"121 Tips For Better Bridge: Fully Revised and Updated " by Paul Mendelson. This book is aimed at the social bridge player who knows the rules and can play a reasonable hand, but wants to refine his skills and improve his understanding of the game; this modern (2010) book is the perfect guide. Packed with those gems of knowledge it usually takes years to accumulate, this invaluable book offers solid advice on how best to deal with a variety of situations. The tips range from simple to more advanced and all are clearly explained and are illustrated by an example hand and a reader's test. There is no simpler or more enjoyable way to improve bridge skills.
"Test Your Bridge" by Victor Mollo. If you are a bridge player with any experience, you will find this the most interesting and the most rewarding book you've ever read. You may think you know the game well, and that you handle your cards with some authority; but if you are willing to pit yourself against Mollo's bridge tests, you may find your ego somewhat deflated.
On the other hand, you'll learn more about how to handle your cards as a declarer, and how to handle your cards as a defender than you ever thought possible.
One of the joys of this book is that you read a question, turn the page, and immediately find the answer in full--not at the end of the book, but directly after the question. And you'll find the answer presented with a clarity that will leave no doubt as to its logic.
Another nice thing about this book is that you can read it a second and a third time with just about as much relish as on the first reading. No, you won't get everything right the second time around--not by a long shot--but you'll have learnt, as your improved scores will show, an awful lot about bridge play.
Victor Mollo, one of the brainiest bridge writers ever, challenges you in a unique manner, but we'll guarantee that this book will raise the level of your game, both as a declarer and in defense.
Test Your Bridge
Victor Mollo
The Bridge Immortals
Victor Mollo
"The Bridge Immortals" by Victor Mollo. Appointing himself the messenger of the gods, Victor Mollo issued 'invitations to Olympus' to members of today's bridge elite who, he feels, are undoubtedly destined for immortality. All but two accepted the invitation, and with their co-operation he presents his Immortals, introducing each to the reader with a lively sketch highlighting his character and achievements. Each one brings with him his favorite hands. Some of these are spectacular, some humorous. Some occurred at rubber bridge, others at decisive moments in national and international championships. But all exemplify the subtlety of which only the best players are capable - when they are at their best. Victor Mollo's thirty-five Immortals include eleven North Americans, eight Britons and six members of Italy's invincible Blue Team. The book is illustrated with photographs and contains over one hundred 'immortal' hands.
"Bridge Writers' Choice 1964 and 1968 - Books Written By Members of the International Bridge Press Association". In the United States alone, more than 900 daily newspapers and 2,000 lesser journals publish bridge columns; in Europe the proportion of newspaper that have bridge columns and bridge editors is similarly great; all over the world one can pick up his newspaper of a morning and read about the latest bridge hand. Now we have two books written, selected and edited by the very men and women who have created and continue to create this matchless literature of Contract Bridge. For the many bridge players who, anxious to improve their skill if this can be done painlessly, but who find it difficult if not impossible to concentrate on books which set out to teach the game, bridge hands with a story to hold the reader's interest are the answer. And who better to tell a good story than the men and women whose work it is to write the bridge columns which appear in literally thousands of national magazines, weekly and daily newspapers, and the many magazines devoted entirely to Contract Bridge?These are members of the International Bridge Press Association, an admirable exemplar of the many worthy associations of journalists throughout the world. They are not only the premier writers about Bridge; they are almost without exception expert players of Bridge - national champions, internationalists, in several cases world champions. The stories involved are ones which have caught the imagination of the bridge writer concerned.
Bridge Press
Bridge Press
The Only Chance
Eric Jannersten
"The Only Chance" by Eric Jannersten, adapted and translated by Hugh Kelsey. With this book the reader is presented with around 75 hands where the contract is at risk, either due to a bad split, or the opponents finding the right lead against a risky contract.
The reader must visualize a lay out that will allow the contract to make, such as the defender with the long trumps also holding four clubs, or the diamonds being split 3-2 with the doublton QJ on the right. The holding that the reader must play for will always be plausible (lets say 10%) as opposed to a ridiculous (1%).
The reader also has to use the bidding , the opening lead, and the play so far to draw inferences. In addition you must consider timing and entries. A simple or double squeeze is required on a number of hands. Recommended for advanced intermediates players and above.
"Suit Bidding with the Jacoby and Stayman Conventions" by Ray Mathews. Discover the ease of suit-bidding with Jacoby Transfer and Stayman Club conventions. Know whether ‘part score’ or ‘game’ is there, usually in the first two bids. Find more major suit contracts and better scores. You’ll be amazed how easy it is to recognize slams immediately with the unique jump-bid style of the JS System. Learn to recognize and bid game with a ‘Silver Fit’. And never be forced to ‘keep the bidding open for partner’ again or waste a bid in NT in ‘denial’ as in Standard American.
Unavailable at Amazon.co.uk
"COBRA: The New Computer-based Bidding System" by E. Torbjörn Lindelof of Sweden. COBRA - Computer Oriented Bridge Analysis, is the resultant bidding system founded on computer evaluation of the evaluation and distributional factors of card combinations. To some degree the Cobra system is related to the Schenken Club after certain refinements were made to the computer result. The Cobra system adheres to its own hand evaluation methods, which were entered into the computer for analysis, and these methods set precise limits on bids. However, the high card point ranges are to a degree only approximations, give or take a few percent and the ranges for No Trump openings and the 2 Diamonds opening were independantly assigned. The system is precisely defined, which makes it possible for computers to use it.
3-D and The MAFIA Club
Ken Lindsay
"3-D and The MAFIA Club" by Kenneth L. Lindsay. Mafia stands for MAjors FIrst Always. The main idea of Mafia is to open 1/ as often as possible. In principle, Mafia is a strong 1 Club system, but since the openings 1/ may be based on three cards only, the system is ranked among the artificial systems. If the openings 1 and 1 are made on 3 cards, the suit is at least as strong as K10x.
The Official ACBL Encyclopedia of Bridge [Hardcover] by
Brent Manley is an indispensible collection of information and instruction on the card game bridge. There are entries on history, organizations, tournaments, rules, terminology, bidding systems, conventions, card play, suit combinations, squeezes, math, biographies, and more. A new format, 25% larger type and a new index make this 2011 edition user friendly. For the first time, it has hundreds of photos. Written under the auspices of the ACBL. Belongs in every bridge player's library.
"The Ins and Outs and Wins of Contract Bridge " by Ira Martin. A bridge book to delight and inform every level of player. Contents:
How to Become a Good Player
Bridge for the Blind
Famous Bridge Tournaments
Probable Distribution of Cards
A Glossary of Contract Bridge
Bidding Systems
Kinds of Bridge
History of Playing cards
Contract Bridge Scoring
Bridge Conventions
What makes a Bridge Expert?
Bridge-playing Presidents
Bridge Coups
Rule of eleven and Jacoby's ARCH
Partnership Psychology and Card Sense
Ten commandments of Duplicate Bridge
... and much more.
Unavailable at Amazon.co.uk
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