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Bermuda Bowl Challange |
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Allan Falk |
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It has been done before and it will be done again - in "Spingold Challenge" Allan Falk gives you 64 problems (bidding, declarer play and defense) that you are faced with during during an imaginary teams of 4 final. The spingold is, of course, a premiere American knock-out team event. The deals are collected from a variety of sources and the majority are distinctly challenging. At the end of each sixteen board session you compare your IMP score with that of your imaginary team-mates and, eventually, find out how well you have done. Unlike real life, every deal presents a tricky problem; and if you ever had to play 64 boards like this you would be exhausted. The book is not for the beginner but ideal for the keen improver; it is well and pleasantly written. "Team Trial" is a follow-up book in a similar vein. "Bermuda Bowl Challange" is the final book of the trilogy, with 80 deals to test your bidding and play. |
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Do you ever wish that you had a bridge magazine or news-paper bridge column? Not if Danny Roth was looking over your shoulder! In "Spot the Bridge Writer's Blunder" he takes columnists to task for sloppy and just plain wrong analysis.
In "Beat the Experts at Bridge" he checks up on 88 dubious etudes. Then he asks 'what was wrong with that?'. Finally he shows you how the melody should have gone.
You will learn plenty from these books and probably enjoy a guilty pleasure or two when you see what the columnist didn't.
Bridge Writer's Blunder |
Beat the Experts at Bridge |
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Spot the Bridge Writer's Blunder
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Danny Roth |
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Mike Lawrence |
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The most prolific author of major bridge books in America brings us a two part account of falsecarding, dealing with a variety of maneuvers by the declarer and by defenders. Everybody loves a good swindle as much as or more than a good play or bid. In "False Cards" Mike Lawrence shows you just about all of the deceptions available to declarer or defender. This is the only book devoted soley to the topic of legal stealing.
This is a dangerous subject, but if you have the discipline to to use this stuff properly and promise not to confuse your partner when he is still important, falsecards can be a potent weapon for you.

Actually, even if you read only about declarer's falsecards, you you will have a huge gain. For example, your LHO bids ♠'s and you end up in 4♥. This is the ♠ suit. West leads the ♠K, promising the ♠A. You, South, play low from dummy and East plays the ♠5. You do not want West to continue with the ♠A and a third ♠ to give his partner a ruff. How should you try to stop this?
Should you play the jack, the eight or the three? Why?
You will have to read the book to find out! |
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"Case For the Defence" by Victor Mollo
comprises three sections, each containing 50 quiz deals. The first section introduces common themes in defence. The last two sections can be read in any order; the author predicts that whatever the order, you will score most on the one you do last. By carefully going through each hand the standard of your defence can't help but improve.
The material covered in the quizzes starts with the opening lead and then goes through common defensive techniques. The key to success is identification of the problem. On some hands you must identify the cards required from partner to defeat the contract and play accordingly. On others you need to identify declarer's strategy and block it. This book will help you to acquire the experience to identify the clues available from the bidding and play; it is aimed at the imtermediate or more advanced player.

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The Best of Gray
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Robert Gray &
Raymond Brock |
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Very often after the game a number of bridge players will sit around ichatting about the hands and bridge in general. The conversation sometimes turns to everyone's favorite bridge books and you can pretty much guarantee that someone will mention - The Country Life Book of Bridge, the collection of Robert Gray's articles that appeared in Country Life. In "The Best of Gray" Raymond Brock has edited and updated those articles, omitting those that have dated and replacing them with other Gray articles that have appeared elsewhere.
Unavailable at Amazon.co.uk |
Shortly after 1966, contracts which had hitherto been routinely sucessful were being regularly defeated. Players who were wont to drop a trick here and there had suddenly become niggardly. No doubt many declarers rued the appearance of Hugh Kelsey's "Killing Defence at Bridge" which was to blame for their reduced rate of success in dummy play. Although now 40 years old, this book is a timeless classic that has been republished.

How many times have you found yourself defending and wriggling with anguish at having to discard apparently certain winners? Hugh Kelsey's target in "More Killing Defence at Bridge" is to help you avoid such pain and other agonies that a competent declarer may inflict. Sound defence is the hallmark of the accomplished bridge player and consistent performance, as with any game, is only acheived through repeated practice. By helping you to develop nsights into the hidden possibilities in the lie and play of the cards, this book will make you a feared opponent.

