Beginner's bridge conventions books |
Author |
on page: |
20 Great Conventions Flipper |
Ron Klinger |
Andrew Robson's Conventions Flipper (Bridge Flipper) |
Andrew Robson |
Biggest Little Bridge Book in the World - Everyday Bridge Conventions |
Jim Becker |
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Bridge Conventions For You  |
Ron Klinger, Andrew Kambites |
Bridge Conventions Made Clear |
Rhoda Lederer |
▬ |
Bridge Players Digest of Conventions |
Morris Kornfeld |
▬ |
Common Bridge Conventions Flipper |
Ron Klinger |
▬ |
Commonly Used Conventions in the 21st Century |
Audrey Grant |
Conventions at a Glance |
Matthew & Pamela Gravonetter |
Conventional Bidding Explained |
Freddie North |
Current Conventions Made Clear |
Ben Cohen, Rhoda Barrow |
Everyone's Guide to the New Convention Card |
Marty Bergen |
▬ |
Everyone's Introduction to Bridge Conventions |
Shelly de Satnick |
Guide to Bridge Conventions |
Norman Squire |
▬ |
Handbook of Most Widely Used Bridge Conventions |
Charles H Goren |
▬ |
▬ |
More Commonly Used Conventions |
Audrey Grant |
Pocket Guide to Bridge Conventions You Should Know |
Barbara Seagram |
▬ |
Popular Conventions (The Official Better Bridge Series) |
Audrey Grant |
Simple Conventions (How to Play Bridge Series) |
Mark Howard Horton |
▬ |
Winnie's Basic Conventions for the Novice Bridge Player |
Arlene Sims |
▬ |
Intermediate bridge conventions books |
25 Bridge Conventions for Acol Players |
Sandra Landy, Mark Horton |
25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know |
Barbara Seagram, Marc Smith |
Bridge Conventions
Stayman, Blackwood, Strong Two Clubs, Forcing Notrump, Takeout Double, Cue Bid... |
books LCC |
▬ |
Bridge Conventions Complete |
Amalya Kearse |
Bridge Conventions, Defences and Countermeasures |
Ron Klinger |
Bridge Conventions, Finesses, and Coups |
Terence Reese |
Bridge Conventions for You |
Ron Klinger, Andrew Kambites |
Classic and Modern Conventions |
Magnus Lindkvist |
▬ |
Conventional Bidding Explained |
Freddie North |
Conventional Wisdom Plus a Comprehensive Guide to Modern Bridge Conventions Advanced Bidding, Defending and Playing Concepts |
Jean J. Reaves |
Conventions at a Glance |
Pamela Granovetter |
Conventions Today (Better Bridge Now) |
Brian Senior |
Handbook of Most Widely Used Bridge Conventions |
Reviewed By Charles Goren. |
▬ |
Modern Bridge Conventions |
William Root, Richard Pavlicek |
Suit Bidding with the Jacoby and Stayman Conventions |
Ray Mathews |
▬ |
Winning Conventions |
Victor Mollo |
▬ |
Advanced bridge conventions books |
25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know |
Barbara Seagram, David Bird |
Bridge Conventions: Techniques of Modern Bidding |
Eddie Kantar |
Bridge Conventions in Depth |
Matthew & Palema Granovetter |
Books about specific bridge conventions |
Benjamin Twos |
Derrick Browne |
▬ |
Control Asking: or Blackwood & all that jazz |
Joe Amsbury |
▬ |
Defences to a Strong Club (Bridge Conventions) |
Mark Horton |
▬ |
Defences to One No Trump (Bridge Conventions) |
Roman Smolski |
▬ |
Defending Against Pre-Empts (Bridge Conventions) |
Brian Senior |
DONT convention (Disturbing opponents' no trump) |
Mike Lawrence |
Doubles in Competition |
Joe Amsbury |
Fishbein convention (Defence to 3-level pre-empts) |
Harry J. Fishbein |
▬ |
Five Card Major Stayman |
Ron Klinger |
Flannery Two Diamond Opening |
Bill Flannery |
Fourth suit forcing |
Max Hardy |
Gerber Four Club Slam Convention, The
John Gerber |
▬ |
Helms to Hello
HELLO is an effective convention for competing over the opponents' 1NT |
Jerry Helms |
Highroad to Winning Bridge - Do You Play Stayman? |
Samuel M. Stayman |
▬ |
Intermediate two-bids in bridge:
A modern alternative for standard American bidders |
Don Gold |
▬ |
Jacoby & Texas transfers convention |
Mike Lawrence |
Journalist leads |
Lawrence Rosler |
Lebensohl |
Brian Senior |
▬ |
Lebensohl Convention Complete |
Ron Anderson |
Lebensohl Convention |
Mike Lawrence |
▬ |
Let's play "CAB": The standardised two clubs convention |
George Gordon J Walshe |
▬ |
Losing Trick Count |
Ron Klinger |
Losing Trick Count Flipper |
Ron Klinger |
Major Suit Raises |
Mike Lawrence |
Modern Bidding Tools Set: Fourth Suit Sorcing/New Minor Forcing After One Notrump Rebid/Forcing Notrump Responses |
Max Hardy |
Multi-Coloured Two Diamonds |
Brian Senior |
▬ |
Mysterious Multi: How to Play It, How to Play Against It |
Mark Horton & Jan van Cleeff |
Negative and Responsive Doubles |
Harold Feldheim |
Negative Doubles: A must read for every partnership |
Marty Bergen |
Negative Doubles for Acol Players |
Marty Bergen, Tim Bourke |
New Minor Forcing After a Notrump Rebid |
Max Hardy |
▬ |
▬ |
Roman Key-card Blackwood |
Brian Senior |
▬ |
Roman Keycard Blackwood: The Final Word |
Eddie Kantar |
Roman Two Diamond Opening and Variations, The |
Robert Munger |
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▬ |
Stayman convention (Championship bridge series) |
Paul Soloway |
▬ |
Splinters and Other Shortness Bids |
Max Hardy |
Sweep Q-Bids and Other Treatments
Ted Brashler |
▬ |
Take-out Double (Bridge Conventions) |
Tony P. Sowter |
▬ |
Transfers after one no trump (Bridge conventions) |
Sally Sowter |
▬ |
Weak two bids |
Brian Senior |
▬ |
Woodson 2-way no trump |
William B Woodson |
▬ |
Other similar Books of interest |
Everyone's Guide to the New Convention Card |
Marty Bergen |
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Forgive me, partner!: The guide to a successful partnership |
Pamela Granovetter |
Play My Card.: more than 100 ACBL Convention Cards, prepared by expert pairs and players |
Bill Roney, Max Hardy |
Partnership Agreements: A Presentation of Commonly Used Bidding Systems and Conventions Outlining Areas That Require Partnership Agreement |
Clarke Fairbrother |
Partnership Misunderstandings |
Donald Walsh |
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Partnership Understandings
: Stop bidding misunderstandings before they occur with this valuable guide. It covers all the significant points you should discuss with your partner. |
Mike Lawrence |