Bridge Lessons series by Andrew Robson - Times bridge columnist |
These are 40-page booklets. Each page contains a lesson based on Andrew's Wednesday bridge series in the UK's "The Times" newspaper. In a compelling format, each page has a lesson plus an illustrative deal. Not only will you further your understanding of the topic but its bite-size lesson format makes the learning that little bit more enjoyable.. |
(Apr 17, 2006)
Andrew guides the player through a variety of uses of the double. From simply raising the stakes, to bringing partner into the auction, to describing specific features of one´s hand, this booklet shows how the double can be a great aid to partnership bidding.
(Jun 30, 2006)
Here Andrew enunciates sound principles for getting into the auction when the opponents have opened. He outlines winning strategies - disrupting the opponents´ auction without risking too much.
(Jun 30, 2006)
Starting with the definition of a finesse and progressing from the most basic position to the more advanced, this book is a must for any student of the game. Everyone will benefit from Andrew´s clear writing.
Weak Two
(Aug 30, 2006)
This booklet guides the reader through Weak Two opening bids - now universally recognised to be superior to the Strong Two (if for no other reason, they occur far more often). A vital tool for the armoury of the advancing player.
Stayman and Transfer
(Aug 30, 2006)
In a compelling format, each page contains a lesson and an illustrative deal about Stayman and transfers and subsequent bids by bothe opener and reaponder.
Opening Lead
(Aug 30, 2006)
One of the most anxious moments for any player, Andrew guides the reader to the best options for getting the defence off on the right footing. Given that half of all contracts that start life in the balance are decided one way or the other by the opening lead, this is somewhat vital.
(Aug 30, 2006)
Successful slamming is one of the most exciting aspects of the game. Through a series of 50 hands, Andrew introduces techniques and principles to help the reader bid and make slams with confidence.
Signal and Discard
(Oct 30, 2007)
Starting with the definition of a Signal and Discard, and progressing from the most basic position to the more advanced, this book is a must for any student of the game. Everyone will benefit from Andrew's clear writing.
Endplay and Squeeze
(Oct 30, 2007)
These topics are undoubtadly of a more advanced nature. However, Andrew has simplified the principles making them easier to understand. Everybody will benefit from Andrews's clear explanations.
Bidding as Opener
(Jul 30, 2008)
Andrew explains Opener's choices of opening bid and subsequent rebids as the Auction progresses.
Responder & 4th Suit Forcing
(Jul 30, 2008)
Andrew describes Responder's role and choices in an Auction, including the definition of Fourth Suit Forcing and what the responses are.

Hand Evaluation & the Losing Trick Count
(May 14, 2010)
The twelfth book in Andrew's acclaimed Bridge Lesson Series. He gives a clear step-by-step outline of how to use the Losing Trick Count, then discusses all the other factors that enable you to make the winning bid. A must-buy for all aspiring players.
(Aug 4, 2010)
Defence is the most important part of the game. In his very recent booklet in the series. Andrew gives you the tips and techniques you need to become a top defender.
Rules, Acronyms and Ditties
(Dec 20, 2010)
20 Rules and 34 Acronyms and Ditties.... This book will boost the effectiveness of your memory.

Bridge Flippers by Andrew Robson |

Andrew's Beginner Bridge Flipper.
(25 December, 2008)
1. |
Improve Your Bridge |
2. |
Picking Up Your Cards |
3. |
Mechanics of Bidding |
4. |
Fits and Game |
5. |
Balanced Hands |
6. |
Balanced Line for opener |
7. |
Responding to One NoTrump |
8. |
Unbalanced Line for Opener |
9. |
Responding to One-of-a suit |
10. |
Opening at Higher Levels |
11. |
Overcalling |
12. |
Finding Fits |
13. |
Making Tricks |
14. |
Using Trumps |
15. |
Opening Lead and Defence |
16. |
Glossary of Terms (A-N) |
17. |
Glossary of Terms (O-Z) |
18. |
Scoring - where? |
19. |
Scoring - how? |
20. |
Sample Rubber |
21. |
Round the Table |

Andrew's Essential Bridge Flipper.
(9 Mar, 2007)
1. |
Opening When Balanced |
2. |
Opening When Unbalanced |
3. |
Respond to Suit Opener: With Support |
4. |
Respond to Suit Opener: Without Support |
5. |
Opening 1NT |
6. |
Responding to 1NT |
7. |
Which Suit to Bid |
8. |
Bidding Notrumps as an overcall |
9. |
Overcalling Suits |
10. |
Responding to a Suit Overcall |
11. |
Double: for Take-out |
12. |
Double: for Penalty |
13. |
Scoring Doubled Contracts |
14. |
Tricks Without Trumps |
15. |
Drawing Trumps |
16. |
Tricks With Trumps |
17. |
2♣ Opening and Responding |
18. |
2♦, 2♥, 2♠ Opening and Responding |
19. |
2NT Opening and Responding |
20. |
Slam Bidding: 4NT |
21. |
Opening Lead |
22. |
Defence |
23. |
Basic Rubber Bridge Scoring |
24. |
Other Books by Andrew Robson |
25. |
Round the Table |

Andrew 's Conventions Bridge Flipper.
(18 Oct, 2010)
1. |
Losing Trick Count |
2. |
Stayman |
3. |
Roman Key Card Blackwood |
4. |
Splinters |
5. |
Jacoby 2NT |
6. |
Trial Bids for Game |
7. |
Trial Bids for Slam |
8. |
Ac-Showing Cue Bids |
9. |
Weak Twos |
10. |
Transfers |
11. |
Negative Double |
12. |
Fourth Suit Forcing |
13. |
Unassuming Cue bids |
14. |
Redouble |
15. |
Landy |
16. |
Inverted Minor Suit Raises |
17. |
Landy |
18. |
Unusual Notrump |
19. |
Overcalling & Weak Jump Overcalls |
20. |
Coping With Intervention |
21. |
Protective Bidding |
22. |
Law of total Tricks |
23. |
Hand Evaluation |
24. |
High Level Bidding Judgement |
33. |
Strong NT and 5-card majors |
35 |
Andrew's Top 10 Conventions |
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