"Modern Bridge Conventions" by William S Root and Richard Pavlicek has a description of how the 50 or so popular bidding conventions work but it also goes into great depth about how the second and third rounds of bidding might continue after each convention is used; how different conventions interact with each other; and how to cope with the loss of the natural bid you had to give up to adopt the convention.
Every convention in the book is rated as a one, two or three star convention according to how complex it is, making it easier for less experienced players to decide which conventions are worth learning first. There is also an appendix showing how to mark each convention on the ACBL convention card.

Conventions are a vital element of bidding in bridge and, unless they are clearly and easily understood, they can be destructively dangerous. "Bridge Conventions, Defences and Countermeasures" explains dozens of conventions and covers in detail how they can be used and how they are often misused. Ron Klinger, one of the world's top bridge teachers and authors, is a brilliant exponent of the subject and has here produced a leading book of conventions - no keen player should be without it.

There are definite benefits in allowing a One No-Trump opening to include a 5-card major and more and more experts at international level have adopted such a style. If you are an ambitious player and are keen to improve the range of your no-trump bidding you will need a method to locate a 5-card major with opener and also to discover if there is a 4-4 major fit. "5-Card Major Stayman" by Ron Klinger provides an easy structure that allows you to do just that and still enables you to use transfers to either major. The drawback of the trearment is that responder must have invitational or better values to bid Stayman.

"DONT - Distrubing Opponents' No Trump" by Michael Lawrence. DONT is a convention for interfering with the opposition's 1NT opening. Designed by Marty Bergen and first published by Larry Cohen, this latest version of DONT has been fully rewritten and reworked by Mike Lawrence. Lawrence introduces the book and makes three strong statements: |
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DONT is alertable and you must explain it correctly if asked. |
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DONT is specifically designed to be used against the strong NoTrump. |
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DONT is intended to make life hard for the opponents - reaching game for your side is not the aim of the convention. |
"The Lebensohl convention complete in contract bridge" by Ron Andersen is a thorough coverage of all three common uses of Lebensohl:
(1) |
after a 1NT opening, |
(2) |
after partner has doubled an opponents' weak two-bid, |
(3) |
after partner has reversed. |
Many example hands of the three scenarios are given. You and your partner read really have to read this book to avoid having another expensive Lebensohl misunderstanding! |
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Lebensohl convention
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Mike Lawrence |
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"Bridge Conventions Complete"
by Amalya Kearse is a comprehensive, 1100-page encyclopedia that covers hundreds of conventions and treatments. Its last printing was in 1990 and so it doesn't have information on newer conventions, but it's still a valuable addition to any bridge library.

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Matthew and Pamela Granovetter
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In this expanded edition of the best-seller "Conventions at a Glance", by Matthew and Pamela Granovetter, more than 190 conventions and how to defend against them are covered in a handy pocket-sized guide, including 30 new conventions. Keep this book by your computer when playing bridge on the Internet!

"Modern Bidding Tools Set: New Minor, Fourth Suit, Forcing Notrump Responses" by Max Hardy covers in detail the advanced bridge bidding topics of New Minor Forcing, Fourth Suit Forcing and The Forcing NoTrump.

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Splinters and Other Shortness Bids
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Max Hardy |
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"Splinters and Other Shortness Bids" by Max Hardy covers splinters by both opener and responder, mini splinters and other similar topics like
Splinters in Notrump Auctions, Splinters after Preemptive Opening Bids, and Conventions Devised to Show Shortness.

In "Bridge Conventions - Defending Against Pre-Empts" British international and journalist Brian Senior gives advice on defending against weak twos, threes and higher pre-empts.
"Bridge Pointers and Tests" is a 1927 classic by Milton C Work - the inventer of the 4321 point count. It
shortens the road to winning bridge and aids new players in quickly grasping the essentials of Auction Bridge, and serves as a concise and dependable guide for experts.

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Winning Card Play |
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Hugh Kelsey |
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Although "Winning Card Play" by Hugh Kelsey first appeared in 1979, it remains a model of what an instructive book should be; covering aspects of declarer play in detail and written in the beautiful lucid style that has become the Kelsey trademark.

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Conventional Bidding Explained
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Freddie North |
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Modern bidding has progressed immeasurably over the last few years and keeping pace can be a daunting task for even the most dedicated of bridge players. "Conventional Bidding Explained" by Freddie North explains 30 bidding conventions and describes five key defence systems.
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Bridge Conventions
For You
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Ron Klinger & Andrew Kambites |
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If you are keen to master one of the key areas of modern bridge bidding, then the exciting book "Bridge Conventions for You" by Ron Klinger and Andrew Kambites is for you. It explains the logic behind the most popular conventions so that players can understand their functions and decide which suit their style of play. The latest popular conventions have been incorporated in this new, enlarged edition.

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