Rules are made to be broken, and bridge is no exception. The first of a planned four-book series on cardplay, "Breaking the Bridge Rules: first hand play" by Barry Rigal deals with situations where the player who is on lead – defender or declarer, at the start of the deal or in the middle – needs to do something that involves ostensibly ‘breaking the rules’. Not, obviously, the rules of bridge itself, but the well-tried adages that every player is taught – the rules of thumb that work in the majority of cases. Knowing when to break those rules is one of the marks of an expert player.

Robert Tischman is just looking for a game of bridge, but when a mysterious woman persuades him to partner her in a two-session event at the Engima Club, he gets much more than that. This book, "Bridge at the Enigma Club" by Peter Winkler, can be enjoyed on several levels: 1) as a fun read with lots of great bridge deals; 2) as a glimpse of what the game might be like if technology were applied to it with more imagination; 3) as an exposition of the author's ideas on encrypted bidding and encrypted signals – bids and plays where, in full compliance with the Laws of Bridge, partners can exchange information that cannot be deciphered by their opponents. Consumer warning: these methods, though fascinating and ingenious, are illegal in most bridge jurisdictions.

Matchpoint and IMP events are based on very different scoing systems. matchpoint scoring rewards the frequency of gain; how often do you find the winning action? IMP scoring rewards the amount of gain, the same basis for rubber bridge. Each form of competition is distinctive, and a successful, well-rounded player must master a broad range of strategies. This book looks at the tantalizing question of which form of scoring is the more skillful, examines the role of luck, and shows how to pick a personal style. This book, "Matchpoints Versus IMPs:
Different Games, Different Strategies", by Augie Boehm, like the author's books on demon doubling and 3NT, is intended for the intermediate and advanced intermediate club and tournament player.
Unavailable at Amazon.co.uk |
"Doctor Dave's Wit and Wisdom at the Bridge Table" is a new (2010) book by Dr. David S. Shelton, an American Contract Bridge League accredited teacher, life master, and player for over fifty years. In this book he shares his love of the game, his bidding, and play of the hand expertise with you. His writing style makes it easy to understand his wit and wisdom and how you can apply it to improve your game

"Better Balanced Bidding - The Banzai Method" is an important, and in some ways revolutionary, book. The point count method of hand evaluation was first introduced in 1914 and was popularized in 1934 by Milton Work. The Banzai Method, evolved by David Jackson and Ron Klinger, improves on Milton Work by reassessing the relative values of the honour cards but also adds a further dimension to accurate hand evaluation by including the tens and is of crucial importance when assessing balanced hands. According to Eric Kokish, an internationally respected North American authority, the many example deals are an eye-opener. When you finish this book, it is unlikely that you are going to look at your hand the same way as you have in the past.

"Bridge, Its Principles and Rules of Play" by
Joseph Browne Elwell. This is a pre-1923 historical [Paperback] reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide. This text refers to the Bibliobazaar edition.

"Deadly Defence" by Ron Klinger, Wladyslaw Izdebski and Roman Krzemien covers every important aspect in bridge to make good bridge players into excellent defenders. It deals with opening leads (how to convey maximum information), defensive play when playing second hand, third hand and also when you are first to play to a trick, how to use signals more effectively and how to think on defence like an expert. 'Deadly defense is the most interesting book on defence that I have ever read' - quoted by Julian Klukowski (World Seniors Championship 2006 gold medallist)

In "Defensive Signalling at Bridge" David Bird begins this thorough discussion of a neglected but vital topic by examining the real purpose of defensive signalling, and the basic kinds of signals that are available. He goes on to recommend a comprehensive set of signalling agreements, and analyzes more complex situations in the light of these agreements. Most of the chapters are followed by a quiz, the answers to which will demonstrate the effectiveness of the recommended signal. The book finishes with a chapter that looks at the signalling methods of eight world-class pairs, with examples of their methods in action. This is a book any player looking to improve his or her results will want to read.

