and hand valuation are applied at every turn in the bidding, using new information from actions by partner or the opponents as it becomes available. Invitational and forcing bids are discussed as the partners decide whether to stop at a level or move forward. The reader chooses from several options supplied for each opportunity to call. Sometimes there are two bids that are equally correct, but usually only one. These options are weighed and compared. Interference by the opponents is also discussed. The reader should come away from the reading of this book better able to understand and conduct a successful bridge auction.

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