"Five Weeks to Winning Bridge" by Alfred Sheinwold is a classic that has taught millions to play the game. It teaches 4-card majors, but the principles are clearly explained and easily adapted to a 5-card-major system.
"Bridge in 3 Weeks" by Alan Truscott is a comprehensive, 3-week, day-by-day bridge course for the beginner. The author is British by birth, but has been bridge editor of the New York Times since 1964.
"How to Play Winning Bridge" by
David Bird is a teaching course and guide to all things bridge, this hard-cover volume includes a history of the game and its champions, beginner tutorials, sample games, rules and reference sections. It also features tips for intermediate and higher-level players.
Do you need a quick hint about what to bid? Do you know what you are supposed to lead from KJ10x? Have you forgotten what a reverse is? If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions then "The Pocket Guide to Bridge" by Barbara Seagram and Ray Lee is the book that you need!
"Goren's New Bridge Complete" by Charles H Goren
is the original 'bible' for the Standard American 5-card-major bidding system. This classic was updated in 1985 and remains a sound reference for beginners - advancing players.
"Contract Bridge for Beginners: A Simple Concise Guide on Bidding and Play for the Novice" by Charles H. Goren is the first book on Contract Bridge for beginners which introduces them at once to the generally accepted 'Point Count' method of bidding used by most bridge players.
"Bridge basics" by Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites is exactly what its title suggests. A modern book (6th Edition, 2011) on the basics of bridge bidding and play.

"Bridge Basics (Standard American Edition)" by Ron Klinger and Alan Truscott is a collection of
lessons that teach the fundamentals of bridge and the basics of the bidding system used in North America.
Unavailable at Amazon.co.uk |
"Bridge Basics in Three Weeks" by Alan Truscott covers every aspect of the game. Written for the beginner, it proceeds step by step through each phase of play, from the first deal to slam bidding and play.

"Basic Bridge" by Peter Arnold
is a practical and jargon-free guide to bridge containing everything you need to know for a sound grounding in the game
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The Elements
of Play |
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Ruth Cohen |
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"The Elements of Play" by Ruth Cohen stresses play of the hand. Hold-up plays, duck and safety plays, entries, finesses, leads and signals.

"Bridge for Beginners and Beyond" by Karen Walker is a a self-teaching textbook for learners and advancing players who want to improve their skills. Lessons begin with the bare basics and progress to more advanced topics and conventions.
Unavailable from Amazon.co.uk
"Five-Card Majors" by Ron Klinger is a basic book for beginners wishing to learn the basics of the bidding system thast is most widely used in North America and the rest of the world.
"Concise Bridge" by Sally Brock really does start at the very beginning - with a discription of a deck of cards and the suits. Perfect for someone who knows absolutely nothing about the game of bridge.
"Defence (Collins Bridge for Beginners)" by Zia Mahmood covers the most difficult part of the game in a way that beginners can understand.

"An Introduction to the Science of Bidding" by Brian Richardson is a beginner's book that will appeal to those who intend to eventually play duplicate bridge. In addition to the basics, the author teaches weak two bids, Jacoby transfers and other popular conventions.

"The Complete Idiot's Guide to Bridge" by Anthony Medley is a comprehensive lesson book for beginners, with good explanations of the logic behind bridge bidding. Every chapter has a number of quiz hands.
"Duplicate Bridge" by Alfred Sheinwold helps the beginner to discover the different strategies to be used in a duplicate game. The book includes the mechanics of duplicate bridge together with bidding and play instruction.
"Bridge for Bright Beginners" by Terence Reese has a logical step-by-step method that allows you to see the workings of game from the start. It contains simple common-sensical chapters on bidding, play and defense, scoring, and elementary bridge strategies.
"Bridge for People Who Don't Know One Card from Another" by Ray Young and Sally Brock is a bridge book for beginners that really does start from the basics.
"The Little Book of Bridge Tips" by Peter French gives tips about the key areas of bridge: defence, play and bidding. This book also teaches important psychological aspects of the game, including advice on how to be a good partner.
"Teach Yourself Bridge" by David Bird is a step-by-step approach to learning bridge, suitable both for the beginner and those who are looking to improve their game. This work includes a glossary for quick reference.
"Contract Bridge for Beginners and Intermediate Players" by Alan Truscott is a great introduction to Bridge by one of the premier personalities in the field. This book has since been re-written as "Fell's Bridge" by the same author and publisher.

"Winning Declarer Play" by Dorothy Hayden Truscott offers well-written, often humorous, advice for beginners who know the fundamentals and want to reduce their mistakes.
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Charles Michaels,
Ruth Cohen,
Shirley Silverman
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"4-3-2-1 Manual: The Ideal Student Textbook" by Charles Michaels, Ruth Cohen and Shirley Silverman contains complete bidding information for elementary, intermediate and advanced students. Both four card and five card major suit openings are explained and new material on the negative double, the unusual NoTrump, defense against preempts and dealing with interference over Blackwood has been added.
Contract bridge is a challenge to your intellect and competitive instinct - your passion for winning. As a beginning to intermediate player, in Fell's Know-it-all-guide “Contract Bridge: The Official Know-it-all-guide” you will encounter, through play-by-play explanations and simple diagrams, how to react through every hand. Do not worry, in Alan Truscott you have one of the world’s foremost authorities as your teacher.

“Easy Guide To Bridge” by Alan and Maureen Hiron is a practical book for the bridge newcomer, written by two of the world's foremost bridge writers. Even without prior knowledge of the game, it is possible for the reader to be playing bridge within a couple of hours. This non-technical guide will enhance understanding and enjoyment of the game for players at all levels.

Not only is defence more difficult than declarer play, but it is often seen by beginners as les fun. As a result they switch off - a habit to be avoided, because in reality you defend twice as often as you are declarer and defeating what seemed like an impenetrable contract can be extremely satisfying. "Basic Defence" by Freddie North, a handbook by one of the UK's most respected teachers and players concentrates on the essentials needed for basic defence and just what you have to do to visualize and subsequently thwart declarer's plan.

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