Many players feel trepidation when faced with playing a no-trumps contract. "Improve Your Declarer Play at No-Trumps" by Ron Klinger is an invaluable bridge guide to better declarer play teaches players how to approach such contracts without fear. The correct lines and logical thinking are explained clearly and you will not only make your contracts, but also score overtricks as well. The first section covers the approach you should adopt before you even play a card from dummy; followed by practical examples, problems to solve, and deals that arose in major competitions where the very best players did not always find the right answer. Most importantly, the solutions include the logic behind the right play, the clues to locate the missing cards, and ideas on how to induce opposition error when you have no legitimate chance for success. Where you might have felt reluctance when playing no trumps, you will emerge from this handbook with a new sense of confidence.

"Out of Hand and Off the Fairway: The Humorous Side of Bridge and Golf" is an amusing book by cartoonist Bill Buttle, well-known to readers of the American Contract Bridge League's Bridge Bulletin for his trenchant lampooning of bridge and bridge players. In this, his first book-length collection, he aims his darts not only at bridge players but golfers. This book of hilarious one-panel cartoons will make a great holiday gift for any bridge nut or golf addict.


"WIN At Duplicate Bridge: Bid Difficult Bridge Hands Like An Expert" by Fred Parker teaches modern bridge bidding techniques to the intermediate duplicate bridge player. It describes and fully explains all modern conventions, including the two over one system. The book is full of examples on how to bid difficult hands, and explains the nuances of expert bidding practices. It advises the player, which conventions are most useful and how to play them. It is an invaluable teaching and reference book for any serious bridge player.
What are the conventions that you need for a winning edge:
What you will learn from this book:
How the Two over One system differs from standard bidding systems
How to bid complicated conventions, like Lebensohl, New Minor Forcing, Inverted Minors, Jacoby 2NT, Defense against NT, etc.
When to overcall with 8 points, but pass with 16.
How to respond with borderline hands. When to raise partner's suit rather than bid your own suit.
When to preempt, and at what level.
How to respond to a take-out double, a negative double, or a responsive double.
The kind of hands you need to balance with. How to bid difficult hands in competitive situations.
Lots of Examples and Quizzes in order to enhance the learning experience.
Modern practices for leads and signals. |
"Who Are These People: A Story about Bridge Players in the Washington Bridge Unit" by Cassandra Foster contains stories about African American men and women bridge players. They all turned at least 80 years old by May 1, 2008. They have in common membership in a duplicate bridge club¿the Washington Bridge Unit where they play the card game bridge. The book contains several stories, with one story for each subject or married couple. The stories are based on taped interviews of the subjects made between May 1, 2007 and May 16, 2008. To help with the time perspective, the date of the interview is at the end of each story. The location point of view is Washington, DC. The stories in the book tell about the lives of the subjects¿when and where they were born, where they grew up, their careers, their families, their struggles, and their philosophies of life. There are pictures of the subjects. The stories include how bridge was introduced into their lives and how they came to be members of the Washington Bridge Unit. Keeping with the bridge tradition, these stories discuss the subjects using their first names. These people are the trailblazers. They have worked hard. You will find that most of these persons are still active in competitive tournament bridge. Most are currently church members, and most are still quite active in the church. Many are voracious readers, travel extensively, and have other hobbies. They appear youthful and healthy. They are close to their families. They are lively, insightful, and accomplished African American men and women. They have lived life in these United States and survived. They are enjoying life. So much inspiration and good advice in one place!
Unavailable at Amazon.co.uk. |
"Boot Camp Bridge - Bid More Winning Slams " by Wayne Sands presents a proven way to bid more winning slams. While not the only way, it has shown to be highly effective. As your reward for reading this book, you should be able to improve your slam bidding and perhaps reach a 75% success rate. Boot Camp Bridge is written for intermediate and advanced players who wish to improve their success in bidding slams. In Boot Camp Bridge, most of the common slam tools such as Jacoby 2NT, Super gerber, Splinters and Blackwood are reviewed with examples and the Index can be used as an easy reference for your immediate bridge questions. For the most part, slam-going conventions are presented that are 'standard' in most bridge clubs today and it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the 2/1 bidding system.. There is a general consensus about the way these bids are used. however, standards do vary from time to time and from place to place. An attempt has been made to make it clear to the reader whenever bids are presented that might be considered 'non-standard'. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with five-card major openers and the two-over-one system. In addition for purposes of this book, an openig bid of 1NT shows 15-17 high-card points with no singleton or five-card major. The goal in providing examples is not to present puzzles for the reader but rather to make sure that the reader understands how to use the convention being discussed. Although examples been chosen that illustrate the use of particular bids, it is often the case that there may be other ways to successfully bid the same hands. Unavailable at Amazon.co.uk. |
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These booklet guides by Steve Braithwaite give beginners and improving players much needed information on ways in which they can improve their bidding and play techniques. |
Steve's Basic Bridge Guide, by Steve Braithwaite is a 48 page summary of Standard English Acol, together with brief details of declarer play, defence and scoring. This booklet will be useful for: Those learning Bridge for the first time, Anyone returning to the game after a long absence. New partnerships brushing up on the basics and Teachers to use with their students. Cintents: Glossary of terms, Opening bids, responses to 1NT and 2NT, responses to 1 of a suit, opener's rebid, responder's second bid, playing tricks, bidding after the opponents have pre-empted, doubles, simple overcalls, other overcalls, responding after an opponent's overcall or double, bidding slams, declarer play, opening leads, defensive play, chicago bridge, scoring. |
Steve's Supplementary Bridge Guide follows on from Steve's Basic Bridge Guide and gives improving players more information on ways in which they can improve their bidding techniques: Transfers, shape showing/bidding the enemy suit, supporting partner, fourth suit forcing, protective bidding, bidding after the opponents make a take-out double, negative doubles, two-suite overcalls, weak twos, responding to a weak two after an overcall, slam bidding, use of 2NT in the bidding, opening 3NT and lead-directing doubles, forcing bids, trial bids for game. |
Steve's Basic Revision Bridge Guide has 25 Revision Tests form a set of comprehensive revision questions based on Steve's Basic Bridge Guide. These 25 revision test form a set of comprehensive revision questions based on "Steve's Basic Bridge Guide":
Opening bids, responses to 1NT, openers rebid, responders second bid, opening bid of 2NT and responses, pre-emptive bids and responses, what is partner telling me, overcalls and doubles, take-out doubles and responses, overcalls and responses, responding after the opponents overcall or doublem bidding slams, declarer play in NT contracts, declarer play in suit contracts, defence, scoring.
Test can be done in any order, recommended answers provided
Steve's Declarer Play Bridge Guide gives details of techniques used by declarer, in both no-trump and suit contracts. Declarer Play in NT Contracts.
List of techniques used, the rule of eleven/the rule of seven, making extra tricks, safe hand/danger hand, principle of restricted choice/blocked suits, frozen suits/playing in a 1NT contract clues from the bidding and opening lead SWOT analysis.
Declarer Play in Suit Contracts
List of techniques used, drawing trumps, keeping control of the trump suit, delaying drawing trumps, loser on loser play/dummy reversal.
Declarer Play (NT Contracts and Suit Contracts)
Endplays, Safety plays, percentage breaks/falsecarding. |
Steve's Defence Bridge Guide gives details of techniques used by the defence, against both no-trump and suit contracts. Defence against NT Contracts
Opening Leads, Deciding which suit to lead, Third hand play*, Returning partner's lead, Opening leader's next play, Second hand play*, Surrounding play*
Defence against Suit Contracts
Opening leads, Playing for ruffs, Trump promotions, Forcing declarer, Signalling in the trump suit.
Discards and Signals (NT Contracts and Suit Contracts)
Attitude Signals, Count Signals, Discarding, Discarding Flasecarding, Suit preferences signals (SPS)
*Most of these techniques are also valid for suit contracts |
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